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Old 09-05-2003, 03:12 AM
SGPshanghai69 SGPshanghai69 is offline
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Re: Do u get to use the Nipon 'caps'?

Originally posted by shagman69
Thank You Thank You Thank You!
Dear Bro Shagman69,
Not that u will get to use them back there in SGP lah bro or do u? Or perhaps u r actually piling up 'stocks' (Nipon caps) to be brought back here to the " Land of Orient" to be put to 'good use'?
From what all bros here who knows, all your 'cows' r back here in P.R.C. if so, why bother to buy in SGP lah bro?
U might even end up arousing unnecessary attention or suspicion from your CO leh extra cautions with regards to that and, furthermore lately as u mentioned, your CO is getting pretty 'pissed off' with your nightly outings eh? Better be careful lah bro.........
Cheers take care lah!
Warmest Regards & concern from,
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 09-05-2003, 10:02 AM
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Re: Re: Do u get to use the Nipon 'caps'?

Originally posted by SGPshanghai69
Dear Bro Shagman69,
Not that u will get to use them back there in SGP lah bro or do u? Or perhaps u r actually piling up 'stocks' (Nipon caps) to be brought back here to the " Land of Orient" to be put to 'good use'?
From what all bros here who knows, all your 'cows' r back here in P.R.C. if so, why bother to buy in SGP lah bro?
U might even end up arousing unnecessary attention or suspicion from your CO leh extra cautions with regards to that and, furthermore lately as u mentioned, your CO is getting pretty 'pissed off' with your nightly outings eh? Better be careful lah bro.........
Cheers take care lah!
Warmest Regards & concern from,
Already trying to get some local stocks. Should be getting quite a few so.
Got a nice Spa to go, some nice joints to cheong!
Damn! I'm Dumb.
Old 09-05-2003, 04:26 PM
SGPshanghai69 SGPshanghai69 is offline
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Re: Cheong in Homeland, Singapore

Originally posted by shagman69
Already trying to get some local stocks. Should be getting quite a few so.
Got a nice Spa to go, some nice joints to cheong!
Hey Bro shagman69,
U must be really dying from 'hunger' that u r even getting 'new stocks' from Homeland back yard....
U r the man lah!
Perhaps would be good if we can catch up at this new Spa joint u mentioned well as some nice joints to cheong as per mentioned by you!
C u soon bro. Counting down the days to return now...damn delighted man!
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 09-05-2003, 08:20 PM
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Hey BroShagman,

I had PM to you but no reply yet, leh. Where is this spa joint? With special or not? You know, it is so f**king expensive to go to a spa with special service at SHA. I can't wait to go to one in SIN. Any good recommendation for a good rub w/special?
Went thru other threads but not really sure about any particular good place.
Any enlightment from you or broJans welcome.

Old 10-05-2003, 04:15 PM
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With all due respect, I think that clutter has started to dominate this thread rather than recommendations (as what it should be). Bro SGPshanghai69: Dont you agree with me, matey??

Hence, may I suggest that we revert back to Shanghai recommendations (its been a while since I was back in Shanghai vs my old days when I was there ever so often - hence I together with other Bros on this thread would like to find out from others the more recent "cheong" scenes as it relates to places such as Xintiandi, Fuxing Park, KTVs/Discos around the Hongqiao area, HCs, etc, etc) for the benefit of the rest of the bros reading this thread.

Notwithstanding, those who might wish to chit-chat and arrange for outings I'm sure there are other forums for this or alternatively, the primary correspondence mean i.e. emails.

Old 12-05-2003, 05:50 PM
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To all bros here,
I cannot agree more with Bro marcoman! We will need to use this thread more wisely in order to disseminate all the critical information to other bros here....Therefore, let us all do as what was mentioned by bro marcoman.....

Just another piece of information......
From my herd of "cows" in China, it was announced that all night spots (KTVs etc etc) in SHANGHAI are ordered to shut their business for the last 1 month. According to latest sources (less than 3hrs ago!), they would have to stay shut for the next 1 month. This type of information is extremely useful to all bros who are reading this thread as this would definitely help them to paln their trip to China properly. With this closure, might as well cancel all trips and save the risks!

