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Old 17-07-2016, 02:14 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by Latemex View Post
Actually bro, I agree that you made a valid argument. Its not as simple as throwing money away. My friends used to tell me - want gf? got car got $$ can already!
So I work my ass off to get both. I learnt to be responsible, develop my capabilities in work. But still no change. On the other hand you hear stories of pretty girls paying for their asshole boyfriends who cheat on them and live off them.
What am I doing wrong sia?!?

So I scour the forum seeking inspiration. So I have to thank you for sharring your theories. Among the many theories, as long as ONE works, I have benefited, so please continue contributing. I've also learnt that the thing about people is they cannot be calculated or predicted. These theories only improve your chances, but there is no 100% guarentee that it will work on all girls either.

Intellect exudes from your words, so may I appeal to bro to not make this an argument but continue the discussion which is the original purpose of the thread?
You must be very ugly then! Lol this thread never fail to make me lol!
Old 18-07-2016, 11:25 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by korean View Post
Looks like I should not throw away the idea of improving my Buddhism knowledge in Tibet in months time even I'm still in relationship with my prc gf
Hi bro korea,

Tks for ur post. Do more meditation.

Buddhism is very scientific n I agree w/ all its doctrine including “随其缘对,善有善报,恶有恶报,” w/ only one important exception. I vehemently disagree that humans hv free will.

《缨络经·有行无行品》:“又问目连:‘何者是行报耶?’目连白佛言:‘随其缘对,善有善报,恶有恶报。’ ”

The position of every particle, known n unknown, in our universe since the Big Bang, has followed the laws of physics n is predetermined. To change the position of just one particle for a tiny fraction of one mm would require unimaginable force from outside our universe. A human is composed of particles. How could a human or anything else hv free will?

What is the true self or true nature of a human? Particles n forces.


Bro WB

Originally Posted by Latemex View Post
Actually bro, I agree that you made a valid argument. Its not as simple as throwing money away. My friends used to tell me - want gf? got car got $$ can already!
So I work my ass off to get both. I learnt to be responsible, develop my capabilities in work. But still no change. On the other hand you hear stories of pretty girls paying for their asshole boyfriends who cheat on them and live off them.
What am I doing wrong sia?!?

So I scour the forum seeking inspiration. So I have to thank you for sharring your theories. Among the many theories, as long as ONE works, I have benefited, so please continue contributing. I've also learnt that the thing about people is they cannot be calculated or predicted. These theories only improve your chances, but there is no 100% guarentee that it will work on all girls either.

Intellect exudes from your words, so may I appeal to bro to not make this an argument but continue the discussion which is the original purpose of the thread?
Hi bro latemax,

Thanks so much for your post. Congrats to you for improving yourself everyday.

It's not where you start - it's where you finish that counts!

Yes, every doll is different.

Perhaps you're too nice n you care too much n you're too attached to the outcome.

If you hv the mindset of a prestigious badass gentleman n if you hv awesome emotional mastery, your chances are greatly increased.

Remember this: You're forever the prize n you always assume that all the pretty dolls of your type are greatly attracted to you. And you want their pussies, but you don't need them. They can take it or leave it.

One of our two resident RS n sex gurus calls you ugly just because you hv not been as successful as you want. How could he possibly know that from reading your post n looking at your nick? Is he a psychic? Or is he delusional? I

It's very likely your standards are very high n you don't want to settle or lower ur standards.

From their posts which are very scanty in words, I surmise that they believe only two factors will attract beautiful pussies: A man's money n his good looks. If that were true, why would an old n over-the-hill woman (I consider any woman over the age of 30 as old) leave a wealthy man who is The Sexiest Man Alive?

I'll tell u why. We are most attracted to a doll's looks n figure, whereas dolls are most attracted to a man's behaviour n character traits. And the most attractive masculine trait is a man's emotional n self mastery.

My conclusion: The old woman left her wealthy n "The Sexiest Man Alive" husband because he has zero emotional mastery, period. Same for Elvis Presley n many other clueless n childlike "men." They are not men in my book, just little boys.

Let's talk about the "UGLY" bro, shall we? From reading his posts here n on other threads, I hv to conclude that he is intellectually challenged n I'm being politically correct n very kind here. Not sure if it's congenital or acquired. Could be both nature n nurture? But there is something a lot more troubling n more sinister...which implies a very poor prognosis.

He is "laughing out loud" constantly n inappropriately!

Some of the more common causes: Drug or medication abuse, alcohol intoxication, brain tumor, dementia, pseudobulbar palsy, extreme social anxiety or phobia, temporal lobe injury, major psychosis...

