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Old 04-11-2017, 01:50 PM
dalazza dalazza is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Very good thread. Hope to read more.
Old 04-11-2017, 02:03 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by HiLaryClinTon View Post
Bro WB

Let me say that I enjoyed your thread as a woman and love my breast tgo be fondled. My partners love to cup, lick and fondled my breast. I got immense pleasure when my partner did that.

Even after CVOs, I still enjoyed my breasts been fondled.

I love to read more for a woman perspective and glad that you did post quite a few here for the lesser half.

Please do continue to share with us more.

Hope you have great day with your darlings.

May god bless you.
Dear Hilary, well said and I agreed.

Wish bro WB a happy weekend.
Old 04-11-2017, 02:05 PM
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duckside has got little hope of coming out of this alive!
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by MsUniverse View Post
Dear Hialry, well said and I agreed.

Wish bro WB a happy weekend.
Who the fuck is Hialry?

Wishing Bro WB a good weekend.
Old 04-11-2017, 02:14 PM
DutchSpy DutchSpy is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Support an excellent thread by Bro WB.

Enjoy your weekend bro
Old 05-11-2017, 11:49 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by Sextifying View Post
Another masterpiece form Bro WB.

Now I shall learn to reject more women and hope to bang more.

Bro, your theory above was simply amazing.

You enjoy a nice day.

Tks for your post.
Not my masterpiece, I'm merely quoting a guru.

Originally Posted by MsUniverse View Post

A friend of mine also lao tiko pek told me he love syts especially 18 to 20 year old gals. He said his taste never changed for 20 years.

I think what you wrote above depicts my friend.


Congratulations to you. In fact very true that younger gals make you feel young again. Life is very funny because man can changed their taste pretty quickly depends on his experiences.

Matured woman or MILF provides good service but they have certain attitude that not seen with young hungry gals.

I may be wrong here but willing to hear your comment.

Hope to continue reading here.

Have a great day.
I'm just like your lao chee ko pek friend. I love cute SYTs who are 18-20 yo.
However, when my old LPs want to return to me, I usually allow them to come for a month, as long as they are not married n hv not given birth. The oldest is WX whom I met in 2008.
Women who are over 25 are usually more orgasmic.
BTW, Lisa had a health problem and she returned to China last year. She is ok now. I'll welcome her to return next yr, if she is still single.

Originally Posted by RagnarKlavan View Post
Bro WB,

I love your thread and hope this thread continue for another 20 years.

Took me a few minutes to understand what the above post was discussing. I managed to get the meaning after reading through 3 times.

A ladies man or modern Don Juan met his match after meeting the dream gal he aching for.

I agreed that this will be the kiss of death and he may lost his rational thinking including marriage. I have seen one of my friends behave like this.

He became needy and lost in depression. Trying to meet the gal or video call every sec. Became so serious that he was caught in no man's land. He lost everything after 6 months because the gal cheated on him.

Luckily he woke up after 1 year of deep slumber and with his family and friends help, he rebuild his life.

Hope yo have a an amazing day.

There is no such thing as a dream girl or special one. It's an obsession and addiction.
A man must behave like the prize. Be confident, non-needy and non-reactive. Turn the table on the dream girl. She will become addicted to him.

Originally Posted by HiLaryClinTon View Post
Bro WB

Let me say that I enjoyed your thread as a woman and love my breast tgo be fondled. My partners love to cup, lick and fondled my breast. I got immense pleasure when my partner did that.

Even after CVOs, I still enjoyed my breasts been fondled.

I love to read more for a woman perspective and glad that you did post quite a few here for the lesser half.

Please do continue to share with us more.

Hope you have great day with your darlings.

May god bless you.
Tks so much for your post.

Originally Posted by cosplaylingerie View Post
Bro WB, personally I found your thread to be precise and informative.

MY WORD IS MY BOND - great integrity bro.

Today, many youngster lack such integrity and trustworthiness. These young men will blame society not giving them any opportunity.

CVOs are very important part of sex play. I have gals who told me that they loved been painted and wanted more and more. The gals will just been pleasured and fully satisfied.

Will continue to read more of your past post in this thread.

Hope you enjoy your day.
Behave like Al Capone, without breaking the law, and you will have more beautiful women of your type than you can handle.

“In this life all that I have is my word and my balls and I do not break them for nobody.”
-- Al Capone

Originally Posted by BUiVieN View Post
Bro WB

Thank you very much for sharing the above post. No wonder Frank Sinatra is known as deep blue eyes and his eyes can send love signals.

