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Old 14-08-2018, 01:02 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro WB

Thanks for the great thread.

Just ABC for sex already so long and details. Really amazing facts and plenty of pointers to take away.

A - anatomy
B - body language control
C - connections

Wonderful stuff to learn.

Thanks again buddy.


Originally Posted by warbird View Post
"The ABC's Of Great Sex"

"A" is for Anatomy.

Obviously, on the most basic level, you have
just GOT to know where things are on a woman's

That means that you can confidently and quickly
locate things like the clitoris, the g-spot, the
cervix, the labia, etc.

If you don't have that part completely handled,
then you can very quickly find the information online
by typing any of those words into google.

This is basic, "must know" information.

The more advanced stuff to know about a her
anatomy is not universal for every woman-- so you
will have to do some exploring...

Every woman has her own erotic map of places
on her body that turn her on.

For example, some women will go wild with
lust if you nibble their earlobes... and some
women will find it annoying.

Finding the spots on her body that drive her
crazy is part of the fun of love-making.

Okay, next...

"B" is for Body Control.

In this case I'm talking about YOUR body.

Obviously there are many amazing things you
can do to her with your fingers and tongue. And
for giving a woman her first orgasm, the tongue
is probably superior to the penis.

But for the most amazing sex she's ever had
in her life, you will need to have control over
your erection.

Controlling your body is something that she
sees as a masculine and powerful characteristic.

And that, unfortunately, means that if you
CAN'T control yourself, that she'll feel that you
are a bit less manly... and this will affect her
sexual attraction to you... her desire to BE
sexual with you...

And that's true even if you can give her a
hundred multiple orgasms with your tongue.

If you happen to be a guy with challenges in
this area, I have some news for you that you may
find difficult to believe-- but it's a fact:

This is the EASIEST part of being great in bed.


Because it's the part that is TOTALLY in your
control. It's YOUR body, and YOU can control it.

If you are shaking your head and saying, "but
I CAN'T!" Please slap yourself hard across the
face and get a grip on yourself.

Yes, you can.

It may take some work, some practice, some
courage... but you absolutely can. Other men
have overcome this challenge and so can you.

I'm not going further into this now because
I've got to get to "C", but if this is a challenge
in your life, STOP reading now and go HERE

Okay, so moving along... the other reason that
controlling your erection is so important is
that while you can give her an orgasm with your
tongue-- when you give her an orgasm while you are
INSIDE of her body, and face-to-face it creates
a magic intimacy for her that can't be replaced.

And the feelings and emotions this creates
inside of her are what will release even more
powerful orgasms and take her to places that no
other man has ever taken her to.

And this is only possible through the final
piece of the puzzle...


This is both the most difficult and, by far,
the most important part of giving a woman her
most incredible experience in the bedroom.

If you are with a woman who has never had an
orgasm before...

THIS is how you will give her her first.

If you are with a woman who is very orgasmic
and can easily have multiple orgasms from any
sexual position-- this will EXPLODE her beliefs
about how much sexual pleasure she is capable of

And show her that while ANY man can give her
an orgasm, with you, she is in the hands of a
true MASTER.

"Connection" is a complex subject and a complex
skill and that's why so few men can do it... which
is why so few men are any good in bed... and also
why so many women have never had an orgasm.

Here's the thing that is so frustrating for
so many guys--

Even if she LOVES you...

Even if you are her best FRIEND...

Even if you have been together for YEARS...

She probably still doesn't feel the kind of
sexual "connection" I'm talking about.

In fact (and here's the real freak-show), often
these factors PREVENT her from feeling sexual
connection with you because her closeness to you
makes it scary for her--

Have you ever noticed that if some guy you
know tells you that you're doing something wrong
and corrects you, or tells you that your shirt
looks stupid-- it's no big deal. You forget
about it two minutes later.

But if the woman you love says these things
it hurts like hell... and may start a big fight?

We are emotionally raw with the people we
love the most.

And that's why it's so difficult for you to
build this sexual Connection with her.

She is terrified of being so completely
vulnerable with you because if you reject her,
it will emotionally destroy her.

But when you establish this connection,
she completely surrenders herself to you.

That is when you can make her orgasm,
literally at will.