His delusion n inappropriate laughter are suggestive of a major psychosis plus extreme social phobia. But such a man is often very intelligent. I can't explain his low IQ. Brain tumor? Early dementia? Brain trauma? Substance abuse?

My advice is for him to seek immediate medical attention. I never met him, but I do wish him well.


Bro WB

Last edited by warbird; 18-07-2016 at 01:04 PM.
Old 18-07-2016, 01:09 PM
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Cool Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Some pussies will say no to all the money n treasures in this world. They are like Brutus in Julius Caesar when he said: " I love the name of honor more than I fear death." For such dolls, there are many effective strategies to unlock their pussies...

Let me reiterate: Money may get u most pussies, but it will not help to capture their hearts. Use of excessive money may backfire. I want a doll's pussy n her heart.

You also forgot another big factor: TIME

Yes! Some Pussies will say no to all the money once they know that name of honor is worth a million. I do experience it in my life.
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Old 18-07-2016, 01:57 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by AAconnection View Post
Some pussies will say no to all the money n treasures in this world. They are like Brutus in Julius Caesar when he said: " I love the name of honor more than I fear death." For such dolls, there are many effective strategies to unlock their pussies...

Let me reiterate: Money may get u most pussies, but it will not help to capture their hearts. Use of excessive money may backfire. I want a doll's pussy n her heart.

You also forgot another big factor: TIME

Yes! Some Pussies will say no to all the money once they know that name of honor is worth a million. I do experience it in my life.
Bro AAconnection,

Yes, I hv experienced it in my life too.

Some girls/women would rather die than lose their integrity/chastity. They hv earned my greatest respect.

Here is a good quote from a Japanese man.

“You may abandon your own body but you must preserve your honour.”

― Miyamoto Musashi, from A Book of Five Rings

Honor, above all other things, is what makes a true prestigious badass gentleman. It is easy to be tough and mean, but honor is what makes the difference between a MAN and a coward.


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Old 18-07-2016, 11:16 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Good evening!

I hv a SH outing to Lido Palace (Havelock n Outram) tomorrow.

I hv balance and four bros hv confirmed. I like to invite one more kaki so that the outing will be more fun. PM me if interested.

Pls refer to my post on 7 July for details including expense per pax.

BTW, I warmly welcome the two resident sex gurus (bros topman n AAdam) to my Lido outing tmr n I'll pay for their expenses except booking of gals. However, they MUST bring their beautiful GFs/lovers, fair enough? PM me asap. It will be an eye opener for me as they ridicule the theories of ALL the famous gurus as BS. Yup, I love to wake up tomorrow evening when I meet them and their gorgeous SYTs. They can drink all they want n I'll pay for the extra bottle myself. But they hv to smoke outside the room.


Bro WB
Old 19-07-2016, 02:13 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro War Bird

just read your last 3 pages. Interesting enough, it is the exact items i am missing. Emotional master.

Spent too much time reading tech and stuff that is bringing me nowhere. Hopefully I will be able to pick up the EQ portion fast enough. will be helpful in terms of work and relationship management. ( have wife liao... kid coming soon too.)

Nice writing on the learnings. Thumbs up for effort!
in cunts we trusted n now we busted.
Old 19-07-2016, 12:10 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by XinJiao View Post
Bro War Bird

just read your last 3 pages. Interesting enough, it is the exact items i am missing. Emotional master.

Spent too much time reading tech and stuff that is bringing me nowhere. Hopefully I will be able to pick up the EQ portion fast enough. will be helpful in terms of work and relationship management. ( have wife liao... kid coming soon too.)

Nice writing on the learnings. Thumbs up for effort!
Bro XinJiao,

Thanks for your post. You make my day!!

Yeah, if a man doesn't hv good emotional n self mastery, nothing else will work for him. Not just in his RS w/ gals/women, but also in biz, career n other areas of his life.


"My theory is that women respond to this like nothing else on earth because the truth is that this is the greatest sign of power, and the most difficult to achieve, the most difficult for a woman to find in a man."

Let me be introspective n be brutally honest w/ myself n rate my own success w/ gals/women of my type.

From a scale of 0 to 10, 0 being the worst n 10 being the best. When I joined SBF in 2007, I was 0-1. And now, maybe 4-5. I hv a long way to go. My overall success parallels my improvement in emotional n self mastery.


