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Old 24-11-2023, 04:18 AM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Originally Posted by sgthicknjuicy View Post
not sure if this is considered most pervert thing. recently went on short stay cay for piak piak at a local hotel.!
For a moment, I saw the stay cay for piak piak as stray cat for piak piak

Thought that was way too perverted, only corrected on repeat read
Old 24-11-2023, 09:08 AM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Originally Posted by Lake View Post
Drunk unresponsive girls are no joke when it comes to carrying them, the flailing limbs adds more weight.
I can recall my trembling arms almost letting go, in the end just did the shoulder carry. Still quite unsteady even.
Shoulder carry or fireman lift can be dangerous, what if the girl suddenly puked on you.
That girl I once carried with my friend, she actually KOed while clubbing. Sat at the sofa unconscious, yet puke came flowing out of her mouth, that's when we thought should let her go home.
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Old 24-11-2023, 01:33 PM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Originally Posted by junior_cannibal View Post
Shoulder carry or fireman lift can be dangerous, what if the girl suddenly puked on you.
Its either do the princess carry or the shoulder.
If shes going to puke, do it while on shoulder, if not, decent chance my face maybe in the trajectory path while in princess carry.
Better the back than the front.
Old 24-11-2023, 02:37 PM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Originally Posted by Lake View Post
Drunk unresponsive girls are no joke when it comes to carrying them, the flailing limbs adds more weight.
I can recall my trembling arms almost letting go, in the end just did the shoulder carry. Still quite unsteady even.
Carry go back hotel?
Old 24-11-2023, 05:37 PM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Originally Posted by junior_cannibal View Post
Shoulder carry or fireman lift can be dangerous, what if the girl suddenly puked on you.
That girl I once carried with my friend, she actually KOed while clubbing. Sat at the sofa unconscious, yet puke came flowing out of her mouth, that's when we thought should let her go home.
This type me and my friends will take a picture of her and the show her the next day. After that, she dun dare to get that drunk anymore cos it shows how disgusting she looks. And how dangerous situation she is placing herself.

Of cos, the guys that send her home benefits on the way back
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Old 24-11-2023, 11:26 PM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Did you guys watch too much movies like My Sassy Girl?
You don't actually need to walk a huge distances like they did, all the way from the train station to the motel
Can just Grab or book a cab from your location right to the doorstep, carrying distance is quite minimal
Anyway carrying drunk girls shouldn't be a problem for guys from SCDF right? those 90kg dummies are a very good source of training for such occasions hahaha
Old 25-11-2023, 12:21 AM
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Re: most pervert things done?

If sharing about pervert things I have ever done
One of the earliest perverted things I had done was to pcc and then leaving my cum in my sisters' bras and panties
That was a few decades ago when I was still a kid living with my family
Those were the days when washing machines weren't so popular and only the rich could afford to buy them
More people had cars than people having washing machines back in those days and that thought alone is already very amusing given today's context

Without a washing machine at home, my sisters have to dump their clothes into separate pails and scatter some washing powder and let the powder soak the clothes for at least half an hour before hand washing them
From time to time, I would purposely go shower after they had finished showering, then wrapping their cold wet undies and bras around my Mr Happy to pcc and then leaving my cum behind
Then carefully placing those inner beauty with my cum back into the pail to make it look like they were in the same position untouched