There are very specific techniques and actions
you can take to create this connection-- it is not
just "luck" or "chemistry".

And likewise, there are very specific things
you can do to destroy it... And most men are so
completely unaware of these things that they do
them ALL THE TIME without realizing it.

But I guarantee, if you can do the simple
steps-- learn about her ANATOMY, and CONTROL your
own body... you can absolutely learn to do this
third, critical step...

And completely BLOW HER MIND in the bedroom in
ways that she never thought possible.

It's almost funny to watch how shocked she will
be afterwards-- because she just never suspected
that so much sexual pleasure was remotely possible.

And what's very hard to explain in the scope
of a newsletter is that this NOT some vague or
intangible thing... when you GET this, you will
feel it in almost exactly the way you feel it
the first time you dial in a good golf swing or
stand up on a surf board.

There's no question as to whether you are
riding that board or never got off your knees.

In the coming months I'll be sharing lots of
tips on how to build that connection in this

But here is the most important factor that
you can start working with IMMEDIATELY.

The key is in the first thing I told you, which
is confidently going for what YOU want.

Because your confidence is exactly what gives
her PERMISSION to open vulnerably towards you
and create connection.

For Passion,

Mr. Sexual Mastery Guru

P.S., Practice this TONIGHT. Make an effort
to notice what you feel when you are more open
about your desires with your woman... and then
breath through that feeling into confidence.

You will probably see a difference in her response
IMMEDIATELY. That's the first step on the road to
Old 14-08-2018, 01:34 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs


I want to be the MAN.

What a starting point simply love the whole thread.

What turns out to be a simple thread became an encyclopedia. Really many solid proofs and pages of case studies.

Agreed with guru that men always lack of initiatives and lack of toughie or assertives.

Many men still feel plenty of inferior complex.

Not sure if I hit it right but am gonna try out plenty of the proofs inside.

Hope to read more and pls continue.

Have a great day.

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
The most beautiful gals/women in the world r looking for a real MAN.

IMHO, being in control of one's own emotions under the most difficult circumstances is the mark of a dominant male, the real MAN. This attribute is most attractive to females at their subconscious level.

Let me also share w/ u one guru's description of how to be the MAN.

Be the Man

Lack of a backbone and feeling needy and insecure are the biggest obstacles to
being a leader and attracting women through your charisma. If you want to be
the strong guy who sucks others into his vortex, observe and practice the
following guidelines.

TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. A man with charisma solves problems without placing
blame on others. As John F. Kennedy put it when discussing the immense
challenges of the presidency, “I do not shrink from this responsibility -- I welcome
Accept advice from others, but don't depend on them to make decisions. Always
be ready to take charge and make the decide what will be done.

BE ASSERTIVE. Have your own opinions and don't be wishy-washy. Remember,
as a leader, it's up to you to influence others. So make your own decisions in life.
And don't be afraid to ask for what you want.
And as a charismatic leader, although you take other people's viewpoints into
consideration, there's no need to ever be a follower, nor to be submissive to
anyone. If you have to disagree with someone, that's fine, since courage for your
convictions is a magical trait possessed by the charismatic.
Having said that, however, don't be combative either. You see, getting upset and
overly emotional about things reeks of insecurity.
When you're assertive, you tell people what you want, being respectful yet
resolute. There's never any reason to threaten, act hostile, or lose your temper.
Just be honest about your needs.

BECOME DRIVEN TO SUCCEED. A charismatic person has an overpowering urge to create a better life and fulfill his potential in life. Create goals, and focus
on doing what it takes to reach them.

PLACE A HIGH VALUE ON YOURSELF. That means you don't need other
people's approval. You're placing a low value on yourself when you:
• Brag about yourself. The only reason you'd ever brag is because you feel
• Try to impress people. A man of high value isn't required to prove himself to
• Feel that anyone's better than you. You never need to put a woman up on a
pedestal or feel like you have to impress your friends or followers. Remember,
no one out there is better than you! As such...
• Don't give people your attention unless they have earned it. And then
when you do give them your attention, they'll feel so much better about
• Be busy enough in your life (due to your drive to succeed) that when
you give your time to others, they can be sure that they have earned it.
• Never feel as if you need to buy anyone's affections. Instead use your
charm. A well-placed sincere compliment for someone will bring you far
better results than buying them gifts or giving them fake flattery.


