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Old 01-02-2025, 05:45 PM
nanahoriuchi nanahoriuchi is offline
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Re: Getting KC-ed hard?

I remember a few WLs told me their birthday coming soon or it's their birthday that day. I just di-gong or pretend never hear lol.
Old 01-02-2025, 06:56 PM
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Originally Posted by nanahoriuchi View Post
I remember a few WLs told me their birthday coming soon or it's their birthday that day. I just di-gong or pretend never hear lol.
same sia. i always skeptical cause suspect this a tactic they employ just to fleece more things & $$ from me. Like where got so zhun i visit WL (1or2 times nia) then straight away just nice their bday upcoming in 2weeks~1month. kena before a few WL chu dis pattern
Old 01-02-2025, 07:21 PM
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Re: Getting KC-ed hard?

Originally Posted by Gavril View Post
same sia. i always skeptical cause suspect this a tactic they employ just to fleece more things & $$ from me. Like where got so zhun i visit WL (1or2 times nia) then straight away just nice their bday upcoming in 2weeks~1month. kena before a few WL chu dis pattern
It is like street donation mah, never ask means no chance. Got ask maybe got one or two 摇钱树 money tree give in. 1 qns maybe can get $100 cash more without any cut going to OKT, best business ever.
Old 02-02-2025, 09:46 AM
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Talking Re: Getting KC-ed hard?


actually long time ago

boleh gals also asking for bags jewellery watch etc

just that most people donated quietly

either HC or GL sama sama

ROI is favourite American dessert
whoremongers never die cos they just reunite in hell
Old 02-02-2025, 10:00 AM
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Re: Getting KC-ed hard?

Originally Posted by unfit View Post

actually long time ago
boleh gals also asking for bags jewellery watch etc
just that most people donated quietly
either HC or GL sama sama
ROI is favourite American dessert
Luckily not that I've experienced. In any case, Bolehland WLs are known to offer bluefin and America's favourite pie services once they like you - on those days L1612 Tommy often used the words in Hokkien " Ay Gum Key " (can vibe well together, LOL). Those were the Good old days.

Whereas PRC ladies are a different ballgame altogether with subtle sneaky tricks to lure you in for such gifts, then when things turn sour, cry foul and claim innocence thereafter with various excuses, their acting skills really is like those 爽文短剧, really bizzarre.
Latest FR (Upz me if you like): L2033 TT/XiaoMi - L2033 Ying Tao - L2058 Coco/Tina/Toto
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Old 02-02-2025, 11:50 PM
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Re: Getting KC-ed hard?

Originally Posted by Topper View Post
Yes, always have a ROI mindset with diversification strategy is the key with at least 3 on standby ( I have at least 8 on standby with rankings, LOL).

They always play this Wechat 'silent' mode as a form of 冷战,冷暴力 strategy. For one, as they know that 言多必失 so they dun wish to say things to offend you. Secondly and most importantly, it's part of their game plan to lure you out to book them again for another session
Didn't really want to go Geylang for therapy session as haven't reach my planned dates plus CNY tired. But morning, the wishy-washy lady kinda triggered me again on Wechat.

Sent her a message in the prev. afternoon, so eager to reply cos kept hinting that I should buy for her, linking hints to V-day 14th feb. Once i switched topic to something more mundane, the convo went dead again.

same day late night, sent her a normal courtesy msg, took her more than 3 hours to reply just 1 line. Just a mere 5 min difference, I replied her it is late already, should talk another time along a good night msg. Convo went dead immediately.

Then morning, now complain to me having discomforts without even acknowledging from last night msg. I decided to grow calluses on my heart and simply wish her take care & GWS. If she constantly in "discomfort" and "tired" which somehow make her cannot reply me, then I shall give her "long-term peace & quiet" on wechat. As usual, convo went dead.

No way gonna be desperate simp 舔狗 and fall for her "silent mode" trap, so decided to accelerate my plans to find another WL to diversify on wechat. Probably also gonna review whether to have outdoor tour session with her again since I incurred driving costs from going to places.

Was lucky to find one nice lady to get her wechat (by stroke of luck cos got empty parking lot near her hse), <3 mths in Singapore with good service and social skills.

Hopefully her attitude will not change when eventually some 财神爷 god of fortune start to patronise her but I try not to be too optimistic
Old 03-02-2025, 12:03 AM
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Re: Getting KC-ed hard?

