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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints
Re: Hanging Flowers Joints
![]() But seriously 300K is a lot of money to lose to a PRC singer, though I know of a friend who lost much much more than you to a KTV gal. ![]() End of the day, if you do not know how to play the field, you will get burnt and you may end up losing more than what you expect.
Up my pts and pm me if you want to exchange pts My personal XXX videos thread in sbf: https://sbfsg.agency/showthread.php?t=1007350 |
Re: Hanging Flowers Joints
Re: Hanging Flowers Joints
![]() most of the time we man wanna be big headed and intentional or unintentionally letting the gal know how much we have. me as a cheapo cheongster always tell the gals i have not much money. salary each month is accepteble but no saving. basically a 月光族。 and guess what? i did this to my in-laws too. my wife also prc. all prc same same de......
my latest FR 小柔 from bro arowana-sg 小兰 飘洋过海,不为谈情说爱 夜夜笙歌,只为黄金万两 坦诚相见,美景一览无遗 深入了解,才知别有洞天 共赴巫山,不枉相视一场 美梦醒来,惊觉床头金尽 |
Re: Hanging Flowers Joints
Re: Hanging Flowers Joints
Lol....pls la...u kaykay modest only la...think u have a bag of tricks up your bag....just like flower king...suddenly disappeared into cbd fringe joint...hahaha |
Re: Hanging Flowers Joints
then the next is to have lot of time. they are also human, they also need companionship. we man get hard on, they also will get wet at times. so its up to individual to make them wet wet la ![]() target new arrival is a general rule that all know, few more things to note, look out for a real 1st timer in sg, and look out for those with no other 姐妹here in sg. a lonely gal is always an easy target. the troophy bonk that bro smeagol mentioned and a few others that i get all fall under this cat. lets put it this way, if u can afford to boom boom, the gal have to hold yr cock n call u lord without saying. but if u cant, then have to play kc a bit la. i actually find singers easier then ktv gals cos their time is fix. as long as u can match the timing, chances is high.
my latest FR 小柔 from bro arowana-sg 小兰 飘洋过海,不为谈情说爱 夜夜笙歌,只为黄金万两 坦诚相见,美景一览无遗 深入了解,才知别有洞天 共赴巫山,不枉相视一场 美梦醒来,惊觉床头金尽 |
Re: Hanging Flowers Joints
Ok, will screen for singers with your criteria now, thanks for the additional tips! |
Re: Hanging Flowers Joints
Re: Hanging Flowers Joints
Up my pts and pm me if you want to exchange pts My personal XXX videos thread in sbf: https://sbfsg.agency/showthread.php?t=1007350 |
首先说说所谓的吊花场。 这种场所里有女孩/女人/男人轮流唱歌娱乐顾客。在顾客高兴的情况下,会花钱给他们挂花。 一些比较有名的新马歌手,或是来自异国的歌星经理/舞台经理都会有一定的底薪。 这样的情况下,他们得到的花就会跟公司5-5分账。 再来说说那些花了大量经济费来这里唱歌的中国女孩吧。 首先把流程给大家介绍下。 某个场子有位啦,有歌手到档要回家啦。 老板就会通过自己的人脉来找新的歌手。 要是找到那些经常提供歌手的中国人,就是中国中介的话,那来的大多是第一次来的。 为什么呢?因为第一次来的好骗,什么都不懂。中国中介说什么就是什么。 找到新加坡中介,这个新加坡中介也是要通过中国中接找人的。 结果呢》还是中国中介把钱拿走了。 那个中介费,基本是中国人在赚的。 扣护照是很正常的,很多其他行业的老板也都是只给员工工作准证,把护照收起来。 新加坡中介每个月要跟歌手拿钱,这个是个案,现在很少的了。 新加坡中介有很多要收钱,其实也是在赌。歌手跑了的话,老版的5千按柜金他要赔偿。 要不然以后他的名声就很臭的了。 这些歌手们是没有底薪的。靠的完全是顾客挂的花。 一般都是达到公司规定的业绩(6千-8千,视公司的规定)就3-7分账 如达不到,有些公司会先扣除2400,剩余才是歌手的收入,有些则是5-5分账。 但是这里头还有其他的,例如每个月300的税务,300-500不等的房租。 所以七扣八扣,最后歌手们剩下多少也就可想而知了。 另外还有一个现象,叫做补花。 也就是上面说的,达到业绩可以分到7成,达不到的话就只有五成。 一般来说,8千的业绩只要达到5600就可以自己补上2400进而拿到7成也就是5600。 低于这个数就不划算,这些都是已经得到证实的共识/公式。 站在老版的立场,要鼓励歌手跟客人打成一片,从而达到整体营业额。 所以也会规定每周需要找客人来‘订台’。 个别公司又不一样的规定,订台可以是最低50块钱消费,也可以是200块钱。 达不到这个要求的,歌手自己又要花钱。在有人作秀的时候,订台的消费要求是300!! 说说何谓作秀。其实就是某一位歌手在来新差不多3个月,有了一些固定支持者后,做的个人演唱。 在这个做秀的时候一般会安排4-5首歌曲,目标是最少5千!! 至于歌手私下怎么跟客人打成一片,没有硬性规定,看个人手段。 其实跟场子里的客人发生关系,是歌手一般不会做的。 为什么呢?因为客人都是很爱炫耀的男人。某个歌手被他上了后,隔天就全场知道了。 这样的话这个歌手也就没有行情,没有人会支持了。 所以老板绝不可能这样子来杀鸡取卵的。 我认识的歌手当中,最多的第四次来了。 谁逼她来的啊?不能混的话还来那么多次? 确实有个别的歌手为环境所逼要卖淫。 也有些人为她花了大笔的中介费,必须在最短的时间里面赚取最多的钱。 写的有点混乱,请大家先看看,我会再腾改。
