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Old 12-04-2018, 09:26 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by litecoin View Post
Absolutely right. So many raids going on.
Better be safe.
Old 13-04-2018, 02:37 PM
moonshots moonshots is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

Hi bro AustinPowers,

I'm only interested in bedding gals who r very attractive to me. But one man's meat is another...and this is complicated by the mysterious Rashomon Effect.

No, I'm not sure if CP gals r better looking than Macau's as I hv never been to either places. But from wat I hv gathered, there r many more gals in CP who r fresher n newer to this trade but the % of chio ones r lower than those in Macau. But I'm sure u could find the gals that suit ur fancy in both places if u look hard enough.

You're right that the supply of the "prettiest gals" r reduced bcos many now r BY-ed by rich men in China. Fewer will go to CP n Macau n even fewer will come to SIN.


Ths for reading n hv a good day!!
Bro WB,

Very nice forum above.

I thought all men who go to ktv is looking for the same 3 letter words.

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

I met w/ XW n her fren yesterday PM. Her fren is not my type. But XW looked better than I last saw her 2 1/2 months ago. She has no pimples now n she is still one of the prettiest PRC MMs around.

After leaving XW, I called XYZ to take a better look at her. I met her only once for 2 min less than 3 months ago when she first started work at TAM/CI/LV. I was at TAM HH n a mummy/OKT informed me abt a new n fresh student. I said let me take a look, maybe I could BY her, hehehe. Since she was already booked by some men, she only met me in the hallway very briefly. First impression: quite chio, fair n tall. My type. I tried to book her for SH at Mirage where Mr. Austin n co were having a meeting, she said OK but around 915PM she said she wont be available until after 10PM. It was just too late for me. Later I tried to BY her tru the mediation of the mummy, but she said No repeatedly... I left for GC not long after that.

A few days ago I called the mummy/OKT to tell her I was back. She said XYZ was nabbed by AV. I offered to BY her if she was not sent back to China.

Two days ago, the friendly mummy said XYZ could stay n wanted x amt for a month for quitting KTVs completely n be w/ me 24/7 except school hrs. The OKT said it took great effort to convince her as she never had sex w/ any men in SIN. They all say that, don't they? I hv called a rival mummy to check XYZ out n monitor her...

I went to pick up XYZ, aged 21, n she brought along a fren who is tall n not bad looking. Wow! XYZ looked very chio w/ little makeup n very long dyed hair tied up in a bun. She was prettier than I had remembered her. She had a blouse which showed 2-inch cleavage n was wearing hot pants n sandals. The mummy must hv told her that I wont BY any gal w/o looking at the legs, hehehe. She is 170 w/o shoes, 51-2 kg, small bones n very proportionate body. Very fair skin. Probably 34B, 24, 34+. Very sexy ass n long, long straight legs. She walks w/ poise n swings her shapely ass very naturally n seductively. She is definitely my type of meat...but I hv to check a few things (such as her breasts n tits...) before deciding. Wonder if I could hv a test drive first? She is certainly a worthwhile target for me to give her COS...

She is also very friendly n sweet, smiling...I'm pleasantly surprised that she is another Fujian gal n so is her fren. I think she is a visual. Took them to dinner near Paragon, Orchard Rd n after dinner, I held XYZ's R hand n walked along the shopping centres. It was after 9pm n there was a huge crowd...I excused myself n left them there. There r some minor details to iron out before the deal can be consummated. I may need to find a place for her to stay close to me.

BTW, it's good picking up gals "outside" KTVs n thus far I hv not paid XYZ a penny, hehehe.

Ths for reading n hv a good day!!

I was amazed how easy for you to get girls your type.

Seems that all the channels are helping you namely,

girls or ex-girls intro their syt friends to you
mummy intro their syts to you
okt also intro their syt to you
your friends also intro syt to you

From the forum it seems that all the girls behaving the same thing. Always bring along a friend to lunch or dinner.

Care to comment what other details you need to iron out besides the room?

Camping here to read most of your amazing thread.

Wish you happy weekend.
Old 13-04-2018, 04:21 PM
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When is your next outing what ?
Originally Posted by moonshots View Post
Bro WB,

Very nice forum above.

I thought all men who go to ktv is looking for the same 3 letter words.


I was amazed how easy for you to get girls your type.

Seems that all the channels are helping you namely,

girls or ex-girls intro their syt friends to you
mummy intro their syts to you
okt also intro their syt to you
your friends also intro syt to you

From the forum it seems that all the girls behaving the same thing. Always bring along a friend to lunch or dinner.