The timing that the WL reply is the key on how committed she is to you.... understand that they are working from time to time... but i still believe that there is always time for a short reply in between customers... it all depends on how much they want to keep you as her 观音兵.... the longer the response, the slimmer your chance..... like the previous post... it all depend on the appearance of 财神爷.... once he appear... thats game over..

I had a WL that is very prompt to msg and reply from the very start... as time goes by.... the response take longer and longer.... from then onwards... i know i already has lost my position and i move on to the next player.... on and off i still visit her and the chemistry is still there in person more GFE when offline.....
Old 03-02-2025, 12:12 AM
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Re: Getting KC-ed hard?

Originally Posted by happytree123 View Post
Didn't really want to go Geylang for therapy session as haven't reach my planned dates plus CNY tired. But morning, the wishy-washy lady kinda triggered me again on Wechat.

Sent her a message in the prev. afternoon, so eager to reply cos kept hinting that I should buy for her, linking hints to V-day 14th feb. Once i switched topic to something more mundane, the convo went dead again.

same day late night, sent her a normal courtesy msg, took her more than 3 hours to reply just 1 line. Just a mere 5 min difference, I replied her it is late already, should talk another time along a good night msg. Convo went dead immediately.

Then morning, now complain to me having discomforts without even acknowledging from last night msg. I decided to grow calluses on my heart and simply wish her take care & GWS. If she constantly in "discomfort" and "tired" which somehow make her cannot reply me, then I shall give her "long-term peace & quiet" on wechat. As usual, convo went dead.

No way gonna be desperate simp 舔狗 and fall for her "silent mode" trap, so decided to accelerate my plans to find another WL to diversify on wechat. Probably also gonna review whether to have outdoor tour session with her again since I incurred driving costs from going to places.

Was lucky to find one nice lady to get her wechat (by stroke of luck cos got empty parking lot near her hse), <3 mths in Singapore with good service and social skills.

Hopefully her attitude will not change when eventually some 财神爷 god of fortune start to patronise her but I try not to be too optimistic
Of course she will attempt to trigger you again into a drunken confused nut as she previously smelled blood on your naivety as a potential 添狗 simp.

But since now you have awakened and 重生 with a new mindset, what you need to do is to either play along while protecting yourself or if necessary have to fark her upside down left right centre. She will then be in state of shock having a taste of her own medicine and will confirm back off。 Funny part is, after that once she realizes you are not someone to meddle with, she might even find you attractive 很有男人味 and treat you better, LOL. Such is the bizzarre complex relationships with 深不可测 PRC WLs。

If she ask why you seems like suddenly changed to a new person, just say that you have 高人指点。If she is curious who is this 高人, just say “无可奉告,我只能说他的名字叫 ‘卧龙’ ”
Latest FR (Upz me if you like): L2033 TT/XiaoMi - L2033 Ying Tao - L2058 Coco/Tina/Toto
Recent FR: WH04 XingXing, L1608 LeLe, WH04 KK, L2045 Yumi/XY, L1608 JJ & Sasa, L2045 TT, L1608 Wawa, L1608 (LL), L1658A (3 girls), Duo Duo (WH04, L2045)
Old 03-02-2025, 12:18 AM
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Re: Getting KC-ed hard?

Originally Posted by galaxyass View Post
The timing that the WL reply is the key on how committed she is to you.... understand that they are working from time to time... but i still believe that there is always time for a short reply in between customers... it all depends on how much they want to keep you as her 观音兵.... the longer the response, the slimmer your chance..... like the previous post... it all depend on the appearance of 财神爷.... once he appear... thats game over..

I had a WL that is very prompt to msg and reply from the very start... as time goes by.... the response take longer and longer.... from then onwards... i know i already has lost my position and i move on to the next player.... on and off i still visit her and the chemistry is still there in person more GFE when offline.....
Sigh, that's so true. Think all of us using Wechat will become a unfortunate victim sooner or later.

anyway, just for the record in case some of you here thought I overly-message the lady every 30 mins that's why she changed attitude.

I usually only msg WL very close to their end shift timing (11pm/12am) cos I understand they might need to devote full attention and keep it discreet (just in case got some crazy jealous customer staring at their phone) during their working hours. Very rarely I msg in the afternoon unless got something very interesting to share..