Bro WB
Old 14-08-2018, 01:51 PM
kungnguyen kungnguyen is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Awesome thread by Bro WB.

Hope to learn more from you bro.

Have a good week ahead.
Old 15-08-2018, 05:58 PM
song2gaojurong song2gaojurong is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro WB

Another good post below.

I hope to be the 20% men and also "Extinct Man".

Great piece of work written below from the guru.

So we need to make MAN as the PRIZE then women will clock to the PRIZE.

Haha wish all is true and I have much more to learn.

Please enjoy yourself.

Keep doing what you think is right and don't worry about other comments.

Till I post again!!

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
At this time I like to share the traits of "Extinct Man" according to another guru.

Bro WB,

Most men are unsuccessful with women.

It's a fact and established "law" that 80% of women want 20% of men.

It's called Pareto's principle.

Pareto's "law" applies to almost everything in life.

80% of results are gained from 20% of actions.

If you're not in that 20% of men that get 80% of the success
with women, it sucks doesn't it?

It means you have to watch the same guys getting all of the best

But you know what?

The BEST thing about being a man today is that women are not
exclusively looking for good looks, great body, money or whatever.

They are looking for a whole package.

And here at...we've unravelled the mystery of
exactly what women want... Even though, most of it they don't even
realize themselves!

... And we've broken it down into 10 easily trainable parts.

We call these parts...

***The 10 Rarest Qualities Of The Extinct Man***

Why do we say men with these qualities are extinct?

Because they are SO rare, that if you can just emulate a few of
these qualities, you'll find yourself in the top 20% of attractive

If you manage to master all 10 of these qualities and let them
"become you", you'll be amongst the rarest... Almost extinct...
0.1% of highest quality men that ALL women want.

That's what we're doing here... Teaching you
how to use these "mental attraction triggers" that short circuit
women's minds and generates massive unstoppable floods of
attention from women.

Then, once you've gotten a few of these qualities mastered, you can
use our step-by-step system for meeting women and generating massive
attraction for you in their minds.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves...

Here are the 10 qualities of the extinct man (there are MORE but
that is highly advanced material beyond the scope of this free Email

When you read this list, don't let any of them put you off
thinking "well, I am NOT this or that..."

...See the thing is, you don't even NEED to BE these things... there
are ways to flip the "mental triggers" in her mind so that she'll
ASSUME you are these things without you ever needing to say it, or
even be it...

1. The leader (at work, socially, amongst peer group etc)
2. Popular (people want to know you and be around you)
3. Confident
4. Funny (have a good sense of humor)
5. Have social proof (be attractive to other women)
6. Be socially competent and have social intelligence
7. Strong/protective over loved ones
8. Looks/body (have good genes for her offspring)
9. Emotionally wired correctly
10. Have power (be willing to use resources to protect her)

As I said, there are MORE, but these are a good start...

If you can just flip 5 of these mental triggers,
you'll have her WANTING YOU BADLY...

Seriously, this material is powerful enough to create total
stalkers out of the most gorgeous high quality women that you would
never dream would want to stalk you right now, I've been there...
more than once. It's a great feeling to know women want YOU... And
exclusively you. It's like you short circuit their brain to only
SEE and THINK about YOU...

Anyway, this email is getting a little longer than I wanted it to...
I'm going to tell you more of the "do this" "do that" details
in my next email Bro WB,

Mr. XYZ.
Old 15-08-2018, 06:35 PM
mcuntface mcuntface is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Agree that is another good post.

Have much more to learn from bro WB.

Have a nice day.

Originally Posted by song2gaojurong View Post
Bro WB

Another good post below.

I hope to be the 20% men and also "Extinct Man".

Great piece of work written below from the guru.

So we need to make MAN as the PRIZE then women will clock to the PRIZE.

Haha wish all is true and I have much more to learn.

Please enjoy yourself.

Keep doing what you think is right and don't worry about other comments.

