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Old 24-07-2006, 12:30 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Nola.. Because when I go thru forum, i see a lot of pick up of gal here and there which give me an impression that ONS can be picked up. Maybe those girl which is 25 and above as they also need to have some fun mah.. Just curious about that.. I am in my early 30 so I might think it is more fun and cheaper to get some ONS.

I do not sure about Internet, I got few friend who manage to get ONS when they get their MSN friend out.. Hmm.. especially gal from non -Shanghai places. Those ppl is chinese, so not sure any bro got experience or not?
Old 24-07-2006, 12:33 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by shengge
I have two questions,
1) What makes you think, it is easier to get "free stuff" here?
2) Who are the many bros here have experienced?

I am sure, many bros here would like to learn some tips from you and your bros who have experienced before.

Awaiting for your reply.

So bro shengge, I never think it is easy just that maybe easier than SG loh.. Yet to learn from all the senior here..
When I go thru the forum, I do see some post talking about picking up the gal here and there from senior bro so I have the impression.
Hmm I don have any tips but I got chinese friend who really pick up some from the internet although I am not sure true or not
Old 24-07-2006, 01:04 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

huh huh, brudder, dun tink pick up from MSN or some Internet Chats is so easy. there are oso many fraud cases involving that. yes, there are some chances u may pick up some young chicks thru there. not everyone will kena Toto or 4D, but that doesnt mean no one will kena. juz compare the proportion of those who kena vs those who dun. probably the statistics may be similar, but it's juz an illustration. I have more better things to do than go research into these statistical researches.

there are so many fraud cases, as in you pick up, bonk, then suddenly the gal scream rape. u had it man. she, or her gang will come demand $$ from you, and u may even be in for other unimaginable consequences.

many KTV gals hang out in Internet cafes b4 & after their working hours in KTVs. they have nothing much better to do, but hang out there, waste their time & life away. But these gals r very street-wise & sharp. u are unlikely to predict or understand wtf they r thinking in their minds. u may not even imagine what the hell goes on in their minds.

of course, if u are adventurous, you can go try your luck. and good luck to your adventurous hunt.

for me, if I wanna bonk, pay for it, fire & forget, dunnit to worry the gal gimme problems or kena blackmail, whatever. gimme peace of mind. dowan invite unnecessary problems. I oso kena ONS before, but that was huge risk after I know more about her. but she is not Shanghainese, and lucky she steady, really ONS only.
Old 24-07-2006, 01:27 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by SGPshanghai69
Have fun bro.....dun get to ask for the VIP Room, the one with the private jacuzzi bath tub attached inside (Only 6 VIP Rooms available so must book or ask in advance when u reached there).

Hope the above info helps....cheerios..........
Yes, I also highly recommend this joint. I was given the recommendation from no other but SGPShanghai69. Had a good time there, please go early and book the Jacuzzi-in-the-room VIP room. You would have a good time there. There is a cloth ball in the room, it is for deep penetration or for people with short Man-Hood. Just to let you know in case you wonder what it is for.

Regards from Shanghai.

Just a Retired Simple Man

PuTonRen aka UFO_Man
Old 24-07-2006, 01:30 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

PTR ah PTR....if you no cheong hor....Sun will rise from WEST lah....
Old 24-07-2006, 01:48 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by noname123
PTR ah PTR....if you no cheong hor....Sun will rise from WEST lah....

This trip in Shanghai, I am very good man okay. No cheonging until now. I will try to make the SUn rise from the West.


PTR from Shanghai
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PuTonRen aka UFO_Man
Old 24-07-2006, 01:52 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by 84gunner
there are so many fraud cases, as in you pick up, bonk, then suddenly the gal scream rape. u had it man. she, or her gang will come demand $$ from you, and u may even be in for other unimaginable consequences.

for me, if I wanna bonk, pay for it, fire & forget, dunnit to worry the gal gimme problems or kena blackmail, whatever. gimme peace of mind. dowan invite unnecessary problems.
Well said Bro!
Worst of all, when kena cheated, they @#$%@*& abt PRC being money minded and so on.

Well, this is not our home, play safe.

Old 24-07-2006, 02:01 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by shengge
Well said Bro!
Worst of all, when kena cheated, they @#$%@*& abt PRC being money minded and so on.

Well, this is not our home, play safe.
$$ minded is small thing, scheming, sly, cunning, etc etc, whatever names u call them.

even in our home (sgp), such things oso happen, juz not as many cases. maybe 1 reason is cos sillyporeans not so brave & creative to try all sorts of stunts.

u may not harbor intentions of hurting people, but dun forget to protect yourself too!



Old 24-07-2006, 02:03 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by shengge
Well said Bro!
Worst of all, when kena cheated, they @#$%@*& abt PRC being money minded and so on.

Well, this is not our home, play safe.
Dear Bro Light House,

Luckily for me! This old man here does not have any chance to have Free Bonk! I also feel sad as cheonging means money transaction also. Nevertheless it is also safer.

