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Old 09-10-2016, 02:21 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by liapborkiu View Post
Bro WB,

I had a friend who had borrowed money from a massage lady before. In fact she actually loan him S$20 ,000 when he said he was broke. The massage lady was angpai back those days. Till today, they are still friends and all money returned plus more.

Enjoy your trip and hope to read more of your guidance.
Agreed with you on this.

Still have a lot to learn from bro WB.
Old 17-10-2016, 05:03 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by Ohayougozaimas View Post

Fantastic lesson learned.

Bro WB, thank you so much and have a nice weekend.
Originally Posted by liapborkiu View Post
Bro WB,

I had a friend who had borrowed money from a massage lady before. In fact she actually loan him S$20 ,000 when he said he was broke. The massage lady was angpai back those days. Till today, they are still friends and all money returned plus more.

Enjoy your trip and hope to read more of your guidance.
Originally Posted by LiangTehO View Post
Learnt lots of things from this thread.
Thanks to bro WB
Originally Posted by Nando36 View Post
Agreed with you on this.

Still have a lot to learn from bro WB.
Hi bros,

Thanks for ur post. I hv a lot to learn too.


Bro WB
Old 21-10-2016, 11:48 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

These MASCULINE traits, more than all other factors combined,
r fatally attractive to human females, because they trigger areas in their powerful primitive/reptilian brain. Most of them r not even aware of it when they fall for men who they consciously know r very wrong for them. It's not a choice for them n they can't help themselves. The same thing happens in males in that many bros fall for WLs/FLs.

I need to remind myself to be that MAN twice daily, especially when I meet THE ONE hahaha.


Bro WB
Bro WB, nice lesson above. Going thru your thread really makes me motivated.

Have a nice weekend to you.

Old 21-10-2016, 11:54 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro TS Warbird,

Let me congratulate you for being a successful cheongster.

Keep up the good cheonging and sharing spirit.

Thank you so much for starting this thread.

Have a good day.
Old 21-10-2016, 11:58 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro WB, reading your thread really makes me think of cheonging.
Enjoy your weekend.

Old 21-10-2016, 12:01 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro WB

Learnt a lot from your thread.

Please continue sharing your encounters and tips on cheonging.

Have a nice day.
Old 21-10-2016, 01:49 PM
CarbonCopy9 CarbonCopy9 is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

Hey My Friend,

Do you know what women do when they are madly in love with a man?

They behave in a certain way and they do certain things that girls who are not in love would NEVER do.

If you want to find out if your girlfriend is really in love with you (or with your wallet), you should look out for one of the following four sings…

Sign #2: She Wants to Be With You 24/7

One sign that the relationship with my ex-girlfriend was doomed to fail was that I wanted to get away from her as soon as she entered my apartment.

When a woman feels the same about you, it’s usually a very bad sign.

What if your girlfriend makes up excuses to not meet with you? What if she wants to leave five minutes after you met? What if the weekly lady’s night is ten times more important than your couple’s night?

Bro TS WB, very true indeed. When a girl love you dearly then she hopes to be with you 24/7 and making sure you don't stray.

Thanks for the lesson and keep posting your lessons to share.
Old 23-10-2016, 11:38 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro WB - nice lesson below.

Guy should not over-react.

Have a nice weekend.

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

Here are 3 things you must do if you get rejected:

1 - Take the high road. Even if she’s being a huge bitch…

Don’t react to her. Be BETTER than that.

She doesn’t even know you - she’s just emotionally reacting.

It may not even have anything to do with you - you can’t know or control that.

A confident guy would never allow himself to get flustered or thrown off by things he can’t control.

2 - Smile. Even if you’re seething mad on the inside…

Because no one else knows that you just got rejected...

UNLESS you show it on your face.

Then it’s obvious, and every other girl who sees that will probably reject you too.

3 - Move on immediately. Find another girl, a friend, a bartender… literally anyone else to talk to.

The last thing you want is to stand around by yourself, feeling butt-hurt because some random girl who knew you for 1 minute didn’t like you…

It does nothing for your confidence, and it makes you less attractive to every other girl.

So make like Taylor Swift and shake, shake, shake it off, bro.

Make sense?

You can totally see yourself doing that, can’t you?

You’re goddamn right you can.

And now nothing can stop you.

Get out there and make it happen this weekend.

Rooting for you,

- Mike Wright

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Old 23-10-2016, 08:02 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Many interesting things to be learnt here.

Thanks bro WB
Old 26-10-2016, 12:53 PM
warbird warbird is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by Dimitriy View Post
Bro WB, nice lesson above. Going thru your thread really makes me motivated.

Have a nice weekend to you.

Originally Posted by Anatoliy View Post
Bro TS Warbird,

Let me congratulate you for being a successful cheongster.