I will try to practise the above using my eyes and report back here.

Bro WB, very interesting post above. A well planned joke.

This old man really knew his game and the gal must be mesmerised by the sparkling diamond ring worth 50k.

I dare say this diamond ring ploy works better than any eye contact.

Hope to enjoy reading your nice thread here. Please continue to share more posts.

Enjoy your weekend.

Make eye contact w/ every beautiful girl of your type. Smile...visualize how hard she would come for you.

Yeah, it is a good joke. Never use false promises to get sex. Capone would never do that. He is considered by many to be a modern day Robin Hood.


Good morning to every samster,
Have a wonderful Sunday!
Bro WB
Old 05-11-2017, 05:18 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

Behave like Al Capone, without breaking the law, and you will have more beautiful women of your type than you can handle.

Have a wonderful Sunday!
Bro WB
Bro WB

Thank you for reply. I will try to be Al Capone.

Have a great Sunday to you too.
Old 05-11-2017, 05:20 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

There is no such thing as a dream girl or special one. It's an obsession and addiction.
A man must behave like the prize. Be confident, non-needy and non-reactive. Turn the table on the dream girl. She will become addicted to him.

Bro WB
Thank you for nice kind words.

Will try to be the prize.
Old 05-11-2017, 05:21 PM
GCEresult GCEresult is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Support a very good thread by Bro WB.

Have a nice day to you.
Old 06-11-2017, 11:27 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
How To Be The Guy Every Woman Wants

Notice I said “good” guy... not “nice” guy.

There is a BIG difference between a good guy and a nice guy, women know this and are always on the lookout for a good guy.

They think they want a nice guy, but when they find one, immediately toss him into the friend zone or bulldoze straight over him to get to the bad boy.

Then after being treated like a piece of meat with the bad boy, they then realise that they need a good guy, which sits firmly in between the nice guy and bad boy.

Confused? Let me explain a little further...

What's The Difference Between A Good Guy And A Nice Guy?

There are quite a few major differences between a good guy and a nice guy, so let me break them down for you.

• Good guy - He’s emotionally strong, financially stable (career driven), doesn’t take any nonsense from women, isn’t afraid to speak his mind, but also has manners, is very polite and is a grounded well rounded person. He takes care of himself, is friendly, sociable and is the kind of guy you want around on a night out.

• Nice guy - He’s predictable, needy, has zero self worth, even less self confidence and takes whatever he can get with women. Always seems to send up in the friend zone and doesn’t understand why. He has a good job, doesn't’ drink a lot, never disagrees with women and always sits on the fence. He basically wants to be liked by everyone.

So now you know the distinction, let’s get into the nitty gritty and discuss how you can start putting certain attractive “good guy” qualities into practice.

Bro WB

Reading the above thread was interesting. I want to be good guy and not nice guy. I dun want to take shit from women and rather want the women to like me,

I hope I am not asking too much.

Love the way your thread discussed all these theories and practical all in one.

Hope you continue to post more guidance.

Have a great week ahead.
Old 06-11-2017, 12:22 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

Why did you marry her in the first place? Were you mesmerized by her good looks and sexy figure?

Every women has vast potential for intense n prolonged sexual pleasure. They will get addicted to copulatory vaginal orgasms or CVOs.

Unfortunately, many women are so sexually inhibited due to strict family upbringing, religious indoctrination or traumatic sexual experiences during early childhood that they cannot experience any sexual pleasure. In fact, they will try every which way to avoid sex. They get married for financial n family reasons...

Here is what you should do. Make her very relaxed w/ soothing music n give her a body massage. If after a few months she is still a dead fish, seek professional psychiatric help.

If she remains the same after 12 months, divorce her. Short time pain but long term gain. Every healthy heterosexual man deserves to hv sexual satisfaction from a long term, loving n caring partner. It's his birth right n one of the greatest joys in life.

Ironically, oftentimes such a dead fish may hv an affair w/ a man who is able to connect w/ her emotionally. But 99% of the times, she will still be a dead fish w/ her new "lover." He will dump her very soon, unless she is rich n is giving him financial "aid" or other form of assistance.

Good luck!

Good luck!

Bro WB>>>>>>>>
Bro, very good topic and good advice you gave to regards to "How Often your wife have sex with you".

IMO, should have sex daily otherwise why bother to get married. I also agree with you that best to divorce if wife not interested in sex because better to suffer short pain.

I also wonder why need to marry if you knew gf not interested in sex. Nowadays pre-marital sex is not taboo. Also guy dun mind the spouse past and most important is future.