Till I post again!!
Old 15-08-2018, 08:29 PM
catmountainking catmountainking is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

Bro TD's idea of bringing the game of BY-ing to a higher level is very interesting n challenging. If a man is able to keep a chio SYT for free, he is not BY-ing her, or is he? The question is how does she support herself n her poverty-stricken family back in China? If she has to work at KTVs, there is no exclusivity which is intolerable for me.

I'll leave the above questions aside for now n describe my personal concept of the different levels of "BY-ing."

Level1 : (a) BY-ing a chio gal of ur type but allowing her to work. This was my MO for most of 2009. If u find her in SG, she is most likely an undereducated PRC gal.
: (b) BY-ing a similar gal but her pussy is exclusively yours. She doesn't work at all. Almost all my gals since Jan 2010 belong here. (My current level.)

Level2 : Finding chio uni students or recent graduates of ur type in PRC, importing them to SG for BY-ing. (My next level.)

In retrospect, I was at this level once unwittingly. Last May I briefly kept a chio 22 yo SH gal I picked up at TAM. She was a recent graduate of 上海电影学院 who had a small role in a TV series, but our RS lasted only 2 wks. She was from a relatively well to do family. The kicker here was that she was a virgin, hehehe.

I was quite frugal then n when I refused to buy her a high end Apple laptop (over 3K I think), she cried n was angry w/ me, n we separated. Was I heartless? She returned to SH two days later n has not been back to SG since. Her pussy was very pretty n of course couldn't get any tighter, hehehe. A few esteemed bros met her when I brought her to PC 2nd FL on Fri 7 May, 2010. I still think of her pussy sometimes.

Level3 : (a) Getting FOC from a gal of ur type, but her pussy is not exclusive to u.
(b) Staying w/ a gal of ur type FOC n her pussy is exclusive to u.

Level4 : (a) Staying w/ a chio gal of ur type n she PAYS u, but her pussy is not exclusive to u.
(b) Staying w/ a chio gal of ur type n she PAYS u AND her pussy is exclusive to u.
Believe it or not, this is still NOT the ultimate.

Drum roll please...this is the ULTIMATE test of a real MAN.

Highest Level or Level5 : (a)Staying w/ many chio gals of ur type AND they pay u AND their pussies are exclusive to u!!!
(b) Accomplishing the above despite the fact that YOU r wealthy!!

I guess the very rare MAN who attains Level5, either a or b, may be said to be a master of mass hypnosis, Gong Tao or black magic, hahaha.

Are there any Level5 bros here? Pls come forward n tell ur story. Thank you! Would u accept me as ur most humble disciple?


Bro WB

Thanks for the post.

Exclusivity is always more expensive but good for gfe. If you can afford it then why not.

We must understand why there is a demand for so many high class night club and ktvs. Simply means there is a demand.

Recently many top models or porn models came to our shores to work for a few days to weeks. Why they come because there is a demand and clients willing to pay.

I was told that rich Asean citizens flew in just to taste their pussies as what Bro WB likes to call it.

Anyway to each his own and we are all different. Be happy even if you are level 1 or level 5 above.

Just be happy to pay so long can afford.

Old 15-08-2018, 10:52 PM
AnitaNguyen AnitaNguyen is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by catmountainking View Post

Thanks for the post.

Exclusivity is always more expensive but good for gfe. If you can afford it then why not.

We must understand why there is a demand for so many high class night club and ktvs. Simply means there is a demand.

Recently many top models or porn models came to our shores to work for a few days to weeks. Why they come because there is a demand and clients willing to pay.

I was told that rich Asean citizens flew in just to taste their pussies as what Bro WB likes to call it.

Anyway to each his own and we are all different. Be happy even if you are level 1 or level 5 above.

Just be happy to pay so long can afford.

Yes, exclusivity is definitely good for gfe.

Support excellent thread by Bro WB.

Old 16-08-2018, 08:46 PM
NabyKeitaNo8 NabyKeitaNo8 is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Cheers to bro WB

What a great day and thread.

Hope you enjoy yourself thoroughly.

Below post from guru was also great.

This si what I am lacking building chemistry with gals for sexual act.

Wish you all the best.

Cheers Cheers.

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
God afternoon!!

Just received an e-mail from my favourite guru on sexual chemistry.

The following account applies to non-WLs. However, even though WLs r after money, deep down in their subconscious minds, they r basically the same.

