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Old 04-08-2006, 11:24 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by PuTonRen
Dear Bro Shanghai Papa,

Do you mean "love" or to "make love". I know love is the common word in what you are trying to say. The second case is not so for me as I am an old man. Ask SGPShanghai69 whom knows me for ages, and he will tell you how old I am.


Dear bro PuTonRen,

No, not "love" nor "make love".

"Understanding"... because you understand her needs, that's why you're able to provide and fulfill her needs for love and security.

Every woman in the world wants her man's understanding. With understanding, her man will know her needs, fulfill them and the rest will surely fall in place.

Problem is... most men always failed to understand, understand what his woman wants... Sigh!

Shanghai Papa
Old 04-08-2006, 11:32 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by Shanghai Papa
Dear bro PuTonRen,

No, not "love" nor "make love".

"Understanding"... because you understand her needs, that's why you're able to provide and fulfill her needs for love and security.

Shanghai Papa
Dear Bro Shanghai Papa,

Spot on! You are the man!

During one moment when she was touched by what I told her, she said "Your good understanding of me, makes me feel that I have not lived without meaning for the past twenty over years!" and she cried.

These ladies are just like anyone of us, they need care and love.

With best regards, and I learn something from you.

Just a Retired Simple Man

PuTonRen aka UFO_Man
Old 05-08-2006, 12:30 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by PuTonRen
and I learn something from you.
Dear bro PuTonRen,

No, you didn't learn something from me...

I just made you aware of what you've already got. You got it through your years of maturity and experience. Treasure it and don't lose it!

Rather, I think I've got a lot more to learn from you... hope to meet up with you at your next Shanghai visit.

My respect for you, bro PuTonRen...

Shanghai Papa
Old 05-08-2006, 02:08 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by Shanghai Papa
Dear bro luvgangsta,

Can I join in?

I can provide the transport (since I drive) while the rest of the expenses will be on bro Shanghai_guy27? You contribute lobang, I contribute transport, bro Shanghai_guy27 contribute the cash - fair right?

Bro Shanghai_guy27, even if you go alone, you still need to pay for the transport and without a laojiao like bro luvgangsta, you could easily get cheated or conned, thus parting with more money. So take it that you pay for the transport I provide and the insurance (and peace of mind) bro luvgangsta provides.

Sounds fair?

Shanghai Papa
ON lah!!! Shanghai_guy27, where are you? got transport got lobang, all you have to do is pay. This is much more economical than hitting your head on the wall all the time and getting kotoh by all the black shops.

come, PM me and shanghai papa.
Just tryin' to keep ma head 'bove the water...
Old 05-08-2006, 02:10 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by SGPshanghai69
Yo Bro Shanghai Papa & Bro Luvgangsta,
What about me then? You guys left me out leh.....buay steady leh......must jio jio me along lah! I can help Shanghai_guy27 to select the gals too mah...that way, he will be assured of good services too lah!

Maybe we 3 can start a biz like that hor......wat u 2 bros think hah??
Mai Tu Liao!!!

You show HC, I show BBS and KTV. make sure this time the ice stays clean in the ice bucket so we do not lao sai the next day. Bro, I lao until my ass hurts man. My zhejiang fren is ok though. He left for home a couple of hours ago and he says hi.
Just tryin' to keep ma head 'bove the water...
Old 05-08-2006, 02:15 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by botantan
Hi all,

吉原was raided 31st July. Went pass there nights all out with many police and plain clothes. Asked some friends, they said 舒怡泉also raided.
anyway, just be careful. not sure what happen but when things get too out of control, this is bound to happen.

Warning to all bros in Shanghai!!

