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Old 16-02-2018, 10:30 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Happy new year everybody.
Old 16-02-2018, 10:30 AM
xinvuilong xinvuilong is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by azureontology View Post
I believe our TS, Bro Warbird is extremely successful in all aspects of his life, because he has mastered very valuable skill sets and mindsets; he has strong mental strength, decisive, confident, yet not arrogant and overbearing.

His improved mental mastery over the years also enabled him to lead his current lifestyle. Bro WB has mentioned he had a long streak of luck; i believe he made his own luck in many ways - luck is when hard work (preparation) meets opportunity, and we know WB has worked hard in his career, and now, in other parts of his life, including his "后宫".

While the 5 levels of "BY" mastery was stated more than 6 years ago, WB acknowledges that a level 5 master has not appeared.

I might have an answer to that "rarity" - it is not the lack of "Level 5 masters", but probably the lack of such "BY" candidates.

In fact, Level 5 on strict terms, is not "BY". The "master" is actually a "Bao-ee". Why? Because the "master" is being taken care of, by his resourceful girls.

However, we must understand that - the girls that are typically wiling bao-ees, look for a master, because they have basic needs to be fulfilled. So in place of working in a job, they "work" to please their master. Of course when their master also fulfill their higher level demands (ie. high up the pyramid of Maslow's hierarchy of needs), they get addicted to their master even more.

At level 5 BY candidates, these girls must have sufficient money (sustain their high demands + master more money). If the girl spends all their time and energy at work and career, they have little need to be "BYed", and whether the level 5 master is wealthy or not, is a moot point. They have enough money from their career; they can even give their men money. They have only emotional needs to be fulfilled. Ironically, what these girls can offer to the "master" is more of money, then spending their energies "pleasing" their "master", as their energies are already spent at work. Level 5 "BY" candidates almost sound like oxymorons.

Hence, the likely level 5 "BY-ees", are daughters of rich parents, who are willing to give both money and their bodies, to their masters. The supply of such girls are extremely rare, and to find 2 or more attached to the same master is difficult.

I would think if bro WB would want to up his game further, it would be to get young pretty girls outside the joints, to be his mistresses on long term basis, and he can gain access to their pussies exclusively, without any damage to his pockets. And I believe bro WB has all the skill sets to do just this, ie. 3b would be the target of a BY master.

5b, happens, when among his 3bs "BYs", a few of them also happens to come from a rich background.
Nice forum bro.

Learn something new of level 5 BY master.

Gong Xi Fa Cai.
Old 16-02-2018, 10:37 AM
zawkyaw zawkyaw is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by azureontology View Post
I believe our TS, Bro Warbird is extremely successful in all aspects of his life, because he has mastered very valuable skill sets and mindsets; he has strong mental strength, decisive, confident, yet not arrogant and overbearing.

His improved mental mastery over the years also enabled him to lead his current lifestyle. Bro WB has mentioned he had a long streak of luck; i believe he made his own luck in many ways - luck is when hard work (preparation) meets opportunity, and we know WB has worked hard in his career, and now, in other parts of his life, including his "后宫".

While the 5 levels of "BY" mastery was stated more than 6 years ago, WB acknowledges that a level 5 master has not appeared.

I might have an answer to that "rarity" - it is not the lack of "Level 5 masters", but probably the lack of such "BY" candidates.

In fact, Level 5 on strict terms, is not "BY". The "master" is actually a "Bao-ee". Why? Because the "master" is being taken care of, by his resourceful girls.

However, we must understand that - the girls that are typically wiling bao-ees, look for a master, because they have basic needs to be fulfilled. So in place of working in a job, they "work" to please their master. Of course when their master also fulfill their higher level demands (ie. high up the pyramid of Maslow's hierarchy of needs), they get addicted to their master even more.

At level 5 BY candidates, these girls must have sufficient money (sustain their high demands + master more money). If the girl spends all their time and energy at work and career, they have little need to be "BYed", and whether the level 5 master is wealthy or not, is a moot point. They have enough money from their career; they can even give their men money. They have only emotional needs to be fulfilled. Ironically, what these girls can offer to the "master" is more of money, then spending their energies "pleasing" their "master", as their energies are already spent at work. Level 5 "BY" candidates almost sound like oxymorons.