The Building Blocks Of Sexual Chemistry

Mr. Guru

[email protected]

Dear Bro Warbird,

Here's a no-brainer: would YOU like to free yourself from the
emotional burden of feeling like a failure with women? Do you want
to set yourself apart from the hordes of AFCs who can't seem to go
from attraction to seduction?

Of course you do. That's why you're gonna need some serious,
field-tested, heavy-duty knowledge to get you going in the right

What you need is a map of the female psyche so that you don't get
lost in the virtual maze that is her mind. If you're ready to
learn about the strategies and techniques to trigger her attraction

The disparities between men and women are worlds apart, just like
some books suggest. Yet, that reality shouldn't daunt you from
using it to your advantage.

For instance, guys and gals don't view the concept of SEXUAL
connection in the same manner, and there are a lot of useful
lessons you can derive from these differences. Sit back and relax,
as your good buddy Slade tells you all about the forces behind male
and female attraction.

Pair-Bonding Dynamics

First of all, men are generally (meaning there are exceptions)
attracted to the more tangible aspects of women first (like
physicality), and personality second.

The thing with us guys is that we're naturally predisposed to
hooking up with women whether or not we're going to stick around
for the long haul. Our attraction circuitry is more likely to
initially respond to a healthy-looking female who's fit for

Evolutionarily speaking, men are preprogrammed to interact and
ultimately mate with multiple partners rather than just one. Like
it or not, our primal instincts drive us to go forth and multiply
to ensure that our genes will be passed on through the generations.

When it comes to women however, they generally need to feel that
they've bonded with their partner before deciding to get sexual.
Deep in the back of a girl's mind, she has to know that a man is
going to stick around even after they've consummated their physical

What's funny is that a woman needs to feel this emotional
connection EVEN if her own commitment may not go beyond the morning
after. What's important is that she has the OPTION of having you
around in case she wants more than just a one-night stand.

See, the female set of instincts are designed to be wary of men who
might leave her out in the cold once he's gotten what he wants.
Again, if we were to look at our species from a much earlier time,
women would need their partner to PROTECT her from the elements as
she raises their offspring.

Imagine if the schmuck just bailed on her - she'd be left with her
child and no one to help her survive in a harsh environment. This
way of thinking has been passed on women today.

In other words, a girl has to feel that a man is emotionally
invested (i.e. a series of shared experiences like multiple dates
over different locations) in her before giving him the green light.
Otherwise, her natural defense mechanisms will shut you out.............

The importance of balance

Consider the following concepts: light and dark, black and white,
fish and chips, chocolate and strawberry ice cream, etc. They all
have a harmonious ring to it, don't they?

One wouldn't be complete without the other. In the same way, there
has to be an element of balanced factors for sexual chemistry to

A man and woman's individual traits needs to COMPLEMENT each other
for there to be a relationship, long-term or not.

Just take a look at the yin-yang diagram. Each partner needs to
contribute their specific traits to make this model a symmetrical

A typical man is a logical thinker who likes to analyze all
situations in his life. He's also goal-driven and has various
pursuits which give him a feeling of accomplishment.

That's why in many ways, guys are often compared to hunters because
their way of thinking is largely defined with a sense of unwavering
purpose. He likes to size things up, get a good feel of the
terrain before carrying out his plan of action.

After he's taken all the factors into consideration, he'll make his
move and go for the kill. That's how the male brain works.

On the other hand, women operate on a different level. The female
essence is all about artistic expression, tactile interaction, a
nurturing personality and above all, being in tune with the world
of emotions.

This is why it's more common for the ladies to get together and
talk about how they're doing with their respective relationships.
It's all about the connection between people and the energies they
share with one another.

Even the most career-driven woman would find it hard to make her
job her foremost priority as opposed to her role at home as a
mother and wife. She'll definitely put her best effort into her
work, but the strong sense of family life will always be in the
back of her mind.

After taking the typical male and female characteristics into
consideration, you'll now see that a relationship will need to have
all of these traits before it can work.

Although some men might be more in touch with their feminine side,
and some women might have a lot more "guy traits" than her peers.
Nowadays, you'll find guys who are naturally adept at discussing
relationships on an emotional level. At the same time, there are
women out there who act like hunters (as we discussed earlier) and
enjoy the thrill of chasing their goals and passions.