Major raids around the city is in effect. Drove by all the major BBS areas in the city and they are all closed. Something is definitely going on. If not these places will not close all at once all around the city. Even 航华新村 the well know BBS place is all dark and quiet. the 60+ BBSes there are ALL CLOSED. Take care and be careful. Stay low for the next few days.
Just tryin' to keep ma head 'bove the water...
Old 05-08-2006, 02:18 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by Shanghai Papa
Dear bro SGPshanghai69 & bro luvgangsta,

Not a bad idea. We can start a Shanghai SB Cheongster Club (SSBCC) and collect an annual membership fee. In return, we issue them membership cards which offer discounts to those more steady HC & KTV places, we organsie cheong outings and orgies, we provide a newbie handbook of do's and don'ts to cheonging in SH, etc...

Mmm... sounds like PAYM to me! Hahaha!

Shanghai Papa
Don't wan lah. Like that we will try to make our money worthwhile and like what SGPSHA69 always say to me "IT IS ALL YOUR FAULT THAT I AM DOING ALL THESE BAD THINGS!!" hahaha.

Besides, memberships I have a few already...
Just tryin' to keep ma head 'bove the water...
Old 05-08-2006, 02:24 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by Shanghai Papa
Dear bro 84gunner,

Thanks for sharing. It was an enlightening read and another reinforcement to the belief that it's never safe to start a relationship with a fellow colleague.

I have my fair share of experiences with fellow colleagues, both in SG and SH too but it all boils down to the same moral of the story...

Shanghai Papa
Yo 84gunner, Shanghai PaPa,

I practise this all the time man. Never fish from or shit in your own pond. Many other fishes out there in the open sea.
Just tryin' to keep ma head 'bove the water...
Old 05-08-2006, 10:48 AM
SGPshanghai69 SGPshanghai69 is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by PuTonRen
Spot on! You are the man!

During one moment when she was touched by what I told her, she said "Your good understanding of me, makes me feel that I have not lived without meaning for the past twenty over years!" and she cried.

These ladies are just like anyone of us, they need care and love.

Yo Big Bro PTR,
A very very big SPOT ON for you too!!! You're the Big E Man!!!

Oculdn't agree more with you on the fact that these ladies are human too with the needs for the 3 basics 'TLC' (Tender + Loving + Care)......

You've been there, giving them all that....for that we jnr bros have much to learn from you big bro.......must impart afew skills of that lah........mai kiam siap lah.....

Cheerios big bro.....
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 05-08-2006, 11:02 AM
SGPshanghai69 SGPshanghai69 is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by 84gunner
ok, mebbe I will juz share a little of my FOC experience here.
So brudders, u wont know the agenda behind many of them. They have all sorts of things in their minds, many of us cant even imagine! If u tink I got a good deal with 100 RMB a nite, I oredi knew rite from the beginning it's not so simple. It's almost as good as free. Only thing is, there is really some $$ involved, so I can still argue that it is still a transaction, that was the agreed price.

If I am not sent away on projects, the gals may well create a scene in the offices (mine & clients'). I wont wanna imagine the consequences.
Yo Bro 84gunner,
Very kind of you to share these valuable incidents with us bros here.....

Indeed the Golden Policy for us all men, especially at work places to apply is NEVER to eat & shit at the same place!I have came to know that even for some MNC firms that this rule applies strictly & that should there be anyone found having a internal office romance, immediate termination to both parties!
Glad that all's well now for you bro........

Also, your mentioned incident on the KTV gal is perhaps a 'classic' case that quite afew bros here have encountered before as well......for myself, I have experienced the exact same incident when I was initially here as well....ended up staying with her for almost a year before I literally woke up & left without a word........gullible, foolish yet memorable lesson for me!

Let us all look ahead for a better tomorrow & be wary of all matters, people now in all our future endeavours....One would only be wiser thru mistakes made.

Cheerios bro..................
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 06-08-2006, 11:43 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

So many classic tales of been there, done that, hope this will serve as a warning to all out there seeking for a “free” ride, hopefully we all can learn and garner experience from it before sailing into unchartered land. This is also the reason that many stay “clean” from a committed relationship with a foreign lady as ALL the time what comes cheap leaves you begging for more and ending losing more than you had given.