Hence, the likely level 5 "BY-ees", are daughters of rich parents, who are willing to give both money and their bodies, to their masters. The supply of such girls are extremely rare, and to find 2 or more attached to the same master is difficult.

I would think if bro WB would want to up his game further, it would be to get young pretty girls outside the joints, to be his mistresses on long term basis, and he can gain access to their pussies exclusively, without any damage to his pockets. And I believe bro WB has all the skill sets to do just this, ie. 3b would be the target of a BY master.

5b, happens, when among his 3bs "BYs", a few of them also happens to come from a rich background.
Well said bro, happy new year!
Old 16-02-2018, 11:10 AM
phuquoc phuquoc is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Good morning!

It's difficult to say which LP is the best.
My three current LPs are certainly among the best, in terms of looks, figure n character. They are THE most frugal ones and they all treat me like an emperor. And, best of all, I hv spent the least on them. Prior to meeting them, yr 96 Lisa or LS was the most frugal.
Among my current LPs, the youngest is yr 97 KT who turned 20 two months ago, and the other two LL n PL are in their early to mid 20s. I met all three in the month July 2016, LL around 6th, KT 16th and PL 26th. They became my LPs quite easily, after their initial rejections. Reflecting on my saga w/ them, I hv learned a lot. I'll provide details n analysis of these cases. Of course, I was in the right place at the right time. But most importantly, It was my mindset and all three are classic examples that buttress the validity of the popular sayings:

"You need to let go to get what you want."

"Things that you want 'lightly' come easily."

I met all three current LPs for the first time last July. From June thru August 2016 was the most hectic months for my xiao didi.
In those 3 months, I had a secret gf CF, a 21 yo CQ gal whom I met at Lido. In June, a tall 25 yo Chengdu model came to spend 3 weeks w/ me. Some bros found her very attractive. But not me. She has been trying to return to me. She is serious about having a kid w/ me and a LT relationship. But I don't know her well enough and don't trust her completely. She is also a spendthrift. KT is very frugal, just as tall n pretty, has bigger boobs and is much younger.
In the months of July and August , I had two new LPs, a TW student n a tall real estate agent from Fujian. My oldest LP HW or WX also came to spend 3 weeks in August.
Within minutes after meeting my three current LPs, I offered to BY them. Yeah, even though I had 3-4 OTHER LPs at that time, all in SG. Thankfully, all three said no initially. After they rejected me again, I just walked away. What if all three accepted me initially? I would think of ways to delay the consummation of the RS, of course.
I returned to Gotham City near the end of August.
KT said yes in mid Sep 2016. She was in CQ at that time.
PL said yes the day after my return to Sg in late Sep. LL said yes in early Oct.
All three agreed to be my LPs because I was non-reactive when they rejected me. Additionally, I was very bold n reiterated my desire for them, then walked away, never looking back. In fact, they all initiated contact w/ me to say they wanted to be my LP.
The amount of my financial support for them was not even mentioned before they agreed. Not even once. Then I worked out the terms n details of the BY w/ them.
They hv been w/ me since late Sep to mid Oct 2016. All three are students. One of them may return to China early next yr. Her parents want her to get married. But she wants me to keep her in Xiamen. I like her but may not hv time for her.
I hv a new Sichuan gal n an ex LP who want to come to Sg next month. I also hv a cute 18 yo Hakka virgin, a first yr student at Qingdao University, who wants me to keep her in China. And my oldest LP HW or WX and yr 96 Lisa also want to return after CNY next year. I like them but may not be able to keep all of them.
Bro WB
Bro WB

Thank you for the detail account of your LPs.

Very interesting to learn that need to walk away in order to get what you wanted. SO initial rejection is fine and always their loss. Anyway just keep in contact and when the gal ready will contact you. Thi sis the keyword.

"You need to let go to get what you want."