A man w/ zero emotional mastery is a coward. Does a coward hv gallantry n honor? Could he provide for n protect his woman n her kids in times of needs n in dangerous situations? A coward will only dare to bully n assault people weaker than him.

The fictional Caledon Nathan Hockley in Titanic was a rich n handsome young man. He is a classic example of an evil coward!!


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Old 20-07-2016, 02:38 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Good afternoon!

I'm deeply disappointed that the two local RS n sex "hotshots," who derided the theories n collective wisdom of all the famous gurus n medical experts as bogus n "fart," hv not responded to my challenge.

Not even a hint of a "fart" from them. And neither did they show up yesterday at my outing.

I was looking forward to learning something revolutionary n enlightening.

My conclusion: They are intellectually challenged, wussy cowards. No gallantry, no honor n no responsiblity. They won't even dare to defend their views n position. They hv zero self respect n zero emotional mastery!! One of them may also hv a concomitant medical condition whose prognosis is guarded at best.

BTW, my SH outing to Lido last night w/ 4 bros was also disappointing. The quality of gals was so so except for a SYT I had upped several times before. She was shy n tried to hide from me. I pretended I didn't see her. I called two singers w/ very nice badonkadonk to sit w/ me so that I could squeeze their butt. They are both quite old.


Bro WB
Old 21-07-2016, 04:10 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

outing with no good returns on the ladies is kinda dulan and disappointing...

better luck next time.
in cunts we trusted n now we busted.
Old 21-07-2016, 10:59 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by XinJiao View Post
outing with no good returns on the ladies is kinda dulan and disappointing...
better luck next time.
Good morning bro XinJiao,

No, not dulan.

Can't expect to meet a new SYT/woman of my type everyday. By going often, my odds of finding one are increased.

I'm always n forever mode one. When I meet a gal I like to up, I'll whisper to her exactly what is in my mind asap. I'm radically honest, direct n upfront. If I want to up her tmr, I'll say so. If I find her sexy, I'll explain to her why. Must point out some of her flaws too...

If you're always brutally honest w/ a gal, she will find you more trustworthy, more genuine, more attractive, more masculine n less manipulative than a wussy "nice guy" who tries to flatter or suck up to her in order to get into her pants.

I was mode one w/ the two old singers the other day. One said I was very cute n the other said she would go to dinner w/ me FOC, but she would need to return to Lido by 8:30PM. I may not hv time for them.

Always have the abundance mindset n be mode one. Most importantly, you must possess formidable emotional mastery like a zen master.

Be very calm, relaxed, happy n self-assured whether your dream gal has just agreed to be your lover or just flatly rejected you. You feel exactly the same n you're totally detached to the outcome. She rejects u because she is not wise enough n well informed enough 还不开窍 to recognize your value, you must give the hapless gal more time to recognize u as the prize.


Bro WB
Old 21-07-2016, 11:07 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Hi bro Warbird,

I'm quite interested in the topic "emotional mastery". I believe it is a huge topic to be covered, and personally I have many questions in my mind. But let me throw out each question one by one.

I did ask u abt whether monk has the ultimate emotional mastery. As there are many type of emotions, and I believe monk does has symphathy for lifes, I wonder whether that considered as emotional mastery. I do understand that the "emotianl mastery" we covered in this thread is mainly for bf/gf relationship....

Yes I agree monk has the ultimate "emotional mastery" for bf/gf relationship aspect, however personally I feel ladies won't be interested in monk as they know monk will never fall in love with them, and they basically got near to zero chance to win monk heart. What attract the ladies is you need to give them some hopes that they maybe able to win your heart, and typically you need to show them some emotion, but a controlled one. So I believe the ultimate emotional mastery is you can fully release your REAL emotion towards the ladies, but you can cut off or control your emotion as well as and when necessary, in chinese 收放自如. You let the ladies fully indulge in ur emotion, at the same time she is afraid of losing it as she know u can take it back too. I think gigolo probably has this ability at best in general, that y u can see so many ladies willing to folk out money to buy gigolo heart, even willing to die for the man if u had watched the hk rated movie "gigolo king I"

update: lol I just realize I didn't really ask any questions but sharing my thought, and I have somemore "questions" in my mind but will share with you next time. Just like to hear your opinion.

Last edited by korean; 21-07-2016 at 11:19 PM.
Old 22-07-2016, 11:15 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by korean View Post
Hi bro Warbird,

I'm quite interested in the topic "emotional mastery". I believe it is a huge topic to be covered, and personally I have many questions in my mind. But let me throw out each question one by one.