No doubts there are easy preys around but that does not mean we will swallow whatever that comes along in our path. I still believe that we are here to prove our worth and not getting ourselves laid silly. If so happen there is a need then seek the proper channel and go for a release and move on again. We are not here to stay but they are, they can do some serious damage and leaves one in no man island.

Just my 2 cents RMB worth.

Old 06-08-2006, 01:18 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

I m new in Shanghai, any bros can help answer this question: I saw advertisement on shanghai daily and CITY weekend. is it safe to call the girls to the apartment for massage?
Old 06-08-2006, 10:24 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by SGPshanghai69
Yo Big Bro PTR,
A very very big SPOT ON for you too!!! You're the Big E Man!!!

Oculdn't agree more with you on the fact that these ladies are human too with the needs for the 3 basics 'TLC' (Tender + Loving + Care)......

You've been there, giving them all that....for that we jnr bros have much to learn from you big bro.......must impart afew skills of that lah........mai kiam siap lah.....

Cheerios big bro.....
Dear Bro SGPShanghai69,

You always elevate me to a very high platform, that injects a lot of fear into me. When I fall, I will be hit harder, right?

I am always impressed by the farm of "cows" that you have, and am also amazed by the vast knowledge in many aspects of Shanghai scene, from which I gain a great deal.

I really do not have any special skill. If I had them, they were already been pointed by you - Give the ladies Tender Loving Care. Nevertheless, one can only do that to the deserving ones. Some of the ladies are hard nut to crack, and the T+L+C=$ is the only equation they know. I have met some of them indeed. The one you saw during the gathering is one of the more deserving ones.

I feel that in an entertainment setting, when I first meet a girl, the attitude of girl towards us will be in the ratio of Money:Feeling = 100:0. I believe as time goes by, when I treat her well, the ratio might slowly move towards, say, 80:20, and then will further reduce to 70:30, 60:40, etc. I am happy if I can achieve 50:50. These ladies are with us, no doubt, but they also need to survive, which means money. To the girl you saw, I believe we are at 40:60. Still, there is money to be spent, no, FOC.

You are right to say that these ladies are human beings, and would need kind understanding from the men they are with.

We are here to share and to learn from each other. I am glad to share my humble opinion with all brothers, and at the same time, I am learning from brothers here.

See you in Shanghai soon!


Just a Retired Simple Man

PuTonRen aka UFO_Man
Old 06-08-2006, 10:29 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by SGPshanghai69
Yo Bro 84gunner,
Very kind of you to share these valuable incidents with us bros here.....

Indeed the Golden Policy for us all men, especially at work places to apply is NEVER to eat & shit at the same place!

Also, your mentioned incident on the KTV gal is perhaps a 'classic' case that quite afew bros here have encountered before as well......for myself, I have experienced the exact same incident when I was initially here as well....ended up staying with her for almost a year before I literally woke up & left without a word........gullible, foolish yet memorable lesson for me!
Cheerios bro..................
Dear Brother,

Those are the wise words from our Shanghai CEO.

As I always say "Nothing is free, it is when and how you are going to pay for it1" Even for girls who do not care really how much I give them as household expenses, I still pay them correctly.

My 2 cent worth
Just a Retired Simple Man

PuTonRen aka UFO_Man
Old 06-08-2006, 10:31 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by Shanghai Papa
Dear bro PuTonRen,

No, you didn't learn something from me...

I just made you aware of what you've already got. You got it through your years of maturity and experience. Treasure it and don't lose it!

Rather, I think I've got a lot more to learn from you... hope to meet up with you at your next Shanghai visit.

My respect for you, bro PuTonRen...

Shanghai Papa
Dear Bro Shanghai Papa,

Thank you again for making aware of the humble quality that I happen to posses due to my advanced age. I will certain treasure it as it is the only thing I have.

My respect to you also, Bro Shanghai Papa. I, too, look forward to meet you in person during my next trip to Shanghai.


Just a Retired Simple Man

PuTonRen aka UFO_Man
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