Care to comment what other details you need to iron out besides the room?

Camping here to read most of your amazing thread.

Wish you happy weekend.
Old 13-04-2018, 07:01 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Really amazing thread here, support!
Old 14-04-2018, 09:39 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

BTW, I hv been reading "How to..." which is on the reading list complied by my senior mentor SC. Amazing! The key to success in life in general n w/ women in particular, is a positive state of mind, it's in the attitude. Some call it total self-confidence. There is no room for fears n doubts.

The author mentions the 10 words which changed the course of history: The only thing we hv to fear- is fear itself.

He then mentions several exercises which purport to banish all fears n doubts instantly, on demand, hehehe. The exact same technique could be use to eliminate whatever KC u hv for the wrong gal, hehehe.

It s a judo technique where the negative energy of fear, or whatever negative emotion there is, is deflected n leveraged into a positive energy, a powerful positive momentum. Mental n psychological judo!!


Bro WB
Bro WB,

Happy Weekend here! Was reading your great thread and noted your great effort above.

Fear is always our greatest enemy. Often is our inner fear that holds us back to do many things.

We need a lot of self confidence to do many things. Tackling womanneeds plenty of courage and self-confidence.

I am not an expert on picking woman and reason why I am reading here trying to pickup tips.

Please share if can more tips.

Old 14-04-2018, 10:25 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

Not true as there r so many pretty n young gals who will 下海 to make money for the first time every yr. Some of them will be BAO-ed n many will go to work in Macau n elsewhere in China. But I do agree that fewer n fewer of the prettier n younger ones will come to our little red dot.

I just got back from Macau. One word to sum up my experience in Macau: Wow!!

I spent the first 2 days in HK to take care of a little business. I had a PRC gal who came from China to stay in my hotel for 2 days n nights. It was a great experience. My Hongkie fren WY accompanied me to SZ for half day. He then drove my gal n me in his new big 宝马 around HK, visiting 太平山n other sites. His service was free n I only paid for a few meals. He was most impressed w/ my gal as he also liked very tall n chio gals. BTW, WY always goes to CP bcos of business n has not been to Macau for over 10 yrs.

After my gal had left for China, WY n I took the ferry to Macau. Went straight to the casino at Venetian Hotel. We were very disappointed!! There were thousands of gamblers n visitors...but only few WLs of low quality. They only asked for HKD 1k, not the usual 2k demanded by the very chio n classy ones. Must be bad timing. Had dinner n then Left quickly for KTVs 英皇 n 金龙 as suggested by some SBF bros.

Many of the KTV gals were very pretty n tall. We were there before 8PM n they were vying for our attention. Unlike S'pore, 100% of these gals do ST or overnite. Damage is by package deals or 套餐.

I chose 2 gals ovenite: a 171cm 20 yo pretty n slim gal n a 165cm 22 yo slim, cute gal w/ very big natural boobs n perky ass who looks like a real-life Hantai gal! Both hv small bones n long arms n legs. I squeezed their boobs n butt before selecting them. Had a great time but, unfortunately, I had to change CDs several times to go from one pussy to the next. I let them service me...

They both lived in ZH n told me that they could stay in Macau only 7 days at one time n had to fly to a SE Asian cities once or twice a month to be able to return to Macau in the same month??!!! It was inexplicable. They loved to be BAO-ed in ZH. Not too keen in coming to S'pore though. Too exhausted to look for gals the next day. Will visit the famed saunas the next time.

Yes, my dream is to move to Macau for good, hehehe. The cost of living is much lower than S'pore's n the prettiest PRC gals r all there. Even WY acknowledged that he must visit Macau more often.

Ths for reading n hv a great day!!

Bro WB
Bro WB

Nice of you to post such detailed forum.

I guess you did not shift your base to Macau because read some of the last few pages.

PRC just have a big population. The gender imbalance may soon meant many of the male in PRC will not have bribes. Here in other parts of world especially Singapore, PRC women will continue to come over to ply their trade because of the lucrative earnings.

Since 2009, do you see any difference in quantity and quality.

Hope to read some of your wise comment soon.

Have a nice weekend.