I did ask u abt whether monk has the ultimate emotional mastery. As there are many type of emotions, and I believe monk does has symphathy for lifes, I wonder whether that considered as emotional mastery. I do understand that the "emotianl mastery" we covered in this thread is mainly for bf/gf relationship....

Yes I agree monk has the ultimate "emotional mastery" for bf/gf relationship aspect, however personally I feel ladies won't be interested in monk as they know monk will never fall in love with them, and they basically got near to zero chance to win monk heart. What attract the ladies is you need to give them some hopes that they maybe able to win your heart, and typically you need to show them some emotion, but a controlled one. So I believe the ultimate emotional mastery is you can fully release your REAL emotion towards the ladies, but you can cut off or control your emotion as well as and when necessary, in chinese 收放自如. You let the ladies fully indulge in ur emotion, at the same time she is afraid of losing it as she know u can take it back too. I think gigolo probably has this ability at best in general, that y u can see so many ladies willing to folk out money to buy gigolo heart, even willing to die for the man if u had watched the hk rated movie "gigolo king I"

update: lol I just realize I didn't really ask any questions but sharing my thought, and I have somemore "questions" in my mind but will share with you next time. Just like to hear your opinion.
Hi bro Korean,

Thank you so much for your post.

Self mastery n emotional mastery is NOT specific to man-woman RS.

A man who has even a little of it will never need to be a gigolo. Such a lowly person will hv little control when he meets his special one. King Fuchai had very little n Johnny Depp has none.


Two examples:

1) If you are captured by a group of terrorists n they are going to torture you n kill you slowly, yet you smile n hv zero fear.

2) A woman you hv loved deeply for years suddenly wants to leave you w/ your beloved kids, for no apparent reason. You smile n wish her well. You leave n never look back. You feel the same joy as if you just won the grand prize in Powerball.

IF you're such a MAN, then I'll kneel down n call you my master n sifu. I'll do whatever it takes to become such a MAN asap. Provided you're not demented n not a psychotic.

Saint Paul exhibited absolute self mastery when he was in the infamous Mamertine Prison in ancient Rome, before his crucifixion.

The MAN in the poem IF is good enough for me:

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too:
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream---and not make dreams your master;
If you can think---and not make thoughts your aim,
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same:.
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build'em up with worn-out tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings,
And never breathe a word about your loss:
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings---nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much:
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And---which is more---you'll be a Man, my son!

Rudyard Kipling

There is not a greater power on earth for a MAN to possess than absolute self n emotional mastery.

“He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still.”
― Lao Tzu


Bro WB
Old 22-07-2016, 05:05 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

Self mastery n emotional mastery is NOT specific to man-woman RS.
yes definitely not. That why I said it is a broad topic. For e.g. parent-son RS. I dunno what will be example like for absolute emotional mastery for such RS? Treat them like any other stranger as how monk does?

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
A man who has even a little of it will never need to be a gigolo. Such a lowly person will hv little control when he meets his special one. King Fuchai had very little n Johnny Depp has none.


Two examples:

1) If you are captured by a group of terrorists n they are going to torture you n kill you slowly, yet you smile n hv zero fear.

2) A woman you hv loved deeply for years suddenly wants to leave you w/ your beloved kids, for no apparent reason. You smile n wish her well. You leave n never look back. You feel the same joy as if you just won the grand prize in Powerball.
lol...for (1) I believe most if not all people can achieve that with ZERO fear, not sure abt monk though. I'm not afraid to die, may not be ZERO fear but probably close to, but I afraid of suffering from pains. If I die with minimal pain, no big deal for me, but torture with pain with zero fear, wow I must say this is really ultimate and whether u know of such cases n persons (to get into such situation is already a low probable event, to prove he has zero fear will be even tougher as the terrorists wont get him a physologists or scientist to study his mental state lol)

for (2), the woman I love most wanted to leave me not too long ago as she thought she could be the one causing me to divorce with my wife, ended up with zero cents in my pocket and she cannot bear to see me end up in such situation. She would not like to see herself as a potential culprit to damage a family, she pities for my wife too. Although I kept on convincing her tat even without her, I will do the same but she just want to stay away from such situation. Honestly I believe I can hardly find anyone more suitable than her to be my lifetime partner, however respect her decision and wish her well unhappy. Why I'm not happy, becoz I know she is deeply suffering from the departure, and I wish she should be happy if she decides to leave me. This is not one of the perfect scenario for me, that's why I cannot be happy. We decided wont contact each other anymore, so she deleted my wechat and qq acounts. Honestly I missed her for a few days, mainly becoz I can feel she is not doing well. If she is more happy by leaving me, I will be happy for her. She needs to find her happiness whether it is with me or others or alone, in order for me to feel joy n happy. Few days later, she contacted me back, which surprised me as I knew she is quite cruel from the past after leaving her bfs. She asked me to see her parents during next cny, so our rs resumes again. Yes I can leave her with smile, but I gotta make sure she is doing better without me.