Would appreciate any further or other useful information from all esteemed brothers, either in or out of China!

Just my 1.5 cents worth!
Cherish what you have today!
God knows what will happen tomorrow!
Old 12-05-2003, 09:44 PM
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Re: What'sUp

Originally posted by Ascott
Hey BroShagman,

I had PM to you but no reply yet, leh. Where is this spa joint? With special or not? You know, it is so f**king expensive to go to a spa with special service at SHA. I can't wait to go to one in SIN. Any good recommendation for a good rub w/special?
Went thru other threads but not really sure about any particular good place.
Any enlightment from you or broJans welcome.

Sorry! I think I have replied with my Mobile.
Anyway, we will talk when you get back or I will let Bro Jans know instead of posting here!
Damn! I'm Dumb.
Old 12-05-2003, 09:46 PM
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From my cow in SHA, all leaving SHA and returned are subjected to Quarantine.
I believed most places for Cheonging will be dead quiet due to the shutting down by the government as well.
Damn! I'm Dumb.
Old 13-05-2003, 04:37 PM
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Hotel shut

The People News reported that four majors hotels in Shanghai, Peace Hotel, teh Shanghai Hotel, the Jinjiang Tower and the Donghu Hotel are closed for up to three months due to a lack of guests.

In Nanjing city, where 10,000 people have been qarantined authourities have shut 566 hotels saunas, hair salons and Internet cafes in a bid to prevent Sars from spreading.

Looks like travels to China has to wait a long while more.........
Old 13-05-2003, 04:37 PM
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Old 13-05-2003, 07:29 PM
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Cheong Now?

Dear BroMarcoman, before you bark further let's get the facts straight. It is not that we at SHA do not want to provide FR or info on new cheong place. We do have a list but with the present situation and for our own safety, we are very reluctant to go out at all.
We do get together but at a familiar place therefore, no need to introduce.
As for the chit-chatting, some of us are back in SIN while some are still working at SHA and this is the most convenient forum to 'meet'.
If BroTsuyoyi wants to know any info of the latest SARS effect on the nightscene, you can contact anyone of us. A piece of advice: just stay put at where you are!
Old 14-05-2003, 09:23 AM
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Re: Cheong Now?

Originally posted by Ascott
Dear BroMarcoman, before you bark further let's get the facts straight. It is not that we at SHA do not want to provide FR or info on new cheong place. We do have a list but with the present situation and for our own safety, we are very reluctant to go out at all.
We do get together but at a familiar place therefore, no need to introduce.
As for the chit-chatting, some of us are back in SIN while some are still working at SHA and this is the most convenient forum to 'meet'.
If BroTsuyoyi wants to know any info of the latest SARS effect on the nightscene, you can contact anyone of us. A piece of advice: just stay put at where you are!
Bro Ascott

As a follow samster let treat each other as human being, Marcoman is merely stating a fact.

I tend to agree with Marcoman that we should restrict our chit-chatting to either PMs or email and not flood this thread so as to faciliate easy reading.

Thank you for your kind advise to stay put. If you're game and in town do feel free to join us for a drink.

Old 14-05-2003, 09:34 AM
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Dear Bro Ascott,

Bro Marcoman was not barking, and I do not think this forum is meant for barking and then someone barks back.

We appreciate your show of concern of safety. Maybe you are new to the Shanghai Scene. This forum has been extremely useful to many of us, even for me who was there until the SARS saga, for more than six years at the frequency of at least twice every three months. Personally, I have benefitted from many brothers in Shanghai, such as SGPShanghai69, Shagman and many others, who have shown extreme help through the forum. I am sure many brothers would share my sentiment. To refresh my own memory. even Marcoman was the one who pointed me to the club to the Rainbow hotel and the place at the second floor.

What Bro Marcoman is advocating is not wrong, which I agree with what he said. In addition, taking your view as some of you are backhome and some have no choice. due to work, have to stay in Shanghai, communication becomes important. Isn't what e-mail system is for for conversation between friends, if the substance is meant for between friends?

Bro Jan talked about straying. Well, judge for yourselves the degree of straying that had occurred before Bro Marcoman's posting. I wonder how much useful information that one could derive from those postings.

