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Old 24-10-2017, 06:18 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Amazing thread by Bro WB. Support always.
Old 25-10-2017, 12:44 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

I just answered a bro's questions on BY-ing girls.

It varies, from 6K to 15K a month if the girl doesn't work at the night scene n doesn't see any other men. She must be at my beck and call. She is a full time mistress.

The damage doesn't include rental of master bedroom/studio, visa fees, school tuition, meals and gifts (optional).

The lower range is generally for girls whom I import directly from China. They hv much lower expectations and often dare not come unless they come in pairs. Of course, more experienced and professional ones may ask for more. But everything is subject to negotiation.

In the last 7 yrs, I hv caught sight of only one girl KP in SG who is worth more than 15K a month in SG. I met her early last yr when I went to lease a master bedroom for my Fujian lao po WX at City Square, who was due to return to SG in 2 days. KP was kept by a man at the time n was going to leave SG in 10 days. WX had to stay in a junior master for a wk first. So they did meet. This is what WX said abt KP: 年轻漂亮, 高挑,很白。他男朋友大约40 岁。Never met her man. She had natural looks w/ no make up n no facial surgery. If I ever see KP or someone equally attractive, anywhere in the world, I'll make an offer she can't refuse. BTW, rental for the master rm was 2,400 a month.

There is something else I like to add. KP looked fantastic in part because I saw her only briefly n in part because she was beyond my reach. She may not look so attractive if I see her again.

If a girl continues to work in the night scene, a part time mistress, you should offer only half the full time rates. This doesn't work for me as it's very difficult to monitor her activities. And don't ever buy such a part time mistress any gifts. For me, it's all or nothing. A girl is either exclusively mine or she is not mine. Doing ST is better than having a part time mistress.


Bro WB

Interesting thread and interesting post above back in 2015. The amount stated 6-15k is astronomical to many ordinary working folks.Besides the rental of master bedroom is another 2.4k.

I wished I can afford this amount of money as spare cash.

The level you play is a different class.

How do you advise anyone who earn around S$ 8k per month? What kind of level this person should play.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thanks in advance.
Old 25-10-2017, 03:34 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Nice thread by bro WB. Hope to read more.
Old 26-10-2017, 12:16 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

Here is an interesting article:

Why do women cheat? Ashley Madison CEO tells all

Is cheating bad? Why do women cheat? The founder and CEO of affair website Ashley Madison tells all, including why he has his eye on China.

Read more:

Your comments?


Bro WB
Bro WB, thanks for recommendation. Ashley Madison should have the correct numbers of cheaters.

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

Ang Moh guru's cooments:

Niiiiice one.

Your letter is really a wonderful affirmation and summary of some of my favorite concepts:

1) Read my book, "Double Your Dating"

2) Actually use the material and mentally

3) Start from where you are

4) Be Cocky & Funny

5) Show complete indifference

6) Use illogical Jedi-Level mind power to create

I'm going to talk more about eye contact and body language in a moment, but if you'd like to get the ultimate education on how to be Cocky & Funny, then you MUST take a minute and get this.

Bro, another nice post above. Although is lengthy post but depicts important points.

Making eye contact and holding the contact till woman look aware is great. I hope to practise this although is not rocket science.

Women always love men who are unusual and include being funny. Women had seen enough "losers" that behave usual or similar.

Agreed with your point that to make the woman love you is to start to have sex and give her plenty of PVOs.

Hope to learn more from you here.

Please dun stop posting more to share.
Old 27-10-2017, 10:58 AM
SingaporeAir SingaporeAir is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

"The Big Mistake That Kills Attraction"

You take your average good guy, good personality, lots of friends, generally cool, and then you put him in a situation with a woman that he's REALLY attracted to, and more often than not, he turns into a weirdo who acts creepy, needy, and generally nothing like his normal self.

This sucks for him (he'll beat himself up for it afterwards), and it sucks for her (she missed out on getting to know a good guy that she might have had a sweet romance with).

Nobody wins! So let's roll up our sleeves and talk about one quick fix.

This topic is HUGE, I've talked about it plenty in my programs, but I want to make an important distinction that will help you get power over this built-in form of crazy.

The issue: "Reaction monitoring"

When a man feels strong attraction for a woman, his mind naturally begins to loop on whether she's attracted to him too. And then it usually starts to go nuts trying to figure out HOW to get her attracted, WHAT to say, and whether or not it's WORKING.

That's reaction monitoring, and it's one of the most attraction-killing behaviors in the known Universe.