I have 4 rs in my life so far (1st love, wife, 2 gfs in sequence), far cry from many bros n esp u. 1st love and both gfs used to leave me once or several times due to various reasons. I couldn't say I have zero emotion for such breaking up, but I'm getting better and better after every breaking up, not sure due to numbness or what. What I did well ever since my 1st love many years ago was, after breaking up, I resisted from contacting them, even some of them try to contact me back. I do not know whether anything to do with self mastery, but I believe it will happen again n again, but I do not wish tat to happen again and try to settle with the current one if not be single forever as I cannot bear to see woman suffering becoz of me. Probably I fail the emotion mastery of symphathy but I'm much better than before.

Last edited by korean; 22-07-2016 at 05:27 PM.
Old 22-07-2016, 05:39 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

which ktv?
Old 23-07-2016, 03:20 PM
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Smile Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by korean View Post
yes definitely not. That why I said it is a broad topic. For e.g. parent-son RS. I dunno what will be example like for absolute emotional mastery for such RS? Treat them like any other stranger as how monk does?

lol...for (1) I believe most if not all people can achieve that with ZERO fear, not sure abt monk though. I'm not afraid to die, may not be ZERO fear but probably close to, but I afraid of suffering from pains. If I die with minimal pain, no big deal for me, but torture with pain with zero fear, wow I must say this is really ultimate and whether u know of such cases n persons (to get into such situation is already a low probable event, to prove he has zero fear will be even tougher as the terrorists wont get him a physologists or scientist to study his mental state lol)

for (2), the woman I love most wanted to leave me not too long ago as she thought she could be the one causing me to divorce with my wife, ended up with zero cents in my pocket and she cannot bear to see me end up in such situation. She would not like to see herself as a potential culprit to damage a family, she pities for my wife too. Although I kept on convincing her tat even without her, I will do the same but she just want to stay away from such situation. Honestly I believe I can hardly find anyone more suitable than her to be my lifetime partner, however respect her decision and wish her well unhappy. Why I'm not happy, becoz I know she is deeply suffering from the departure, and I wish she should be happy if she decides to leave me. This is not one of the perfect scenario for me, that's why I cannot be happy. We decided wont contact each other anymore, so she deleted my wechat and qq acounts. Honestly I missed her for a few days, mainly becoz I can feel she is not doing well. If she is more happy by leaving me, I will be happy for her. She needs to find her happiness whether it is with me or others or alone, in order for me to feel joy n happy. Few days later, she contacted me back, which surprised me as I knew she is quite cruel from the past after leaving her bfs. She asked me to see her parents during next cny, so our rs resumes again. Yes I can leave her with smile, but I gotta make sure she is doing better without me.

I have 4 rs in my life so far (1st love, wife, 2 gfs in sequence), far cry from many bros n esp u. 1st love and both gfs used to leave me once or several times due to various reasons. I couldn't say I have zero emotion for such breaking up, but I'm getting better and better after every breaking up, not sure due to numbness or what. What I did well ever since my 1st love many years ago was, after breaking up, I resisted from contacting them, even some of them try to contact me back. I do not know whether anything to do with self mastery, but I believe it will happen again n again, but I do not wish tat to happen again and try to settle with the current one if not be single forever as I cannot bear to see woman suffering becoz of me. Probably I fail the emotion mastery of symphathy but I'm much better than before.
Hi bro korea,

Thank you for your post.

Supposing there is a man who loves his kids unconditionally, but he doesn't feel sadness and pain if something tragic should happen to one of them. That is an example of absolute emotional mastery. He accepts whatever is happening in his life n he is happy now. He knows everything n every event is predetermined.

Such a man will also hv zero fear when facing torture n death. Saint Paul was such a man when he was incarcerated in the infamous Mamertine dungeon in ancient Rome.

Wow, you truly love your current GF. Congrats! And of course you will hv zero jealousy if she leaves u for another man.

As St. Augustine said, “He that is jealous is not in love.” That is the test of true love!!


Bro WB

Originally Posted by WolfWarrior View Post
which ktv?

Why don't you find out n tell us?


Bro WB
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