Old 14-04-2018, 10:42 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro WB,

Enjoy all your posts. Keep it coming.
Old 14-04-2018, 10:43 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Really amazing thread here, support!
Old 14-04-2018, 10:50 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by Harkey View Post
Better be safe.
Yes, safety first.
Old 14-04-2018, 11:32 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro WB,

Love to read your posts. Please keep going.
Old 15-04-2018, 12:39 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by IMCB View Post
Really amazing thread here, support!
Support too! And your name is amazing too, are you a smelly CB?
Old 15-04-2018, 07:46 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

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Old 15-04-2018, 09:03 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Good morning to all samsters,

What an auspicious day!!

Originally Posted by dotard View Post
Bro, thanks for reply.

Today greenback is 1.31 and so past 10 years the changes was not too big.

I am sure you make a big pile when the stock market bull run for the past 5 years.

Hope to read more of your posts here.

Are you back to Singapore yet?

Wish you have a good trip.
Originally Posted by dotard View Post
Bro WB,

Very nice post above.

I fully agreed that skills can be improved outside and inside the bedroom.

So far I only found one squirter and back in 2009, you already found two.

I am way behind you in this count of hunting for gals.

Anyway nice read and hope for the best.

Bro, tks for your posts.

I'll return to SG by the end of this month.

Originally Posted by PhilJones View Post
Bro, what a great quote of the day which also makes my day.

Bro WB

The above 4 quotes by bro Pete was marvelous....have to agree more that all these are powerful quotes.

Bro, Very interesting and nice quotes.

All guys have to accept failure and rejections. We will come back very strong and try again.

Gals too actually will try and try again.

If you watch a baby and when the baby fall will get up and try again.

Never lose faith attitude is the best here.

We are have to die someday and might as well do what we best to create our future and history. Sometimes the sky is the limit.

Hope to continue to read this excellent thread.

May you enjoy yourself.


Always maintain a strong mental frame. I welcome rejection and I greatly enjoy it. It makes life more interesting and it gives meaning to success.

My new 18 yo lao po TY was very cold n aloof to every man. I took her to an outing, my 4th time meeting her. A close friend detested her attitude n told me to give up. He said to me: You won't get her pussy even if you pay her 10K sgd for ST. By the end of the outing she agreed to be my LP.

And the next day she said she was scared of losing me. Damage is in the middle of the range, at least 40-50% below what she is worth. In retrospect, I could've given her even less. If she had better social skills and more friendly attitude, she could easily get twice as much from other men. I was able to understand her better and looked beneath her mask...

I hv met girls who are older and less attractive (to me at least) who want 2-3 times more money!!

Originally Posted by fantaxia View Post
Bro WB

I like to take a bit of time to comment two posts above.

I dun think we can ever find "good girl" when these ktv women are here to earn money using their beauty and body. If the ktv women were "hoes" then I dun think the title is appropriate too. As for labeled the ktv women as "freak" also didn't sound right at all.

"good girl" - no way
"freak" - person behaving abnormally (maybe because teh ktv women will behave abnormal here but not when they are home)
"ho" - sometimes yes when the ktv woman desperate and often they can reject selling pussies for cash.

See bro WB, you had admitted that you spent most of your life in an entirely different line of work until recently.

What makes you do such thing and started this fabulous thread.

What makes you choose Singapore to hunt?

Many can guess what really you hope to achieve. Simply My guess is after making all your money and you just want to live a different life with a noble adventure.

I do agree we should not be hypercritical.

I hope I am not stepping on any toes with my comment above.

Well so long you enjoy and is your money well spent?


Thanks for your comments.

How do you define "good girls"?

I grew up in SG n my mom still lives here.

Originally Posted by bigbadass View Post
Bro WB,

Wow wow, from Singapore to land of PRC and CP in particular. Those days CP with flower streets are the best.

Really envy you to be able to do what you wish. So if you pick 3 girls will make you emperor and what about more than 3 girls, haha.

As for people who are salaried worker will never be able to make it.

Will try to read up on your CP adventure.

Thanks for sharing great posts in a great thread.

Bro, thanks.

CP is history. It was actually quite cheap to get 2-3 girls in 2009.

Originally Posted by bigbadass View Post
Bro WB

Something new here which I learned from you.

COS (contnuously orgasmic state) - when I google on this topic, don't really have many topics on continuous orgasmic state but more topics on orgasmic state.

Hope to hear more comments on this topic if possible.

I shall try to read up more and try out soon on my gf.

Hope to hear from you.

Bye for now.

Tks for your post. Any FR?

Originally Posted by moonshots View Post
Bro WB,

Very nice forum above.

I thought all men who go to ktv is looking for the same 3 letter words.


I was amazed how easy for you to get girls your type.