my latest FR 小柔 from bro arowana-sg 小兰 飘洋过海,不为谈情说爱 夜夜笙歌,只为黄金万两 坦诚相见,美景一览无遗 深入了解,才知别有洞天 共赴巫山,不枉相视一场 美梦醒来,惊觉床头金尽 |
Re: Hanging Flowers Joints
As for 250k, guess that guy must be SEOW!
The Choices We Make, Dictate The Life We Lead!!! The 4 Golden Rules in life: 1) 不要欺骗自己 2) 不要出卖自己 3) 不要背叛自己 4) 不要对不起自己 是你的,就是你的。 不是你的,不要抢! 人之所以快乐,不是因为得到的多、而是因为计较的少 Officially Retired From The Nite Scene |
Re: Hanging Flowers Joints
Bro Otur, many thanks for your wisdom.
As LDH & me are not as lao jiao as you in the HFJ scene hehehe, we have our own sets of protocol to follow. But i only speak for myself and let him speak on his own terms. BOOM BOOM POW takes away alot time from the chase but that doesnt mean that I will not get to know the singer better. If i BOOM a singer & she's willing to go for a fuck that very nite, i would consider that as a 见面礼 as well as a 道别礼. Like you said, I am looking for a FB, several in fact at several joints combined but nothing more. GF or wat, aiyah, where got time...house already so full liao...so if dicky itchy, choose 1. Supporting them aspect also depends on how they service me... Yes i treat them all as bot meat, no feelings watsoever thus someone actually said that i like to 折磨 singers. Chasing them part is pure no no for me, cos i not so eng kc here kc there, part tor here part tor there hahahaha Their life expectancy wif me also depends on how they perform....no, i do not wish to drag on wif them after they leave, but i will do my part while they're still on our shores. Yes, what you say is correct, all they have to do is hold & sextisfy my golden gun, nothing else. Of cos, bedroom stuff personal la. Almost always, after a while, you'll see the true side of a singer. Some are pure money face & will not hesitate to ask for more $$$ directly or indirectly. Yes they're all here to earn money, but greed is something i cannot heck, thus, i will not hesitate to boot them out immediately without any hesitation watsoever! Has happened at many joints from the exclusive ones to the medium ones. Sincerity & integrity is another key fundamental i am very sensitive about. This area covers honesty and truthfulness. We all know they're professional liars but some, after a while actually show hand and totally submit like as though they've really become a 1 man woman. This type, i will really take care all the way to the end, and KC is almost inevitable. But not many has survived to this stage, in all my HFJ years, i only came across 2 out of the many that have passed me by. Chasing singers if you're on a budget is very stressful. All you need is to really have the feeling for that singer and one fine day, someone appears and starts to boom boom pow her...seow liao Yes, you may ask her to 买场 today and tmr but how long can you sustain based on the fact that you're on a budget????????? If that fella die die want this gal, everyday go, sooner or later, one side MUST crack! Either she outright tell him she has a man or you'll be so stressed quarrels will ensue. This is facts of life at a hfj. Of cos, if you go small joints diff la, from what i have seen recently thanks to our resident tourguide, really, there's not much competition at all. 200bucks flowers can be king liao whereas if you go to the joints where LDH & I frequent, they'll prolly come over have a drink shake your hand and adios liao without even wanting to ask for your mobile number! So best, if you cant even afford their monthly target, dun sian singers...else sure sooner or later very 头痛 wan.