I recently talked about this idea in a seminar and one of the guys asked me, "Don't have to watch her reactions to know where to steer the conversation and to know whether or not we're compatible or I'm wasting my time?"

That does sound pretty darn logically, but the answer is absolutely NOT.
I'll make a distinction between "reaction monitoring", being in "disregard", and being "in relation" to someone.

Reaction monitoring is when your emotions are dependent on their reactions to what you are doing.

Instead, the goal is to be IN RELATION to her.
This is a flow state where your emotions and her emotions create a cocktail of what IS.

There's no effort to manipulate it, but simply to experience and enjoy it. When you are in RELATION to a woman (or to a man, for that matter), the quality of monitoring to see if you are being accepted or rejected disappears in the transparency of what is really happening in the moment.


Bro WB

I found the passage above to be rather familiar. I saw myself and many other friends behaved exactly what the guru wrote above.

Reaction monitoring really kills any relationship because the both sides can suffered badly. Both guy and gal became impulsive and haywire too.

To any man best follow your proven method of DGAD when you are not with her. Go out have fun and meet more gals. Always have abundance mind.

I really impressed with this thread and hope you can continue for long period of time.

Have a nice weekend and best to enjoy yourself.
Old 28-10-2017, 12:10 PM
Sexyexercise Sexyexercise is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

I like to share something interesting from an Ang Mo guru on the #1 trait women universally want in a man.

Hi, Mr Guru,

You’re really awesome, man. I read your newsletter every day

and have invested in most of your programs! You really share

great stuff. I have a question for you. What do you believe is

the #1 trait women universally want in a man? And how do I

develop it? Thank you.

Your Disciple


Hi, Mr Disciple. Thanks for the kind words and TAKING


Wow! It’s a GREAT question.

There are many traits women universally find

attractive. Leadership, sense of humour, confidence,

and so on…

BUT if you ask me for the #1, the MOST

important, the HOLY GRAIL, if you prefer, here’s

it is:


Because without it, you can’t develop the others.

There are 5 components to a winning attitude.

1. Take 100% responsibility for your life, results,

emotions, the good, the bad, and everything in between…


You don’t blame mommy, daddy, your high school

teacher, your ex, your friends—NO one.

2. Never give up. (Hint: This is what separates guys who

become great with women from the others)

3. Take action… FAST. Don’t wait for the stars

to align or the permission of someone.

4. Have a sense of humour about yourself. Don’t

take yourself too seriously.

5. Ambition. Go after something, have a dream,

vision and goals.

You build a winning attitude over time.

Women can tell when someone is like that, because

the attitude triggers her subconscious survival mechanism.

Mr Guru

IMHO, you can't hv a lasting winning attitude unless you hv awesome self mastery.


Bro WB
Bro WB, first let me thank you for starting an excellent thread.

Winning attitude is ultimate but agreed with you must have self-mastery attitude too.

The guru is also right to point the fact that guy must take 100% responsibility and not blaming others when failed. The other good point was "never give up". This very important for winning attitude.

Plenty of good examples and discussions in your thread to highlight winning attitude.

Will try to comment whenever possible,.

Hope yo have a great weekend.
Old 28-10-2017, 05:58 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Very interesting thread! Thanks bro WB
Old 29-10-2017, 12:11 PM
Vermon Vermon is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
What is more important than excellent or optimal health?

IMHO, it's survival and preservation of life. This is no 1. One must avoid accidents and situations that may threaten one's very survival.

Let me give u one example. There was a 42 yo cardiologist, originally from China, who often rode bicycle out on the road for fitness in Washington state, Gotham country. He was killed by a truck several years ago. There are many, many other tragic cases. You get the idea.

No 2 would be excellent or optimal health.

Everything else is of secondary importance.

I just received an email from a Gotham guru on:

How Often Should You Ejaculate?‏

An interesting new study from the epidemiology department at Harvard has me changing my mind (and my recommendation) about ejaculation...

Only thing is, according to the latest (and most complete) research, men who ejaculate more than 21 times/month have a LOWER RISK FOR PROSTATE CANCER.

Bro WB

I fully agreed that our health is most important. WHat is the point of wealth when you cannot perform sex. Just cannot imagine life w/o sex.

As for accident, we have to try avoid. If we die in accident even if we try to avoid then that's life.

Personally I find this topic interesting "How Often Should You Ejaculate?‏".
Many guru differs on this topic. IMO, I happy to cum as many time sas I wish.