I also gently ask if they are okay to chat or if I'm too tired, I will just inform them end convo now, going to sleep. If you or myself cannot, just say so which I always make it upfront. I just don't like myself or the other party leaving the convo hanging which I find it disrespectful
Old 03-02-2025, 12:23 AM
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Re: Getting KC-ed hard?

Originally Posted by Topper View Post
if necessary have to fark her upside down left right centre. She will then be in state of shock having a taste of her own medicine and will confirm back off。 Funny part is, after that once she realizes you are not someone to meddle with, she might even find you attractive 很有男人味 and treat you better, LOL. Such is the bizzarre complex relationships with 深不可测 PRC WLs。

If she ask why you seems like suddenly changed to a new person, just say that you have 高人指点。If she is curious who is this 高人, just say “无可奉告,我只能说他的名字叫 ‘卧龙’ ”
Thanks, it is really 深不可测. Need to back off from her first before deciding whether to exercise offensive methods back on her. For now, need to socialise more with new WL first.
Old 03-02-2025, 12:28 AM
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Re: Getting KC-ed hard?

Originally Posted by happytree123 View Post
Thanks, it is really 深不可测. Need to back off from her first before deciding whether to exercise offensive methods back on her. For now, need to socialise more with new WL first.
Bro you too nice. If she takes very long to reply, just let the convo die off. If she text you again and you don’t feel like it, just let it die. In no time she will wonder how come you changed. If she really interested in you she will keep on texting until you reply.

Good that you diversified your options. Find more to put in at the back pocket as spares. Never too much to have more.
Old 03-02-2025, 12:41 PM
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Re: Getting KC-ed hard?

Originally Posted by Gavril View Post
same sia. i always skeptical cause suspect this a tactic they employ just to fleece more things & $$ from me. Like where got so zhun i visit WL (1or2 times nia) then straight away just nice their bday upcoming in 2weeks~1month. kena before a few WL chu dis pattern
Visited a WL recently I already prep angpao to give but she managed to seduce me for another tip meh
Old 03-02-2025, 02:46 PM
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Re: Getting KC-ed hard?

If want prep Ang Bao must prepare give big like minimal $50 if not wl will think u no money.. that's why I don't give ang bao
Old 03-02-2025, 03:21 PM
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Re: Getting KC-ed hard?

Originally Posted by Dotafan98 View Post
If want prep Ang Bao must prepare give big like minimal $50 if not wl will think u no money.. that's why I don't give ang bao
ya.. i only gave like angbaos to the regulars i visit. but q tilted at one of them.
Dam rude just straight up open it & give me disappointed look that it's $28. (bobien i won't deny that i is a poor man)

knn i not even married; by right don't even have to give angbao one. i still already prefaced that this is just a small token of goodwill from me during this festive period... nbcb make me internally 火大 so i not going to RTF this 三八 anymore. At least the others got smile back & seemed thankful (still got a text from them thanking me again).


Originally Posted by nsnb View Post
Visited a WL recently I already prep angpao to give but she managed to seduce me for another tip meh
they really looking for cai shen ye... even i see some of their wechat moments, ig stories etc... really got alot of zhabors flexing the big sum they received from their patrons...
Old 03-02-2025, 06:26 PM
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Re: Getting KC-ed hard?

Originally Posted by Gavril View Post
ya.. i only gave like angbaos to the regulars i visit. but q tilted at one of them.
Dam rude just straight up open it & give me disappointed look that it's $28. (bobien i won't deny that i is a poor man)

knn i not even married; by right don't even have to give angbao one. i still already prefaced that this is just a small token of goodwill from me during this festive period... nbcb make me internally 火大 so i not going to RTF this 三八 anymore. At least the others got smile back & seemed thankful (still got a text from them thanking me again).


they really looking for cai shen ye... even i see some of their wechat moments, ig stories etc... really got alot of zhabors flexing the big sum they received from their patrons...
while giving hongbao/gifts is a personal choice, for me, I just feel that it will just spoil them and after a while pollute the entire market to become a stupid money warfare game which kills the GL experience for everyone. Just my 2cents, still your money your choice, just know that they will eventually leave and a new batch will come in.

Last edited by happytree123; 04-02-2025 at 12:56 AM.
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