Seems that all the channels are helping you namely,

girls or ex-girls intro their syt friends to you
mummy intro their syts to you
okt also intro their syt to you
your friends also intro syt to you

From the forum it seems that all the girls behaving the same thing. Always bring along a friend to lunch or dinner.

Care to comment what other details you need to iron out besides the room?

Camping here to read most of your amazing thread.

Wish you happy weekend.

Yeah, I get to look at many young women and SYTs from different sources. They are easier than you think. The problem is finding one good enough to BY.

I hv women introducing their nieces and young cousins to me. Yes, even SYTs introducing their SYT friends and neighbors. For BY, of course. Such a girl is the easiest, actually too easy. She is literally dropped on my lap by her trusted aunt, cousin or good friend.

Originally Posted by Westons View Post
When is your next outing what ?
Bro, outing? PM me.

Originally Posted by manuela View Post
Bro WB,

Happy Weekend here! Was reading your great thread and noted your great effort above.

Fear is always our greatest enemy. Often is our inner fear that holds us back to do many things.

We need a lot of self confidence to do many things. Tackling womanneeds plenty of courage and self-confidence.

I am not an expert on picking woman and reason why I am reading here trying to pickup tips.

Please share if can more tips.


Tks for your post.

Beautiful women are attracted to a man's masculine behaviour. Boldness is very masculine. Be bold and fearless, not foolhardy or reckless.

Originally Posted by manuela View Post
Bro WB

Nice of you to post such detailed forum.

I guess you did not shift your base to Macau because read some of the last few pages.

PRC just have a big population. The gender imbalance may soon meant many of the male in PRC will not have bribes. Here in other parts of world especially Singapore, PRC women will continue to come over to ply their trade because of the lucrative earnings.

Since 2009, do you see any difference in quantity and quality.

Hope to read some of your wise comment soon.

Have a nice weekend.


The quality of girls in Macau has steadily declined since 2009.


Bro WB
Old 15-04-2018, 11:18 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by uhoo View Post
hey, i read all of your stories and others bro incl i just feel this is rich man staff. i am just a bank staff earning a lowly pay how to enjoy. can the rich bros can recommend me what kind of job should i get early in my years. i wish to get rich too.
This is such an auspicious day and the post above dated 1 Jan 2010.

Money is important but making money is utmost important.

The keyword is "Invest"

Invest wisely
- time
- money

A friend told me long ago, you cannot get rich if you working for somebody. You can only get rich if you are working for yourself.

An comments?

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

Hi bro uhoo,

Not true. Of course u may need some money initially...

If u become a "bad boy" n a "crafty serpent," u can get all the gals u ever want w/o spending much money.

You dun need to be very handsome (潘), hv the cock of a donkey (驴) n be filthy rich (邓) to get very chio women to fall for u purported by Chinese folklore. Just myths. But u MUST hv the tongue of a serpent: for sweet talking (小) them n to give them incredible pleasure, preferably COS, hehehe, n lots of free time (闲). It's very hard work n time consuming, actually...nothing is easy in this world since Adam was banished fro the garden of Eden.

The good news is that once u dominate over them n get them attached to u, they may support u instead.

THE single most important attribute for attracting n keeping exceptional women which Chinese folklore doesn't even mention: Your unlimited self-confidence.

BTW, I'm not sure abt making money. If u speak good Malay, go to Indonesia n make ur fortune there...any bros here get better ideas?

Happy New year to all samsters!!

Bro WB
Bro WB

Happy New Year to you back in 2010.

Just a reminder to you that your prestigious thread has came of age.

Invest wisely whereby "sky is the limit".

If anyone had bought Amazon when it was 1 buck will stood to gain more than USD 1 mil bucks if you just bough 1000 shares back then.

Just check Amazon shares now close, Inc.
NASDAQ: AMZN - 13 Apr, 7:59 PM GMT-4
1,430.79 USD Price decrease17.71 (1.22%)

Similarly if anyone bought Bitcoins earl would have been multi-millionaire when the price of Bitcoins was once trading at USD 20,000.00 each.

Back to the topic of picking up ktv girl, this game is not meant for low salaried worker but there is different level of playing.

You can bypass higher end ktv and instead go to the lower to mid-range ktv back in 2009.

The challenge may be still be same and if you have the skills then will be easier.

Any comments?

Hope TS, bro WB enjoy his weekend.

Cheers to all here.
Old 15-04-2018, 12:29 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by bigbadass View Post
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