Keep up the good cheonging and sharing spirit.

Thank you so much for starting this thread.

Have a good day.
Originally Posted by Thirdy View Post
Bro WB, reading your thread really makes me think of cheonging.
Enjoy your weekend.

Originally Posted by mamachari View Post
Bro WB

Learnt a lot from your thread.

Please continue sharing your encounters and tips on cheonging.

Have a nice day.
Originally Posted by CarbonCopy9 View Post
Bro TS WB, very true indeed. When a girl love you dearly then she hopes to be with you 24/7 and making sure you don't stray.

Thanks for the lesson and keep posting your lessons to share.
Originally Posted by ChrisBenteke View Post
Bro WB - nice lesson below.

Guy should not over-react.

Have a nice weekend.
Originally Posted by Rockgen View Post
Many interesting things to be learnt here.

Thanks bro WB

Thank u all for ur support!

Sorry for the late reply as I hv been spending a lot of time overseas lately.


Bro WB

.................................................. ........

Good afternoon!

I still see a lot of bros who put the gal they like on a pedestal and try to be very 'nice' to them. That is the fastest way to lose her. A healthy gal is always looking for a man who can dominate her n who regards himself as the prize. If you believe you hv lower value than her, for whatever reason, she will quickly lose attraction for u as a man. Even if you're a real life prince charming or 'the sexiest man alive.'

When ur 'gal' or 'GF' tells u that she needs more 'space' to herself or she has turned cold towards u, if you're like most hapless bros, you will chase harder, texting or calling more often n offering her more gifts/money. Bad idea, very needy n weak behavior. You hv given up all ur power n, to her, you're an emasculated, weak n disgusting born loser. How could she rely on you to protect her n her offspring in times of crisis? Don't blame her for trying to run away from u asap. Of course, if you are paying her a boatload of moolah, she will stick around n try to take u to the cleaners. Then leave you. It's most likely she has cheated on u. Sound familiar? Her revulsion against n distaste for u may all originate in her subconscious mind. She may experience anguish, frustration, confusion n even sorrow for feeling this way towards you because you're 'so nice' to her. Sadly, it happened to me once a long time ago.

The power in a relationship lies in the hand of the person who cares less. A MAN must never, ever lose his power or control in a RS, period. It makes no difference if he has known the gal/woman for 3 minutes or 30 years.

I just received the following Email form a RS guru:

How to Take Control (Power) Back From Women

This email might make a lot of feminists, social justice warriors and “nice guys” furious with me.

But it’s the truth, goddammit, and I have to say it… even if it hurts some feelings.

Today I want to talk about your POWER as a man.

Specifically, how to take your power back from women and gain control over your relationships.

So when you meet an amazing girl and you really want to make her yours...

You will always know where you stand with her…

And you’ll be the one in the driver’s seat, who gets to decide exactly how things are going to go.

First, a quick story:

I used to know this girl Katie. Man, she was hotter than a Vegas sidewalk in July.

She was “that girl” everyone wanted. Whenever she walked into a room, all eyes were on her…

Guys would be falling all over themselves trying to be nice to her, do her favors, make her laugh, etc.

She was usually in a relationship, always bouncing from one boyfriend to the next.

But when she was single… man, guys started lining up to get a chance with her.

How do I know this? Because I was one of those guys…

And one day, I finally got my chance with Katie.

I grabbed her number at a party and we started texting back and forth.

And to be honest, I was texting her a lot more than she was texting me, sometimes even 2 or 3 texts in a row…

But she was responding to me, so where’s the harm, right?

We met up for a date and I paid for everything, because I wanted her to know I was a gentleman who could take care of her and provide for her.

(unlike the jerks and douchebags she complained about dating)

I even got her a thoughtful gift - a CD I made with a bunch of her favorite songs…

And I didn’t even try to make a move on her. I didn’t want her to think I was a jerk who only wanted to get in her pants.

I wanted her to see I was DIFFERENT.

She said she had a great time and wanted to see me again…

But after that, her texts started dwindling to short, one word responses.

And I hate to admit this, but… I got scared. I couldn’t understand why she was pulling away like that.

I KNEW that if I could just show her I was a great guy and I would be the perfect boyfriend… that she would want to be with me.

We finally met up and I confessed my feelings to her.

And that’s when she gave me the “nice guy” speech.

She said I was a real sweet guy, but she just wasn’t ready for a relationship right now, she needed to take her time.

I told her I respected her and would wait until she was ready.

But a few weeks later, I was cruising Instagram and I saw a photo of her with another guy…

Her new boyfriend.

Man, I was so angry… angry at her, but even more angry at myself.

Now, I know better. And if I ever saw Katie again, I would THANK her… because that situation opened my eyes and changed everything for me.