Prostrate cancer - is no longer a killer. We can do early screening and prevent it.

Hope to learn more here from you and expert guru.

Please enjoy your valuable weekend.
Old 29-10-2017, 12:42 PM
Sextifying Sextifying is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Good afternoon,

I just received the following email from Mr Guru.


This time I'm going to let you in on what may very well be the
"secret of the universe" when it comes to creating mutual sexual
attraction between a woman and yourself and acting on it.

Let it be known that this may not fully register the first time you
read it. You may need to peruse this whole enchilada a couple of
times for it to really hit home.

So with that in mind, let's hurry up and go for it. I'll keep it
as concise as possible.

Now obviously, all of us have seen a woman and realized instantly
that we were sexually attracted to her. We may have even felt
something move in our boxers right there on the spot.

Well, when that sort of thing has happened to you, what was going
through your mind?

Somehow I doubt it was to the effect of, "You know, that's one sexy
chick. Someday when I feel like it, I'm going to have to get
around to having sex with her."

My bet is it was more like, "Whoa...I'd love to get her naked and
do unspeakably naughty things to her RIGHT NOW."

Let's face it. Horniness is NOT patient, is it? That's just how
biological urges roll. The same holds true for hunger, thirst,
breathing, sleeping, etc.

So let's call that impulse in the moment "sexual urgency".

"Sexual urgency" = "fervent desire to have sex ASAP"

This is perfectly NORMAL.

Be Good,

Mr Guru
Bro, I fully agreed with your guru above. I prefer gal with sexual urgency then sexual pressure.

Sexual urgency to me means the gal wanted to have sex with you rather than she was pressured to have sex. Gal that wanted to have sex urgently will be wet and wild. She will be willing to do any position without coercing. Sometimes you will be bewildered to learn she can do something beyond the wildest imagination.

I hope my comment above was accurate to the above terms.

I learn plenty of skills from your precious thread and will put them to practise soon. Will go approach 200 gals.

Hope you have a great Sunday too.
Old 29-10-2017, 07:02 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Good evening,
A big thank you to all samsters who hv posted on my thread.

Originally Posted by suckoff View Post
Bro WB

Interesting thread and interesting post above back in 2015. The amount stated 6-15k is astronomical to many ordinary working folks.Besides the rental of master bedroom is another 2.4k.

I wished I can afford this amount of money as spare cash.

The level you play is a different class.

How do you advise anyone who earn around S$ 8k per month? What kind of level this person should play.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thanks in advance.
I know some bros who spend a lot more money on women.
Money is useless if you want to capture their hearts. Throwing money at your dream gal is very repulsive to her.
If you earn $8K a month, you could go to GL or FL or massage. Or go to JB. Viet gals is an option.
Many PRC KTV gals will be happy to be kept for $2-3K a month if they are allowed to continue working. Or you could ST them.
How abt local gals? I heard many will be happy to be kept for $2-3K a month too.
In the final analysis, if a gal likes you, you only need to spend very little money.
Any FRs from bros here?

Originally Posted by SingaporeAir View Post

I found the passage above to be rather familiar. I saw myself and many other friends behaved exactly what the guru wrote above.

Reaction monitoring really kills any relationship because the both sides can suffered badly. Both guy and gal became impulsive and haywire too.

To any man best follow your proven method of DGAD when you are not with her. Go out have fun and meet more gals. Always have abundance mind.

I really impressed with this thread and hope you can continue for long period of time.

Have a nice weekend and best to enjoy yourself.
Tks for your post.
We must maintain our strong mental frame n be totally non-reactive, no matter what a gal says or does. Or in any stressful situations.
This is the SECRET. Her attraction for you will surge 1,000%. This is primal. You're a MAN, not a little boy.

Originally Posted by Sexyexercise View Post
Bro WB, first let me thank you for starting an excellent thread.

Winning attitude is ultimate but agreed with you must have self-mastery attitude too.

The guru is also right to point the fact that guy must take 100% responsibility and not blaming others when failed. The other good point was "never give up". This very important for winning attitude.

Plenty of good examples and discussions in your thread to highlight winning attitude.

Will try to comment whenever possible,.

Hope yo have a great weekend.
Thanks, a winning attitude is very powerful.

Originally Posted by Vermon View Post
Bro WB

I fully agreed that our health is most important. WHat is the point of wealth when you cannot perform sex. Just cannot imagine life w/o sex.

As for accident, we have to try avoid. If we die in accident even if we try to avoid then that's life.