However, on a broader scale, you'll find that both genders will
naturally have a stronger affinity toward their respective traits.
Men are more likely to have male characteristics with a dash of
female sensibilities and vice-versa for the women.

This is the reason why a woman naturally responds to a strong male
presence in her life. She's hardwired to be attracted to certain
men, just like how gasoline is inevitably meant to react to
elements such as fire.

That's simply how the brain works; depending on the stimulus
involved, we're conditioned to react in certain ways. So, having
alpha male qualities is a sure-fire ticket to turning her on.

No matter how independent a woman is, she's programmed to respond
to a man who can take care of her and look after her welfare, even
if she's well capable of doing that herself. Again, she wants to
have the OPTION of your protection, much like the sense of security
a safety net provides for a trapeze artist.

If you lead other guys and can demonstrate PROOF that you can also
look after those dear to you (like family and friends), a woman is
definitely more likely to have sex with you.

This all goes back to what I said earlier about our evolutionary
INSTINCTS. A thousand years ago, women needed to have the
comforting knowledge that her partner is going to brave the dangers
of the outside world for her.

The same goes for the present. While times have changed, today's
self-sufficient women still have that same programming encoded into
their attraction circuitry. She wants to know that you're capable
of pulling your own weight in a relationship.
In essence, she has to see that you can be a pillar of strength she
can lean on before actually considering the possibility of having
sex. She's not about to share such an important part of herself
for some wimp who's going to pull down her survival rate.

All in all, men and women are largely defined by the general traits
which have been shaped by countless centuries of history behind us.
Although we now live in a modern age where survival has shifted to
a different context, there are still core traits that dictate how
each gender interacts with their partner.

The better you can understand these differences, the easier it will
be to figure out how to tap into a woman's emotional framework..............

It's your inside track to what women truly want in a man. Once
you've got that covered, no woman is out of your reach!

I'll see you around.

Your Friend,

Mr. Guru
Old 16-08-2018, 08:48 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro WB

You see Chairman Mao so high up.

I agreed that Cao Cao is a fanatic and hungry for power. He will reward all his generals who did well but also execute those who betrayed him

Typical of alpha male wants to win.

BTW, nice thread here.

Hoping to accomplish myself more.

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
My Dear Bro Woody,

BTW, we posted only seconds apart!

IMHO, Chairman Mao is beyond Level5, hahaha.

He would be 2nd only to my greatest hero Cao Cao.

He was THE Alpha Male, a military genius, a great leader, a good poet...he was very courageous n was perfectly calm n was even joking when bombs exploded all around him.

In later yrs he was senile n made grave mistakes. No man or woman is perfect, hehehe.

BTW, ths for intro that pretty 20yo SYT who works for Metlife in Chengdu.

She is a non-WL n although only 158, is quite proportionate n classy. She used to hv a very rich 25 yo BF, a UK-educated investment banker, the son of a powerful official in SZ. This powerful man forced his son to stop seeing her as she is from a small town...

I hv called her n done QQ video calling w/ her. Will see if she can come in August.

Ths again!

Bro WB
Old 16-08-2018, 11:51 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Fully agreed everything also great, especially this thread.

Wish bro WB all the best as well.

Cheerios cheer cheer.

Originally Posted by NabyKeitaNo8 View Post
Cheers to bro WB

What a great day and thread.

Hope you enjoy yourself thoroughly.

Below post from guru was also great.

This si what I am lacking building chemistry with gals for sexual act.

Wish you all the best.

Cheers Cheers.
Old 16-08-2018, 11:55 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

I see Chairman Mao high up too.

Why Ah Long is not mentioned, he has such capable wife.

Excellent here Bro WB, thanks.

Hope to read more.

Originally Posted by balai View Post
Bro WB

You see Chairman Mao so high up.

I agreed that Cao Cao is a fanatic and hungry for power. He will reward all his generals who did well but also execute those who betrayed him

Typical of alpha male wants to win.

BTW, nice thread here.