Sichuan gal is hot and always very well endowed. Sichuan gasl are spicy hot. I had a short encounter with a sichuan gal and experience was priceless. As for hakka gal well they are brought up to be subservient and serve their man.

In this auspicious day let me wish you happy new year.

May all the best syt be your LP.

Hope you post more to share with us here.

Old 16-02-2018, 11:24 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Very interesting thread here, thanks bro WB

Gong xi fa cai!
Old 18-02-2018, 01:04 PM
Yes933FM Yes933FM is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Be more resourceful and connect w/ more girls/women.
I like to see many hundreds of gals before focusing on 2-3 who appear to be the most attractive to me.
My LPs are not easily transferable to a friend. They don't do FL and some never worked in the nite scene. Oftentimes, I part way w/ them because of their visa expiration. I hv dumped quite a few. Some of them hv forgiven me and still want o return! The last time I was dumped by a LP was in April/May 2010. Read my posts on the tall 18 yo. She came back on tourist pass in 2013. I refused to fuck her because she wasn't so attractive by then.
I had tried to intro BF to a few ex LPs and they felt insulted. So I won't do it again.
BTW, it's natural for both men and women to desire multiple sexual partners. This desire has been modified and/or suppressed by social and religious conditioning.

Bro WB
Bro WB

Happy Chinese New Year to you.

Thank you for sharing such useful insights of your beloved LPs to us. I felt that you are truly gentleman.

True that not easy to intro bf to your ex because love is blind. Women too difficult to define.

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Good afternoon to all samsters,
As I hv mentioned in my previous post, my three current LPs all rejected me initially, not once but twice.
Approximately 2/3 of all my LPs hv rejected me initially in the past 8 1/2 years. It has been great because over 95% of ALL gals I hv approached say yes, eventually.
I hv some musings on rejection and how to turn the dire situation around.
Everything hinges on how you react to the rejection. Most men will get angry or feel dejected. A few become violent. These are idiotic losers! Very immature n childish. Zero emotional control. This behaviour is screaming to the girl's primal brain: I'm a loser! I'm a frustarted man who can't get gals.
Always agree w/ her decision to reject you!
Remain very relaxed n calm n totally non-reactive.

This will demonstrate to her your emotional strength and self mastery. Most attractive masculine trait for survival, as far as her primal brain is concerned.
Don't forget you're always the PRIZE and it's her big loss to reject you. Feel very sorry for her...
Yup, that is the right mindset.
Any comments?
Bro WB
Bro WB

Not easy to remain non-reactive after facing rejection. I think this is the highest skill among the guru.

I must say to behave like what you describe will be tough but doable.

Hope you can intro more methodology here so that we can learn.

I will definitely go out to try more gals to get more experience.

Have a great Sunday been an auspicious day too.

Old 18-02-2018, 01:15 PM
phuquoc phuquoc is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by azureontology View Post
I believe our TS, Bro Warbird is extremely successful in all aspects of his life, because he has mastered very valuable skill sets and mindsets; he has strong mental strength, decisive, confident, yet not arrogant and overbearing.

His improved mental mastery over the years also enabled him to lead his current lifestyle. Bro WB has mentioned he had a long streak of luck; i believe he made his own luck in many ways - luck is when hard work (preparation) meets opportunity, and we know WB has worked hard in his career, and now, in other parts of his life, including his "后宫".

While the 5 levels of "BY" mastery was stated more than 6 years ago, WB acknowledges that a level 5 master has not appeared.

I might have an answer to that "rarity" - it is not the lack of "Level 5 masters", but probably the lack of such "BY" candidates.

In fact, Level 5 on strict terms, is not "BY". The "master" is actually a "Bao-ee". Why? Because the "master" is being taken care of, by his resourceful girls.

However, we must understand that - the girls that are typically wiling bao-ees, look for a master, because they have basic needs to be fulfilled. So in place of working in a job, they "work" to please their master. Of course when their master also fulfill their higher level demands (ie. high up the pyramid of Maslow's hierarchy of needs), they get addicted to their master even more.