Personally I find this topic interesting "How Often Should You Ejaculate?‏".
Many guru differs on this topic. IMO, I happy to cum as many time sas I wish.

Prostrate cancer - is no longer a killer. We can do early screening and prevent it.

Hope to learn more here from you and expert guru.

Please enjoy your valuable weekend.
Tks for your post. Yes, life is priceless. Frequent ejaculations for a man is very healthy.
Bro WB

.................................................. ....

I like to share an email from a guru.

Bang more women by rejecting them...

In the past couple of years the quantity of girls I sleep with has
crept up. This is due to many reasons I'm sure, but during that
same time period I notice that I'm "rejecting" a lot more girls. By
that I mean I walk away when I find out that she isn't close to
what I want. I may be talking to her and the light from her cell
phone screen reveals some acne. Or I realize she doesn't have a fun
vibe. Or she's socially awkward. Or her black dress was hiding a
pancake ass. Or she's way too witty (at the expense of being sexy).
When one of these things happen, I politely end the conversation.
No hard feelings.

There was a time I used to keep these interactions going because,
ultimately, the girl was bangable---or else I wouldn't have
approached her---and I was hungry for sex, since I didn't get it as
often. But I rarely did bang those girls. It would stall at the
number or makeout stage. Why is that I'm going full court press on
far fewer girls today, but getting a lot more bangs in shorter
amounts of time? Two reasons:

1. I free up more time for the girls I better connect with. Talking
to a girl you're not crazy about means you won't spit your best
game. And without your best game the odds you'll bang her, assuming
she's not throwing herself on you, is extremely low. It's futile to
force the attraction if you don't feel it around the 5-10 minute
mark. In these cases you'll only get a number.

Time is crucial. I still run most of my game at night during the
weekends and each night has, at most, four hours of prime game
time. If I spend ninety minutes on these mediocre interactions,
I've given up 38% of my night for nothing. Plus my energy will be
lower for the better prospects I may encounter later.

If you're a game newbie then grinding it out can be valuable to
getting your social skills up to speed, but it's very possible that
talking to the boring chick with the lame sense of humor will cost
you for that entire night. It's too risky to exchange an extra word
with a girl that I know deep down is someone who won't get me
excited. That time is better spent maintaining your state with your
boys instead.

2. It subconsciously increases your value. When you pass on enough
girls, you start to believe you're the man. Of course with my
experiences I think I'm a pimp, and that shines through with my
body language and tone, without me having to think about it.

Girls pick up on things that you cannot see, hear, or feel (think
of them as a mutant species that can sense more than three
dimensions of space). Luckily for us, we don't have to consciously
learn how to subcommunicate these positive traits---we pick up on
them in time. This is how I can meet a guy and within about 15
seconds know if he's good with women or not (a side effect of my
heavy involvement with the game has given me the female ability to
screen men). Now imagine what type of vibe a guy who tries to bang
anything he talks to puts out. You better believe that girls can
pick up on that.

For me there has to be something in those first 10 minutes that
tells me there's something special going on. There has to be humor
and laughing, meaningful questions, flirty looks, and a magnetism
simmering underneath the surface. My energy and time are the two
most important things I have, and when I begin to value it yourself
by passing on mediocre chicks, I get more. In the end it's so much
easier to bang a cool chick. Don't waste your time on those who

Any comments?

Bro WB
Old 29-10-2017, 10:41 PM
LuisToh LuisToh is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Very good thread, hope to read more.
Old 30-10-2017, 07:39 PM
33truie 33truie is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Support awesome thread by bro WB!
Old 31-10-2017, 01:25 AM
Umbro987 Umbro987 is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Thanks bro WB for this great thread.
Old 31-10-2017, 10:27 AM
Sextifying Sextifying is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
I like to share an email from a guru.

Bang more women by rejecting them...

In the past couple of years the quantity of girls I sleep with has
crept up. This is due to many reasons I'm sure, but during that
same time period I notice that I'm "rejecting" a lot more girls. By
that I mean I walk away when I find out that she isn't close to
what I want. I may be talking to her and the light from her cell
phone screen reveals some acne. Or I realize she doesn't have a fun
vibe. Or she's socially awkward. Or her black dress was hiding a
pancake ass. Or she's way too witty (at the expense of being sexy).
When one of these things happen, I politely end the conversation.
No hard feelings.