Hoping to accomplish myself more.
Old 19-08-2018, 06:21 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

Hahaha, I dun hv the expertise n experience u think I hv. Despite my advanced age, I started BY-ing MMs of my type only 26 months ago

1) The gal in my avatar is a student in China. I hv not BY-ed her yet.

2) I take nutritional supplements n herbs plus judicious use of Cialis. I must do it at least everyday, no, 2 or 3 times daily when I hv 3-4 mistresses, to get my money's worth.

3) It's very time consuming trying to find chio SYTs thru social websites. I hv engaged the service of some frens n agents w/ a modicum of success.

The problem is that pics n 视频 may be very misleading n very different from the real person.

I'm most attracted to a gal's bodily n limb proportions n her posture/body language, which is very difficult to gauge unless I meet her in person. Youthfulness n a chio/cute face r next in importance.

I need to see her whole body/curves n especially bare arms/legs n watch how she walk, etc. She must hv 媚力 n X-factor n be hiao ( 凤骚?), yet must be cute, chio, youthful n innocent...

And, last but not least, the proof of the PUSSY is in the must be very chio, wet, tight n responsive...and of course it must also hv a pleasant fragrance n taste DELICIOUS n be NUTRITIOUS.


Bro WB
Bro WB

What a revelation!

Taking suplements and cialis? Are you still consuming daily now?

Definitely you need to fark daily so that you can get your ROI. Are you still farking daily now?

Hope to hear from you.

Old 19-08-2018, 06:24 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro WB

Very good thread here.

SO now you want exclusive ownership then? Are ou sure the girl remain faithful. No wonder you stopped BY after they go home.

Do you bring the girl to check up before BY or after they come back from hometown visits for 1 to 2 mths.

Will try to read more.

Please post more too.


Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Good morning!

In the very beginning, I was satisfied w/ BY-ing chio SYTs of my type, claiming n taking exclusive ownership of their youthful bodies n pretty pussies, fxking them whenever n wherever I want. Later, I also demanded good services. Her ease of achieving COS is always an added bonus.

Now I hv upped the ante. My goal is to hv exclusive ownership of her body, pussy n heart. The last is a very difficult challenge. I want her to be addicted to me, financially, sexually n emotionally, hehehe. The stakes r much higher.

To induce emotional addiction is the hardest. I use push-pull n connect-disconnect methods. They need strong feelings n emotional experiences. If a gal never said: 你很坏。。。我很恨你, etc, it's unlikely she has been KC-ed. Say no n push her away...then pull her towards u. We men r primarily attracted to what we see in a gal. Whereas women/gals r attracted to the perceived ranking of a man in the Male Dominance Scale. But females e more complex than that. A man's ability to make her feel strong emotions, make her feel pretty, feminine, sexy, etc is vital. Give her a good reason to be sensual n be sexually aggressive. Her imagination must also be aroused...If u do all that n give her regular COS, she will want to fxk u more than u could ever imagine or could ever manage, hahaha.

Let me digress. I happen to know 2 teenage gals, both 18, in 天津 China. Though non-WLs, they r looking to be kept in天津only. It's impossible for me to go there. They r quite chio though not exactly my type bcos their bones r medium not the tiny type. One is 170, abt 53-54kg, the other 166, also abt 53-54kg. They will go out for a good time n ask me to intro some bros ( must be living in Tianjin only) to them. Not sure if they will do ST. Interested bros pls PM me.


Bro WB
Old 19-08-2018, 11:52 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

To all samsters,

Another terrific day!

I've learned a lot by reading the old posts by various gurus. There is always room for improvement.

IMHO, THE most attractive man is trustworthy, responsible, reliable, bold, decisive, ambitious, assertive, relaxed, calm, self-assured, confident, healthy, clean, virile, intelligent, educated, kind, compassionate and caring. Yes, he has awesome emotional mastery and strength. He has class and 气质.
And, he adds VALUE to society and mankind. He is the MAN.

He is the prize to the most beautiful SYTs and young women of his type.

His behaviour, actions, posture, movements, body language, facial expressions, eye contact, voice tonality/inflection are congruent w/ his inner beliefs that he is the MAN.


Bro WB

[QUOTE=samara;17682654]Bro WB

Thanks for the great thread.

Just ABC for sex already so long and details. Really amazing facts and plenty of pointers to take away.