Any comment?

I hope to learn more form you here.

Old 06-11-2017, 04:15 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Supported an awesome thread by Bro WB.

Have a nice week ahead.
Old 09-11-2017, 08:07 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

I'm just like your lao chee ko pek friend. I love cute SYTs who are 18-20 yo.
However, when my old LPs want to return to me, I usually allow them to come for a month, as long as they are not married n hv not given birth. The oldest is WX whom I met in 2008.
Women who are over 25 are usually more orgasmic.
BTW, Lisa had a health problem and she returned to China last year. She is ok now. I'll welcome her to return next yr, if she is still single.

Bro WB

Reading this post proved that you are a good man. You really take care of your LPs.

Hope all the best to you.

Old 09-11-2017, 03:47 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

My taste for pussies has changed. I now prefer to BY 18-19 yo SYTs, must be very youthful n kawai, regardless of height. Of course she must be chio w/ proportionate figure AND slim upper arms n very small wrists. Her pussy must be chio n cute too. A sweet, childlike voice n tonality is a plus. But her gait should be feminine, sensual n sexy.

Her character n personality are even more important, especially in a LT rs. She must be refreshingly innocent, vivacious, joyful, but honest, blunt n direct. She must be frugal n not wasteful, not just w/ her money but also w/ mine. So she can't be the greedy type. Lastly, she must be submissive, inside n outside the bedroom.


Bro WB


Is there any bro here who is heartbroken because your LT wife/GF/lover/mistresses has dumped you?

Do you know one of the quickest ways to lose a pussy?

I just received the following brief article.

How to Lose a Woman - Fast!

Are you the jealous type?

Jealousy is one of the quickest and surest ways to get DUMPED.

Jealousy is a sign of insecurity. It indicates a lack of confidence on your part. By acting in a jealous fashion you're essentially "telling her" that you don't feel worthy of her love, and that you're worried she's going to find one of the many, many guys out there who are "better than" you.

Not to mention the fact that it's an incredibly annoying personality trait!

Never forget that women are attracted to CONFIDENCE in men. If a woman realizes that you're lacking in self-confidence then she'll lose respect for you. And if she doesn't respect you, she can't love you. And every time you act like a jealous idiot, you lose more of that respect.

Now don't try to tell me that you're the "jealous type" not because of a lack of confidence, but because you really love and care about her. Or because you can't trust her. I'm not buying it... and she won't either.

Jealousy is about YOU and your feelings of insecurity - your lack of confidence - your feelings of inferiority. And it's your problem. It has nothing to do with her. (And if you really can't trust her, then why are you wasting your time. Find someone that you can trust!)

So what do you do if you ARE the jealous type?

Well, since you know that acting in a jealous fashion will push her away from you, and acting in a confident fashion will draw her toward you (by increasing her respect for you), then...


Let her do whatever she wants. Give her all the freedom she wants. Don't complain when she goes out with her friends. Smile when she says she's going to have lunch with her old boyfriend. Encourage her to go to that male strip club. Proudly display your confidence to her.

And know that ACTING CONFIDENT in the face of these circumstances (which make most men jealous) will actually draw her to you. By doing this, you're essentially turning a negative personality trait (jealousy) into a positive personality trait (self-confidence).

You should welcome these types of situations and view them as OPPORTUNITIES to display your confidence to her... and to draw her closer to you.

So the next time you start feeling those pangs of jealousy, and you start to worry, and you start getting anxious, and nervous -- remember this article and think...

"Awesome! This is an excellent opportunity for me to display my confidence, to set myself apart from all those other guys, and to blow her mind."

Powerful Stuff!

Bro WB
Bro WB

Many happiness to you and love your great thread here.

To me your taste for women is still good criteria. Thewomen all will lovely and elegant. Keep up your good taste.

Want to discuss your next topic here "How to lose woman fast"

What you had described above is accurate and interesting. Just that many of us men dun have the idea that we are behaving exactly as you describved above. Jealousy is a no no and killer blow to any relationship. Makes the man ugly and needy.

Hope to read more of your marvelous thread and wish you good luck.

Will learn from here.

Old 09-11-2017, 04:18 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Excellent thread by Bro WB.

Please continue your great sharing with us.

Have a nice day
Old 09-11-2017, 05:09 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by QuantumSC View Post

Reading this post proved that you are a good man. You really take care of your LPs.

Hope all the best to you.

Agreed with you that Bro WB is a great man.
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