There was a time I used to keep these interactions going because,
ultimately, the girl was bangable---or else I wouldn't have
approached her---and I was hungry for sex, since I didn't get it as
often. But I rarely did bang those girls. It would stall at the
number or makeout stage. Why is that I'm going full court press on
far fewer girls today, but getting a lot more bangs in shorter
amounts of time? Two reasons:

1. I free up more time for the girls I better connect with. Talking
to a girl you're not crazy about means you won't spit your best
game. And without your best game the odds you'll bang her, assuming
she's not throwing herself on you, is extremely low. It's futile to
force the attraction if you don't feel it around the 5-10 minute
mark. In these cases you'll only get a number.

Time is crucial. I still run most of my game at night during the
weekends and each night has, at most, four hours of prime game
time. If I spend ninety minutes on these mediocre interactions,
I've given up 38% of my night for nothing. Plus my energy will be
lower for the better prospects I may encounter later.

If you're a game newbie then grinding it out can be valuable to
getting your social skills up to speed, but it's very possible that
talking to the boring chick with the lame sense of humor will cost
you for that entire night. It's too risky to exchange an extra word
with a girl that I know deep down is someone who won't get me
excited. That time is better spent maintaining your state with your
boys instead.

2. It subconsciously increases your value. When you pass on enough
girls, you start to believe you're the man. Of course with my
experiences I think I'm a pimp, and that shines through with my
body language and tone, without me having to think about it.

Girls pick up on things that you cannot see, hear, or feel (think
of them as a mutant species that can sense more than three
dimensions of space). Luckily for us, we don't have to consciously
learn how to subcommunicate these positive traits---we pick up on
them in time. This is how I can meet a guy and within about 15
seconds know if he's good with women or not (a side effect of my
heavy involvement with the game has given me the female ability to
screen men). Now imagine what type of vibe a guy who tries to bang
anything he talks to puts out. You better believe that girls can
pick up on that.

For me there has to be something in those first 10 minutes that
tells me there's something special going on. There has to be humor
and laughing, meaningful questions, flirty looks, and a magnetism
simmering underneath the surface. My energy and time are the two
most important things I have, and when I begin to value it yourself
by passing on mediocre chicks, I get more. In the end it's so much
easier to bang a cool chick. Don't waste your time on those who

Any comments?

Bro WB
Another masterpiece form Bro WB.

Now I shall learn to reject more women and hope to bang more.

Bro, your theory above was simply amazing.

You enjoy a nice day.

Old 31-10-2017, 10:46 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
"My opinion on the matter is this: it's better to be impulsive than cautious; fortune is female and if you want to stay on top of her you have to slap and thrust. You'll see she's more likely to yield that way than to men who go about her coldly. And being a woman she likes her men young, because they're not so cagey, they're wilder and more daring when they master her. (25.10)"

Yes, fortune n beautiful young women favour the BOLD.



A friend of mine also lao tiko pek told me he love syts especially 18 to 20 year old gals. He said his taste never changed for 20 years.

I think what you wrote above depicts my friend.

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

I'm a lao chee ko pek, so no chance w/ very young women, like those who are 18-19?

BTW, I met my new 18 yo mistress/lover or non legal wife Lisa in May and we hv been together for just under 3 months. She is a student n doesn't work. She is very frugal n tries to save money for me. I was admitted to a hospital for two nights in June for coughing w/ fever n she came to sleep in the sofa overnight. Of course I'm HIV negative haha.

Recently, we went to dinner w/ a number of towkays n their GFs. When Lisa got her big bowl of shark fin soup first, she reflexively tried to put some in a small bowl for me. I stopped her n said we all had the big bowl. I hugged her tight n my friends commented that I was a lucky man. I said: NO! She is a very lucky girl!! I'm THE PRIZE, remember? She is more caring n kind to me than my legal wife during our honeymoon several decades ago.

I feel like a 19 yo boy haha. When I first met Lisa, I said I wanted to keep her as my exclusive lover, very soon after we met. Initially, she was cold n flatly rejected me several times, you're too old! But I was unflappable n DGAD...she may be emotionally n sexually addicted to me now!!

Could it be possible that Machiavelli didn't understand women well, like most men of his times? I hv much to say abt this fascinating topic at a later date. I shall present my opinions based on evolutionary, scientific, biological n medical research papers and my personal observations.



Congratulations to you. In fact very true that younger gals make you feel young again. Life is very funny because man can changed their taste pretty quickly depends on his experiences.

Matured woman or MILF provides good service but they have certain attitude that not seen with young hungry gals.

I may be wrong here but willing to hear your comment.

Hope to continue reading here.

Have a great day.
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