A - anatomy
B - body language control
C - connections

Wonderful stuff to learn.

Thanks again buddy.


Bro, thanks.

Originally Posted by Fabinho View Post

I want to be the MAN.

What a starting point simply love the whole thread.

What turns out to be a simple thread became an encyclopedia. Really many solid proofs and pages of case studies.

Agreed with guru that men always lack of initiatives and lack of toughie or assertives.

Many men still feel plenty of inferior complex.

Not sure if I hit it right but am gonna try out plenty of the proofs inside.

Hope to read more and pls continue.

Have a great day.
Bro, thanks.

Become the MAN. Whatever it takes.

Originally Posted by song2gaojurong View Post
Bro WB

Another good post below.

I hope to be the 20% men and also "Extinct Man".

Great piece of work written below from the guru.

So we need to make MAN as the PRIZE then women will clock to the PRIZE.

Haha wish all is true and I have much more to learn.

Please enjoy yourself.

Keep doing what you think is right and don't worry about other comments.

Till I post again!!
Bro, tks for your post.

Originally Posted by catmountainking View Post

Thanks for the post.

Exclusivity is always more expensive but good for gfe. If you can afford it then why not.

We must understand why there is a demand for so many high class night club and ktvs. Simply means there is a demand.

Recently many top models or porn models came to our shores to work for a few days to weeks. Why they come because there is a demand and clients willing to pay.

I was told that rich Asean citizens flew in just to taste their pussies as what Bro WB likes to call it.

Anyway to each his own and we are all different. Be happy even if you are level 1 or level 5 above.

Just be happy to pay so long can afford.

Bro, tks

You're right.

Originally Posted by NabyKeitaNo8 View Post
Cheers to bro WB

What a great day and thread.

Hope you enjoy yourself thoroughly.

Below post from guru was also great.

This si what I am lacking building chemistry with gals for sexual act.

Wish you all the best.

Cheers Cheers.
Bro, tks.

I have just read the article again. One of the best articles on what men and women want, and how they differ, at the subconscious level.

Originally Posted by balai View Post
Bro WB

You see Chairman Mao so high up.

I agreed that Cao Cao is a fanatic and hungry for power. He will reward all his generals who did well but also execute those who betrayed him

Typical of alpha male wants to win.

BTW, nice thread here.

Hoping to accomplish myself more.
Bro, tks for your post.

Originally Posted by poombeehoon View Post
I see Chairman Mao high up too.

Why Ah Long is not mentioned, he has such capable wife.

Excellent here Bro WB, thanks.

Hope to read more.
Bro, tks.

Originally Posted by ocarina View Post
Bro WB

What a revelation!

Taking suplements and cialis? Are you still consuming daily now?

Definitely you need to fark daily so that you can get your ROI. Are you still farking daily now?

Hope to hear from you.

Bro, tks.

Yes, I do. But I take 1/4 to 1/2 of Cialis 20 mg judiciously, only when needed. I have 3 full time LPs now. I make love 5-6 times a week.

Originally Posted by mimax View Post
Bro WB

Very good thread here.

SO now you want exclusive ownership then? Are ou sure the girl remain faithful. No wonder you stopped BY after they go home.

Do you bring the girl to check up before BY or after they come back from hometown visits for 1 to 2 mths.

Will try to read more.

Please post more too.

Bro, tks.

A man can never be 100% sure that his wife/GF/LP/mistress/lover is always faithful. People do change. Trust but verify.

Google the modern western definition of hypergamy. Become 最优秀的男人 or the MAN and your girls/women will be much more likely to be faithful to you.

Read my brief description of such a MAN in my current post.

Yes, a girl must hv medical tests before I'll do her raw.


Bro WB
Old 19-08-2018, 07:14 PM
iDSi iDSi is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Yes, a very good thread by Bro WB

Learnt a lot here, wish to read and learn more.

Have a nice Sunday.

Originally Posted by mimax View Post
Bro WB

Very good thread here.

SO now you want exclusive ownership then? Are ou sure the girl remain faithful. No wonder you stopped BY after they go home.

Do you bring the girl to check up before BY or after they come back from hometown visits for 1 to 2 mths.

Will try to read more.

Please post more too.

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