At level 5 BY candidates, these girls must have sufficient money (sustain their high demands + master more money). If the girl spends all their time and energy at work and career, they have little need to be "BYed", and whether the level 5 master is wealthy or not, is a moot point. They have enough money from their career; they can even give their men money. They have only emotional needs to be fulfilled. Ironically, what these girls can offer to the "master" is more of money, then spending their energies "pleasing" their "master", as their energies are already spent at work. Level 5 "BY" candidates almost sound like oxymorons.

Hence, the likely level 5 "BY-ees", are daughters of rich parents, who are willing to give both money and their bodies, to their masters. The supply of such girls are extremely rare, and to find 2 or more attached to the same master is difficult.

I would think if bro WB would want to up his game further, it would be to get young pretty girls outside the joints, to be his mistresses on long term basis, and he can gain access to their pussies exclusively, without any damage to his pockets. And I believe bro WB has all the skill sets to do just this, ie. 3b would be the target of a BY master.

5b, happens, when among his 3bs "BYs", a few of them also happens to come from a rich background.

I dun think level 5 will ever exist in this forum although it exist in real life. Level 5 will be rare because of how bro WB define it.

Most of the forum here refer to gals coming to Singapore to earn money and send money home. These are gals find it tough to survive in their motherland.

Chronological events in Singapore

1970 - 1980s - Malaysian gals
1980 to 1990s -Thailand gals
1990 to 2000s - PRC gals
2000 to 2010 - Vietnam gals

Any comment?

Hope to contribute whenever possible and hope bro WB will post more.

Have a great Sunday and still happy CNY.
Old 18-02-2018, 04:14 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by Yes933FM View Post
Bro WB

Happy Chinese New Year to you.

Thank you for sharing such useful insights of your beloved LPs to us. I felt that you are truly gentleman.

True that not easy to intro bf to your ex because love is blind. Women too difficult to define.

Bro WB

Not easy to remain non-reactive after facing rejection. I think this is the highest skill among the guru.

I must say to behave like what you describe will be tough but doable.

Hope you can intro more methodology here so that we can learn.

I will definitely go out to try more gals to get more experience.

Have a great Sunday been an auspicious day too.

Fully agreed that it is not easy to remain non-reactive after facing refection.

Old 18-02-2018, 04:50 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Very good thread. Happy new year Bro WB
Old 18-02-2018, 10:37 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Good evening to all samsters and a big thank you to all bros who hv posted here.
Wishing all of you a happy and prosperous Chinese New Year!

Keep Calm And Huat Ah!

Bro WB

Originally Posted by hcmoldbird View Post
Bro WB

Nice of you to reply so humbly.

Bro justime post above was really an eye opener.

Whatever posted makes sense.

Now that he had said so many good things about bro WB and yet bro WB still humbly said he belongs to the 99.9% of men.

SO who is right or wrong?

Anyway so long all brothers enjoyed yourself in the process then nothing matters.

Wish all here a Happy Dog 2018 Year in advance.
Tks for your post.
Bro Justime is a really humble man.
I know how I must behave, consciously.
But, subconsciously, I'm often still in the 99.9% group.

Originally Posted by feliphile View Post
Love this thread by bro Warbird as always! UNLIKE his nick bro Warbird is always making love not war lol!

ANYWAY looking for some new kakis who want high quality china, jap or korean girls during happy hour timing. Got a reasonably priced hh place with such lobang and pool table. Interested bros can pm me.

Im always looking to practise what i learn from this thread.
Thank you for sharing your lobang.
I hope more bros will PM you.

Originally Posted by xinvuilong View Post
Bro WB

Thank you very much for starting a useful thread. I read without sleep for past few nites. OMG, was so absorbing.
.......................................Al Capone nickna,e "Scarface".

Yes, I want to be badass gentleman too and have all the women to fark. Never to fall in love in any r/s.

Thanks for the recommendation above.
.............................Another classic quote by the famous crime boss.
Tks, but you better get more sleep!
Some people believe Al Capone was an authentic American Robin Hood.

Originally Posted by vusua View Post
Bro WB

Very nice thread and also nice post.