The Choices We Make, Dictate The Life We Lead!!! The 4 Golden Rules in life: 1) 不要欺骗自己 2) 不要出卖自己 3) 不要背叛自己 4) 不要对不起自己 是你的,就是你的。 不是你的,不要抢! 人之所以快乐,不是因为得到的多、而是因为计较的少 Officially Retired From The Nite Scene |
Re: Hanging Flowers Joints
me not laojiao. me just cheapo cheongster that like to listen to song, make fren n drink. anything extra is a bonus. if i hv your fire power, i might not sian singers. a better bet for me will be those on work permit doing normal job here ![]() but sad to say, i hv no match to u guys in any case. guess u cant understand the feeling of a cheapo cheongster like me. polly u only noted that otur is a cheapo ![]() 您寻求的是君临天下的征服感,我辈寻求的是让女人赔了夫妇又折兵的满足感。嘿嘿
my latest FR 小柔 from bro arowana-sg 小兰 飘洋过海,不为谈情说爱 夜夜笙歌,只为黄金万两 坦诚相见,美景一览无遗 深入了解,才知别有洞天 共赴巫山,不枉相视一场 美梦醒来,惊觉床头金尽 Last edited by otur; 02-01-2011 at 06:14 AM. |
Re: Hanging Flowers Joints
Good morning by the way. This morning kenna kidnap by 1 singer from 1 joint, then my other SYT cai want to meet me for breakfast or was it supper hahahaha We are all different, no one here is comparing any fire power. That's Y, like i think we discussed before, different strokes for different folks. Some trawl a 5 mile long net in the sea to catch fish. Some can only use a hand held net to cast but hey, in they end, they still get the fish! I have witnessed in the small joints that i've been to recently, some folks sianing this bitch, up 100 every set or the occasional 200, then LDH and me 1 set 1k....GAME OVER Next thing, they'll all KPKB to the singer until the singer also dunno how to explain liao. My milf got dumped cos of this reason, she got this guy up 200 the nite i wasnt there & immediately the next day, same 200 again but this time, i was there! So just shoot 1 cannon, that fella seow liao and sms her to kpkb & she replied to me by mistake, so end up, kenna the boot & got replacement literally immediately! LDH and me witnessed with our own eyes and ears the other nite, a customer fucking the manager...."KNN, you got this kind of power hangers here you ask me to come here for fuck!" Wow!!!!!! Now i understand, see, we go our homeground, how we hang, is considered normal. We go these joints, we apply what we know, its called abnormal.....who knows one day we'll be stabbed to death in the hall by all the other patrons for so call spoiling the market hahahahaha Now hungry again, wanna join me for breakfast, my whole family at our other place including the maids, so damn lazy to DIY!
The Choices We Make, Dictate The Life We Lead!!! The 4 Golden Rules in life: 1) 不要欺骗自己 2) 不要出卖自己 3) 不要背叛自己 4) 不要对不起自己 是你的,就是你的。 不是你的,不要抢! 人之所以快乐,不是因为得到的多、而是因为计较的少 Officially Retired From The Nite Scene |
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