So let’s break this down - what happened here? Where did I go wrong?

It’s simple. I gave away the ONE thing that would have gotten me the girl.

I gave away my power.

Maybe this has happened to you, too.

Maybe you’ve been the “nice guy” (like me) who got the “let’s just be friends speech” from a girl you wanted.

Maybe you had a girl act like she was interested… only to flake on you and ignore you later.

Maybe you’ve had a girl pass you up for another guy, even when you were clearly the better choice.

If you’ve had anything like this happen to you… it happened to you for one reason, and one reason only:

You gave all your power away to her.

For example...

When you buy her gifts, pay for everything and do ALL the work… you are giving your power away.

When you confess your feelings and tell her how much you like her… you are giving your power away.

When you compliment a girl over and over again… you are giving your power away.

When you smile and nod and agree with everything she says… you are giving your power away.

You are handing her your BALLS on a silver platter…

And that’s why you lost control, and why she moved on to another guy.

Look, a lot of people don’t want to hear this, but it’s the truth:

Dating is a GAME.

And just like any other game, there are winners and there are losers.

Imagine you were playing a game of poker with your buddies...

You would never just throw your cards down on the table and show everyone what you’ve got, right?

That’s a surefire way to lose the game.

Well, it’s the same with women.

The moment you put your cards on the table and let her know exactly where you stand…

You’ve lost the game.

By the way, if any of this applies to you… it’s not your fault.

NOBODY tells you this stuff, man.

Ever since you were a kid, you've been raised to believe that good things happen to nice guys… that eventually if you’re kind enough to women, some weird sort of “karma” will land you an amazing girl…

But I hope you’re starting to realize how big of a LIE this is...

And women aren't helping you either. If you ask women for advice, they’re gonna tell you they want a gentlemen who treats them like a princess...

But those same women will actively IGNORE the gentlemen and chase after bad boys instead.

With so much bad advice going around, dating can be pretty damn frustrating.

In fact, I’m gonna guess that nobody has ever told you the TRUTH about women before.

Until now.

That’s what I’m here for, and that’s why you’re reading this right now.

Because you’re ready.

Ready to reject the LIES and myths you’ve been told about dating.

Ready to learn the TRUTH about women and attraction.

Ready to reclaim your POWER as a man and start getting the kinds of women you truly want and deserve.

That sound good?

So here’s what I need you to do, as a loyal Mike Wright subscriber...

Over the next few weeks, when you’re talking to women, ask yourself…

Who has more power in this situation?

And if the answer is “she does” - then take a moment to realize what you are doing to give your power away, and STOP doing it!

You’ll know you’re getting it right when she starts putting in more work and effort to win you over… and you don’t have to keep trying so hard.

Think you can do that for me?

Fvck yes you can!

I’ll be back with more BRAND NEW material for you in two days.

Talk then,

- Mike Wright

Any comments?

Bro WB
Old 26-10-2016, 01:43 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

I just received the following Email form a RS guru:

How to Take Control (Power) Back From Women

Today I want to talk about your POWER as a man.
Power from bro WB.

Learn a few things today. Thanks.
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Old 27-10-2016, 01:05 PM
NoMoneyTalk NoMoneyTalk is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
The power in a relationship lies in the hand of the person who cares less. A MAN must never, ever lose his power or control in a RS, period. It makes no difference if he has known the gal/woman for 3 minutes or 30 years.

But those same women will actively IGNORE the gentlemen and chase after bad boys instead.
Very powerful lesson highlighted.

Thanks bro WB.

Have a great week ahead.
Old 27-10-2016, 01:14 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by ChrisBenteke View Post
Power from bro WB.

Learn a few things today. Thanks.
Fully agreed with you.

Very interesting thread.
Old 27-10-2016, 01:35 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Just spoke w/ a trusted fellow ah pek n couple of PRC students (non-WLs). OMG! I may hv been be searching for BAO-ees in all the wrong places (read KTVs)!

According to them, there r many chio PRC JC students for BY n the going rate is only 3k a month. The gals r usually 19-20 n non-WLs. For local Chn students it's only 2k a month. If the gals r chio, they r very undervalued at this level of damage, IMHO. Some so-so KTV gals r demanding 10K n up a month!

Any bros here hv experience BAO-ing JC students, both PRC n local?

l may hv to greatly expand my network of ctc so that I could meet many of these gals.

I almost never refuse truly undervalued assets, hehehe.


Hello WB bro,

Have you found the local and PRC students BY?
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Old 28-10-2016, 01:26 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by NoMoneyTalk View Post
Very powerful lesson highlighted.

Thanks bro WB.

Have a great week ahead.
Fully agreed with you.

Learn many things from bro WB, camping here to learn more.
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