I am not sure what I was reading and after reading 3 times then I started understanding what the guru wanted to guide us.
All these was discussed in your earlier posts butt in various stages of the game.

Hope you have a enjoyable long weekend and Happy CNY.

Wish all readers Gong Xi Fa Cai too.

Huat ah!!
Tks for the post.
Yes, must start rejecting more girls.

Originally Posted by azureontology View Post
I believe our TS, Bro Warbird is extremely successful in all aspects of his life, because he has mastered very valuable skill sets and mindsets; he has strong mental strength, decisive, confident, yet not arrogant and overbearing.

His improved mental mastery over the years also enabled him to lead his current lifestyle. Bro WB has mentioned he had a long streak of luck..........................................
While the 5 levels of "BY" mastery was stated more than 6 years ago, WB acknowledges that a level 5 master has not appeared.

I might have an answer to that "rarity" - it is not the lack of "Level 5 masters", but probably the lack of such "BY" candidates.

In fact, Level 5 on strict terms, is not "BY". The "master" is actually a "Bao-ee". Why? Because the "master" is being taken care of, by his resourceful girls.
.............................At level 5 BY candidates, these girls must have sufficient money (sustain their high demands + master more money). If the girl spends all their time and energy at work and career, they have little need to be "BYed", and whether the level 5 master is wealthy or not, is a moot point. They have enough money from their career; they can even give their men money. They have only emotional needs to be fulfilled. Ironically, what these girls can offer to the "master" is more of money, then spending their energies "pleasing" their "master", as their energies are already spent at work. Level 5 "BY" candidates almost sound like oxymorons.

Hence, the likely level 5 "BY-ees", are daughters of rich parents, who are willing to give both money and their bodies, to their masters. The supply of such girls are extremely rare, and to find 2 or more attached to the same master is difficult.

I would think if bro WB would want to up his game further, it would be to get young pretty girls outside the joints, to be his mistresses on long term basis, and he can gain access to their pussies exclusively, without any damage to his pockets. And I believe bro WB has all the skill sets to do just this, ie. 3b would be the target of a BY master.

5b, happens, when among his 3bs "BYs", a few of them also happens to come from a rich background.
Thank you for your fantastic post. You make my day!
I still hv some way to go to reach level 3.

Originally Posted by phuquoc View Post
Bro WB

Thank you for the detail account of your LPs.

Very interesting to learn that need to walk away in order to get what you wanted. SO initial rejection is fine and always their loss. Anyway just keep in contact and when the gal ready will contact you. Thi sis the keyword.

"You need to let go to get what you want."
In this auspicious day let me wish you happy new year.

May all the best syt be your LP.

Hope you post more to share with us here.

Tks so much.
If I were to chase these potential LPs hard and text or call them 5-10 times a day, or if I became very upset by their initial rejections, they would find me most repulsive. It would be unlikely for me to get to taste their pussies.

Originally Posted by Yes933FM View Post
Bro WB

Happy Chinese New Year to you.

Thank you for sharing such useful insights of your beloved LPs to us. I felt that you are truly gentleman.

True that not easy to intro bf to your ex because love is blind. Women too difficult to define.

Tks for your post.

Bro WB

Not easy to remain non-reactive after facing rejection. I think this is the highest skill among the guru.

I must say to behave like what you describe will be tough but doable.

You're right. It's very difficult to remain detached and calm after repeated rejections. But your nonchalance is what separates you from the losers.The girl will be surprised and even shocked...
I believe meditation and self hypnosis should help.

Originally Posted by phuquoc View Post

I dun think level 5 will ever exist in this forum although it exist in real life. Level 5 will be rare because of how bro WB define it.

Most of the forum here refer to gals coming to Singapore to earn money and send money home. These are gals find it tough to survive in their motherland.

Chronological events in Singapore

1970 - 1980s - Malaysian gals
1980 to 1990s -Thailand gals
1990 to 2000s - PRC gals
2000 to 2010 - Vietnam gals

Any comment?

Hope to contribute whenever possible and hope bro WB will post more.