Let us keep the forum as it is meant to be, i.e. for the exchange of useful information. Thank you for the offer of information on Shanghai. Although we do have many of our own contacts in China, but an offer from a fellow brother is always deeply appreciated.

With best regards.

Just a Very Simple Man
Just a Retired Simple Man

PuTonRen aka UFO_Man

Last edited by PuTonRen; 14-05-2003 at 10:02 PM.
Old 14-05-2003, 11:13 AM
SGPshanghai69 SGPshanghai69 is offline
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Re: Cheong in Shanghai

Originally posted by tsuyoyi
To all bros here,
I cannot agree more with Bro marcoman! We will need to use this thread more wisely in order to disseminate all the critical information to other bros here....Therefore, let us all do as what was mentioned by bro marcoman.....

Just another piece of information......
From my herd of "cows" in China, it was announced that all night spots (KTVs etc etc) in SHANGHAI are ordered to shut their business for the last 1 month. According to latest sources (less than 3hrs ago!), they would have to stay shut for the next 1 month. This type of information is extremely useful to all bros who are reading this thread as this would definitely help them to paln their trip to China properly. With this closure, might as well cancel all trips and save the risks!

Would appreciate any further or other useful information from all esteemed brothers, either in or out of China!
Just my 1.5 cents worth!
Hi there to all bros here!
1st of all, not that I'm too busy to post nor reply any threads here but rather have not been receiving any emails informing me that new postings are being posted here as usual via my hotmail account. Dunno why lah!

As per all bros are concerned about with regards to the night scenes/ activities in Shanghai, so I am doing my little bit posting my 'real-life' experience of the above mentioned as follow:
- I was at City Hotel, Yanan Road 'Pretty Bar & KTV' the one with only exclusive Dalian models 8 rooms posh KTV last Friday night.

- The gals are still very much available in stock. Out of the exclusive 8 rooms available, 5 rooms occupied including mine.
Feedback from mamasan, business dropped by 70-80% as compared to the usual. That night was exception. But majority guests call for bill by 2330hrs.
Compulsory disinfecting of hands of all customers in the room with the waitress holding a bottle of disinfectant spray and a bin for customers to disinfect their hands upon sitting down. All rooms are being disinfected after every batch of customers leave.

-Last Wednesday, my sub-contractor wanted to bring me to a Disco/KTV at ZhaBei District, nearby Shanghai Railway Station. However, upon reaching there the joint was closed. Notice pasted on Main Entrance stated "Due to recent SARS issue, our shop is closed indefinitely in co-operation with the request of ZhaBei District Government"

So I believed with above mentioned cases/ scenerio, all bros here will have a better picture on the night scenes in Shanghai lah. Indeed there are some joints that are closed yet there are still joints available afterall. It all depends on individual whether he/she wants to patronise it by risking it or not that's all.
Strong measures are being enforce throughout Shanghai with regards to the protections measures taken to prevent SARS.

Last but least, we are all bros of Shanghai Samster Alumni here lah, so no need to exchange words here. True enough that the forum here is meant for posting of info of the 'cheong scenes' in Shanghai. But there again, sometimes there bound to be several postings of asking one another well being as well. Let's all be more cordial towards one another lah. I know bro Marcoman in person as well as bro Ascott too. Both are fellow good pals and are of superb characters in person as well. I definitely dun think neither party are being foul. Both parties have it's point lah!
Lets' all do our part here in providing all info necessary as well as treating fellow bros amicably lah ok bros?

My fault lah! I started with always talking about my 'herds of cows'!...sorry to all bros now I make up for it by risking my health in person to be down at the night scenes to provide the above true life experience report. Hope all bros here will pardon me and that this report is of certain degree of help to all who's eager to know the extend of SARS issue in Shanghai.

Cheers bros.
Best regards,
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 14-05-2003, 06:13 PM
trax222 trax222 is offline
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FYI. The KTV joints in Xianxia/Shuicheng area closed for the past 3-4 weeks or so too. Same goes for the Luxury KTV (branch of the Pretty KTV at City Hotel).

Probably a good idea to stay away from SH for a while.
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