Sometimes I think, did they ever wonder what were those stuff that they were washing off their bras and panties in the past, and how or why those stuff were there lol
They are married now, so I guess they should have already known how sperms feel and look like
I also do ponder sometimes, after they knew about these stuff such as sperms and masturbation etc, will they or have they ever linked it back to their soiled undies and panties in those days and suspect that those perverted deeds were done by me?
Anyway, they never confronted me for it and I also do not have the courage to confess to them too
Some things in life no matter how curious you are, you will never get the answers you want lol
Has anyone done such stuff too? Or am I just weird? Hahaha...
Old 25-11-2023, 10:10 AM
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Originally Posted by babyjohnwong View Post
Did you guys watch too much movies like My Sassy Girl?
You don't actually need to walk a huge distances like they did, all the way from the train station to the motel
Can just Grab or book a cab from your location right to the doorstep, carrying distance is quite minimal
Anyway carrying drunk girls shouldn't be a problem for guys from SCDF right? those 90kg dummies are a very good source of training for such occasions hahaha
Yes bro, don't underestimate the power of sex fever clouding over the eyes of sex starved bros who have been fantasising about groping drunk ladies for years. And once the right opportunity presents itself, they'll do anything to make sure they get what they want, including heaving, pulling, dragging the gal etc, since this chance might never appear again. Budget hotel employees don't really approve when they see such people showing up, but as long as its 1 guy and 1 gal, they'll close 1 eye. But if more than 1 guy (etc 2-3 guys together with 1 gal) going up the room, they'll not allowed. So have to be tactical. If a guy don't have strength to carry the gal, it's probably because they likely don't want to go too far with the drunk gal too. Either that, or they need to lift heavier weights and improve their overall fitness level.
Old 25-11-2023, 02:38 PM
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Re: most pervert things done?

I remember in the past at Clark Quay,when i and my sister was queuing up for cab, that time grab and uber still not out side so you know how long back. The queue is long, while we were waiting. We saw 1 old indian uncle carrying a dead drunk chinese syt in the cab. The guy's hand was holding this syt boobs when carrying her. Me and my sister was thinking this guy confirm dont know her, surely next stop is hotel hahaha. Anyway, when our turn to board the cab, i saw 1 dead drunk guy laying on the grass patch. I told my sister this dead drunk guy surely the girl's bf.
Old 25-11-2023, 02:59 PM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Originally Posted by Huntsman View Post
Thought that was way too perverted, only corrected on repeat read
hahahaah it’s okay, we are all perverts in here
Old 25-11-2023, 05:03 PM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Originally Posted by skihon View Post
We saw 1 old indian uncle carrying a dead drunk chinese syt in the cab. Me and my sister was thinking this guy confirm dont know her, surely next stop is hotel. I told my sister this dead drunk guy surely the girl's bf.
Mai off track.. bring the bf to hotel then is pervert la..

Old 25-11-2023, 06:14 PM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Originally Posted by oxeso View Post
Mai off track.. bring the bf to hotel then is pervert la..
You only know how to comment but do nothing. Your cock cannot stand is it ? Thas why type here only
Old 26-11-2023, 08:17 AM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Originally Posted by pete_the_fish View Post
You only know how to comment but do nothing. Your cock cannot stand is it ? Thas why type here only
Let's do something besides typing behind the keyboard.. put time n place i let u see my cock can stand or not.

Old 26-11-2023, 10:12 AM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Originally Posted by nemoman View Post
just wondering, if there was a moderately/good looking gal on a bed or side street alley who was drunk beyond all consciousness and you could penetrate her, shoot inside and walk away without anyone ever knowing about it, how many of you would do it, and how many of you wouldn't ?
I wouldn't, simply cos no reaction from her.
The reactions from girl is one of the more enjoyable thing in sex
Old 26-11-2023, 11:39 AM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Originally Posted by Trevayne View Post
I wouldn't, simply cos no reaction from her.
The reactions from girl is one of the more enjoyable thing in sex
I once got to meet a Myanmese girl (office girl type)
Quite pretty and petite type I would say
Finally got her to give me her number after a few years of trying to chat up with her
Also spent months "woo-ing" her like going out to her with lunch everyday, meeting her at the train station every morning to go to work together etc (her station is just 2 stations away from mine and her office is just like 3-5 mins walking distance from mine)
After I finally got to bang her, it was actually worse than bonking a dead drunk girl
Just lying down there like a dead fish with not much reactions, don't allow kissing, don't allow me to play her pussy, then just cover her boobs with her hands and don't allow me to fondle or suck, hairy bush below which is also a turnoff, with the only consolation is that at least she is tight
If like stirring coffee type, better if I play myself lol
But at least for drunk girls, you can play with their bodies as you like
Having a "undrunk" girl does not mean they will have reactions too

But better not to do it with strangers or girls that you are not having a sexual relationship with, if really bonking a drunk girl
Later if she wakes up and cry rape, you will have free bread to eat in Changi and as well as new tattoos on your bum bum hahaha
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