Have a great Sunday and still happy CNY.
Tks for your informative post.
I agree w/ you completely.

Bro WB

.................................................. ..

Here is an interesting article I like to share.

Why do women moan loudly during sex and scream when they are orgasing?

"Female Copulatory Vocalization" means Woman Scream During Sex. Men are biologically wired to want to make their woman moan. It means you're doing a good job. Which, in turn, means you'll get invited back inside her velvety love-cave again.

Researchers have discovered that in primate species the promiscuous females moan during sex.

This is in spite of the obvious dangers of predators discovering and attacking them while they're vulnerable. Scientists say it's an evolutionary biological reason.

It's now been proven across all cultures that women are vocal leading up to orgasm but only in the primate species where females are promiscuous does this occur.

For example, in gorillas, the females are monogamous and therefore not vocal during copulation.

Why is moaning and screaming during sex beneficial to women biologically?

Researchers have determined that a woman will vocalize to attract more males to copulate with her when the current male is done.

This behavior of mating with more than one male at a time enables sperm competition.

Why is moaning and screaming during sex beneficial to women biologically?

Researchers have determined that a woman will vocalize to attract more males to copulate with her when the current male is done.

This behavior of mating with more than one male at a time enables sperm competition.

The more males a woman copulates with, the higher probability she'll conceive a healthy offspring.

To further underscore this reproduction imperative, scientists have confirmed that the male sperm has biologically evolved to fertilize an egg in an environment where it's mixed with ejaculate from other males. The penis is also designed to scrape out competitive sperm after ejaculating when the penis is pulled out of the vagina.

Female humans are fundamentally a polyamorous (love many) species biologically designed to have sex with multiple males when they're aroused.

Dr. Helen Fisher says that during her cross-cultural research, she discovered the majority of women and men are both promiscuous throughout their lives. If cultural norms for monogamy were not established, most humans would have a series of primary relationships for child-rearing and companionship combined with a series of shorter term sexual relationships.

Dr. Fisher estimates that a majority of married people have serial affairs over the years, even if they don't tell anyone about it. She believes this is the normal biological way humans actually live.

Old 19-02-2018, 12:21 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

Tks for the post.
Yes, must start rejecting more girls.
Bro WB

Thanks so much for your reply.
Old 19-02-2018, 12:27 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Support excellent thread by bro WB.
Old 19-02-2018, 03:45 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro WB

Certainly a long post from your European guru trying to explain why rejection is never the end but the beginning.

From the lenghty post, I learned that we must remain calm and non-reactive after been rejected. Woman usually see cry babies after rejecting guys, Most often the guys will keep asking questions and wanted to find out where they went wrong. This type of reactions were common to gals who rejected their men.

Nowadays I practised mode one and straight tell the gal I want to f**k her. Usually will tell the gal she very ugly too and no praise even she is the prettiest gal in the group. I refused to buy her any drink or buy her any gifts. Just take down her contact and remain in contact.

I hope my reading above is correct and will continue to read more.

So bro WB, please share more with us and more gurus teachings.

Hoep you did enjoyed your CNY celebrations and huat ah.


Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Here is more explanation n clarification from an European guru on how to respond to and reverse rejections.