My 2 cent worth

PTR from Shanghai
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Old 24-07-2006, 02:42 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by XuJiaHui
So bro shengge, I never think it is easy just that maybe easier than SG loh.. Yet to learn from all the senior here..
When I go thru the forum, I do see some post talking about picking up the gal here and there from senior bro so I have the impression.
Hmm I don have any tips but I got chinese friend who really pick up some from the internet although I am not sure true or not
Sigh, i would like to believe we are mature adults that knows everything comes with a price, sometimes you get luckier than the rest of us by being at the right place and the right time with the right gal.

Bro XuJiaHui, i don't want to burst a bubble, but when you read a successful ONS, is it because the SBF bro used his skills and techniques, i would like to say most of the time, is being there at the right place and right time, with a little bit of skill and a lot of guts.

You might be the perfect Casanova that can make speeches that make flowers bloom, then i apologize, but i mean no harm responding to posts here, no one meant to ridicule or harass, its just that some of us felt responsible for telling other bros (coming to shanghai or china) about the status of things in here, whether its hearsay, reality, urban myth or common things.

Like all other concerned Bros that have given advices and warnings, I am only trying to help you understand the things here.

1) Nothing Comes Free
2) BBS is cheapest
3) KTV is the most expensive
4) ONS is NOT a myth, but its rarely free or available
5) Pay & Forget is good
6) There is no such thing as innocent gals that love to play, innocent gals don't go to bars/clubs till late night, and innocent gals don't believe in ONS
7) There is always more failures than success in hitting on girls, not to mention ONS
8) Single, rich, handsome people are not common people and thus should use different rule mindset

*) Personally, I would like to say there is more fuck buddies than ONS, but sometimes we muddle the 2 categories together. and fuck buddies comes after intereactions after time. I believe in fuck buddies, does not mean that its free either.

Till Later - Hendri Karto
Shanghai is a funny place, people make money, make friends, play, eat, meet up, get girlfriends, find boyfriends, sing a song, sip a beer, down a vodka shot, among other things......

But never i heard someone thinking of settling down permanently here..............
Old 24-07-2006, 03:08 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by shengge
You just need to tell the manager Mr Wei Qing that you are recommended by lao-jiu then the price should be RMB600, with usual standard softdrink, fruits, soup and noodle/dumpling. According to WQ, a few bros did contact him.

Only thing great abt YPH, they service quality are continuously monitored. Sextifaction guaranteed, if you are good, you can try as many round as you can within 70mins or 60mins (after 7 or 8pm).
Hi bro shengge,

Tried YPH last friday with 2 other friends. Once we went into the changing room, the attendee was real sharp in differentiating our nationality. He asked whether are we from singapore and we said yes. He straight away asked if we were intro by lau-jiu. I now then know that ur name is so "loud" in YPH.

The service of the attendees/waitress/manager is quite friendly and prompt. The place was full house (according to wei qing) and there were many ppl waiting for actions. We told WQ that we were in a rush and he did tried to squeeze 3 available rooms for us to action.

I think I will not go into the details of the actions. But the service is real good and the MMs are very obliging. My friend even fired 2 shots that night.

Good place to cheong if u happen to be in shanghai.

Kudos to shengge
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Old 24-07-2006, 03:24 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by PuTonRen
Luckily for me! This old man here does not have any chance to have Free Bonk! I also feel sad as cheonging means money transaction also. Nevertheless it is also safer.
I know you pay for all the bonks, but I thought you only pay once, and got credit for future bonks?

Old 24-07-2006, 03:34 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by just4fun
He straight away asked if we were intro by lau-jiu. I now then know that ur name is so "loud" in YPH.
Bro, Who asked you this question? WQ?
That is not my name lah..........haha!

Originally Posted by just4fun
The service of the attendees/waitress/manager is quite friendly and prompt.
Bro, me have not tried other places to verify their service. As far as I know, they have quality control.

Originally Posted by just4fun
My friend even fired 2 shots that night.
As many as you can within the time frame, young man like you can go for it.
Care to share the nos you got?
How is it compared to those you have in Suzhou?


Old 24-07-2006, 03:50 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by shengge
I know you pay for all the bonks, but I thought you only pay once, and got credit for future bonks?

You think I am Casanova re-born ah? I pay for every bonk.

ONS? Heard about it but do not know how to do it, unlike you, so good at it!

Free Session? Old Man where got chance?

Is there such a thing as credit for future bonks?

My light-house, you know me very well except on the credit part.


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Old 24-07-2006, 03:55 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Dear Brothers in Shanghai

I am going to Shanghai tonight and will reach tomorrow afternoon. Please recommend nice cheonging places. Sorry that I do not have the time to go through the hundred pages that you brothers had posted.....

This trip is just 1 or 2 days, to fully break with my GF previously in Dubai. If you are interested to know what happened, you can see under Dubai's thread.

Leaving Dubai in few hours time........
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