"You’ve heard the story of the tortoise and the hare before, right? The
hare was able to run far faster than the tortoise ever could, and yet the
tortoise eventually won the race. He just kept going, and persevering,
and because of that, he was able to win, despite the hare’s
overwhelming speed advantage.
Yes, this does have something to do with picking up women. In this case,
I want you to think of the different ways that you can act after getting
rejected by a girl as different animals in a race. But in this case, the
winner neither the fastest, nor the one who perseveres the longest.
In this case, the winner is the one who can keep his emotional calm, no matter what happens. The guy who can keep himself under emotional
control no matter what’s going on around him is the strongest guy in the
room. He’s also the one that the girls tend to swoon over. Why? He has
emotional strength.
Now, what does emotional strength have to do with attractiveness?
Girls love a guy with emotional strength, and it goes all the way back to
that same primal brain we’ve been talking about this whole time. A girl’s
primal brain is highly concerned with finding her a mate, and it knows all
sorts of tips and tricks to find out whether a guy would make a suitable
partner and father.
Unfortunately, it evolved back when men were hunting mammoths for
food and for sport, and when women were weaving baskets and
collecting oysters on the seashore.
So a girl’s primal brain first and foremost looks for a guy with emotional
strength, because that’s the kind of guy who can keep his head in a hairy
situation and still bring home that mammoth meat for mom and their
little screaming cave children.
Then again, that emotional strength also has value in real life. Because in this
describes the ability to act regardless of your emotional state in any
situation, if you’re well-versed in handling tough people or hairy
situations and remaining cool, you’ve already mastered this technique in
some other area of your life. And it has practical applications
everywhere: the guy who can develop that kind of internal self discipline
will have major advantages wherever he puts that skill to use.
So how does this tie in with rejection, an overcoming it? Well, here’s a
hint: if you agree with a girl’s decision to reject you, but emotionally you
feel rejected, then you’re doing just that: agreeing with her.
She’ll pick up on your feelings before she ever hears anything you’re
saying. When you let her know that you’re feeling dejected, you show
her loud and clear that you are not an emotionally strong man, and thus
you lose attractiveness points in her book.
You’ll soon be back at your dark corner table cursing women and the
biological imperative that makes you chase them because you let her
know loud and clear that you were not actually an emotional rock, but
just a guy who tried memorizing some stuff out of a book.
And we all know how well that book-learnin’ does in real life, right,
But suppose you did the opposite instead, and you were able to stay
completely calm and casual. Let’s say you agreed with her that she was
right in rejecting you, but you really seemed okay with it. Now, instead
of playing into the girl’s expectation loop, you’ve completely broken it.
She doesn’t know what to do because she doesn’t often run into guys
like you.
As little of an effect her rejection has on you, that’s how monumentally
huge the impact will be on her. So do your best to absolutely not care.
The more you can master this feeling internally, the more effective this
technique will be for you in the long run.
Her expectations will be thrown to the wind by this point if you can
totally keep your cool. But this technique does more than just that.
You’ve sent a message to this girl loud and clear: not only are you
emotionally strong enough to withstand her rejection, but she’s really
not important enough to you to warrant any kind of emotional
You’ve let her know that you’re a lot bigger than anything that could
happen to you and this girl.
Her response to your approach is not going to determine what you think
of yourself in the slightest, and that kind of independence is actually
sexy. It has that “you can’t have this” cachet that’s virtually impossible
to mistake in someone who genuinely has it.
Now, you and I both know that people in general and women especially
always seem to want precisely what they cannot have. You just became
something she can’t have. Even though she already said she wasn’t
interested, the sudden revelation that she couldn’t have you even if
she’d wanted to change the situation into something completely new.
You’ve made yourself more important in her eyes, and let her know loud
and clear that you are not affected at all by her rejection.
The real clincher with this technique is that once you take the first two
steps, even before you do anything to turn that rejection around, you’ve
already done a ton to communicate to her that you are a man of high
value. Not minding getting rejected, and showing her that you don’t
mind getting rejected, are a big part of that.
You become, in this moment, the guy who weathers the storm. You
become an unshakable man-rock who can take life as it comes at him
and come up smelling like roses.
Forget money and muscles: that’s what drives a girl nuts. That kind of
strength beats physical strength every day. And the best part is that
most girls have no idea that that’s what’s really going on.
They think they like a guy because of his haircut or his eyes or that thing
he said to them when there were at that fondue restaurant last
Saturday. But really none of those things is actually true.
And guess what? In this case, she just found out the hard way that she
rejected that guy a moment too soon: she just learned what kind of man
he really is. Suddenly, she might be starting to regret her decision to
reject you.

This is why I say rejection is never the end—instead, it’s the beginning."

Now you know why I love repeated rejections by very attractive gals. It gives me an opportunity to demonstrate my emotional strength and self mastery. Isn't life beautiful?
bro WB
Old 19-02-2018, 04:05 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by Kimjongnam View Post
Bro WB

Certainly a long post from your European guru trying to explain why rejection is never the end but the beginning.

From the lenghty post, I learned that we must remain calm and non-reactive after been rejected. Woman usually see cry babies after rejecting guys, Most often the guys will keep asking questions and wanted to find out where they went wrong. This type of reactions were common to gals who rejected their men.

Nowadays I practised mode one and straight tell the gal I want to f**k her. Usually will tell the gal she very ugly too and no praise even she is the prettiest gal in the group. I refused to buy her any drink or buy her any gifts. Just take down her contact and remain in contact.

I hope my reading above is correct and will continue to read more.

So bro WB, please share more with us and more gurus teachings.

Hoep you did enjoyed your CNY celebrations and huat ah.

I also do that too.

Thanks bro WB for this great thread. Hope to read more.
Old 20-02-2018, 03:35 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
I just received the following email from a guru on a MOST repulsive male behaviour.


7 Common Behaviors That Make You Look NEEDY

“Oh Mike… I’m sorry, but I just don’t see you *that* way...”

“Why?” I asked her. “We’ve been going out for over a month... Just level with me.”

She hesitated, and then…

She did me a HUGE favor. She told me the truth.

“You’re a really nice guy Mike, but… you’re just too… NEEDY.”

I’ll never forget that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.

My face burning. My balls shriveling up inside of me...

What had I done wrong?

I had done everything by-the-book (or so I thought).

I’d used every pickup artist trick… every so-called seduction secret to try to make her want me…

But all the junk these “gurus” and “dating coaches” taught in their e-books and video courses?

It was all bullshit.

How could I have been so dumb?

Where did their advice get me?

Stuck straight in the friend zone, that’s where.

What was I missing?

Why was my neediness so painfully obvious to her?

I’ll tell you why...

And no girl is going to come right out and admit this, but…

Women can read you like a book.

She knows what you’re fvcking thinking, man.

So even if you think you’re playing it cool...

You might still be looking “needy” or “creepy” or “sketchy”...

Without even realizing it!

Here are the 7 most common ways I see guys doing this:

1. Leaning in to talk to a girl, while she stays put and doesn’t move. You’re trying too hard - a big turn off. It’s subtle, but painfully obvious to women.

2. Complimenting a girl right away, before you even know her - for example, telling her she’s gorgeous, or you like her dress, or she has nice style, or she’s a cool, fun person, etc... all super needy.

3. Buying her gifts - this could be anything from flowers, to buying her dinner and drinks, to getting her jewelry… it looks like you’re trying to “buy” her affection.

4. The “I’m here when you need me” vibe - this is when you’re super available for a girl whenever she wants to talk to you. Don’t be the guy who jumps whenever she says “jump”, dude!

5. Texting too much - if your texts are way longer than hers, or more frequent than hers, or using a lot more smileys than hers… then you look super needy.

6. Being too sensitive and taking things she says too personally (also called “being a little bytch”). This is super insecure… women hate this!

7. Agreeing with everything she says. This is what guys do when they’re trying to “force a connection,” and it’s super wussy. Instead, express your own opinions and have a backbone, it’s way more attractive.

So, listen.

I’ve done all of these things, and more.

And if you’re displaying any of these common needy behaviors…

Make a point to cut them out and you’ll notice a massive improvement in how women treat you.

A man is needy because he thinks a particular girl has higher value, meaning she is the PRIZE.
Will Al Capone ever be needy?

Bro WB
Bro WB

Now I really don't want to be needy after reading your post above.

1. I will not be leaning and remain in my position even when gal trying to talk to me. If she not interested DGAD.

2. Learned from previous bros post, tell her she looks ugly and only thing pretty is her dress.

3. No way to buy her any gifts

4. Remain nonchalant even she trying to get my attention.

5. yes, reply 1 word each time she text.

6. never be sensitive whatever she does or say.

7. Always disagree with whatever she said. Let her panic.

Any better suggestions/comments?

Bro WB, I really appreciate all your postings and hope you keep this up.

Have a great day!!
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