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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 01-02-2012, 05:25 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by marcus.nhds View Post
Just found one potential new place.

I was walking along the road to in the east area and saw a pinoy standing outside a pub. Hmmm, very tempted to check it out.

Anyways, any bro advise how is PSC these days?
Hi marcus & welcome to this thread. Yeah, why not check out the pub & give us a field report?

PSC is dying if not dead already
Old 01-02-2012, 05:55 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Going to, But recently have been trying many different things. Sigh, My group of kakis have different likings. Almost towards the break point of breaking my piggy bank LOL!.
Old 01-02-2012, 10:10 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by counchpotato View Post
last week, went loh hei, after that friends suggesting going pinay pub.

first pub went, is the other recommend by mushroom in the hotel in the city hotel. was there earlier about 8 pm, quite nice place, gals not that bad, but the place not that playable.... it is good place to relax.... play pool chit-chat maybe can sian, gals just arrived in Singapore less than 2 weeks.... chit chat with the gals, gals also did not ask for LD, but just buy them after about 30 minutes, they also drink very slow but my
friend want someplace playable so left the place.. .but when about to leave, the gals asked why left earlier, told her my friend does not like the place too decent, but the gals said they can turned from angel to devil. note two couch behind... but my friend insists leaving... so left the place

so went the pinay pub in CT- used to be AS hill, I think the boss got another place in KB.. gals still okay playable... before buying LD, already started hugging and touching.....have not be in the place for quite some time.... then the gals suggesting moving to the back.... starting playing pool with my friend as the place not that crowded..and my other friend started action - seeing him doing almost everything.

After midnight that where the action started.... the gals even remove the panty..... and managed to figure till wet, she wanted to hj and bj, but refused cause there are two other friends there...
after a while my friend and i swapped gals, do really enjoy the place, i think after 1 am, as the KB joint is closed u can see more gals coming in...

Bro, can pm the 2nd location? Plan to bring my shanghai partner there this fri. Would be happy to meet any bro who r free this fri too.
Old 01-02-2012, 11:00 PM
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Smile Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

After seeing all the FR I decided to make my first foray in the pinay pub scene. Just came back and this FR is fresh from the oven.

Purposedly work late today before dropping down to the row of pinay bars. Since this is my first time decide to "tikam tikam" and choose the bar at random.

Walk inside and was immediately approached by a petite sweet looking pinay. Just my cup of tea.

I was one of the early birds. Make small talk to break the ice. To cut the story short she was bumping and grinding before asking for an LD. Decided to play along. More bumping and grinding followed before I adjourn to the darker part of the bar.

By then, the place was smoky. Another set of LD plus more bumping and grinding plus raba raba and frenching. Finally decide to plunge further and buy her another round of LD for happy ending.

Decide to leave thereafter. One thing though, the pinay knows how to sweet talk you and pout to try to make you stay further. Couldn't blame them, as we are their source of income.

Total damage around S$250. It could be consider on the high side for the season cheongster. But I guess, you have to pay tuition fee. Anyway, she asked if we could go jalan jalan in 2 weeks time. Left the place with her phone number in my wallet. Dont know if that is SOP. Perhaps season cheongster could comment.
Old 01-02-2012, 11:37 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Went to check out PSC last weekend and here are my short FRs

Pub1: Dedicated to Bro Nokia88 –The Powder of Happy Ending?

As it was a Saturday, the place was super packed. Bro Nokia88 recommended me this place and I dedicate this FR to him.

A mataba (fat in pinoy) girl came and sat with me. Told her, I didn’t want any girls. Shortly a syt minahish girl came. About 21 years old pleasant looking. Asked if it was my first time. Told her I been here a million times (Thanks bro Nokia88 for the tip)
She got a 20 dollar drink (canned beer). Played with her tits, she teased me by showing her lacy g string…could see all the girls here wear g string and may bros having fun. Action lasted about 20 mins and she asked me for another drink. I said another day and was about to leave. Another girl (taller but older probably late 20s) came to me and pushed me back to my stool and told me if I got her a drink she would give me happy ending. She smiled teasingly at me with my member already in her palm semi hard. I wasn’t in the mood but promised her I will look for her another day.
This girl is tall and slim and not busty

This place was packed and a diverse range of pinays from PPP to BBBB though more of the former. The bouncer outside is a very nice guy and he got many ang kong.

Total cost – 1 LD – $20
1 Beer - $5
Rejecting happy ending when your d**k is in a pinay palm –Priceless
This place is quite good if you need fast release Do note they close at midnite.

Pub 2 – How do you run away from Elephants? You smoke.

Crossed over to Pub 2 and 2 elephants served me. Finished half my beer and told them I wanted to smoke. Left by the smoking door and walked back through the door of another pub. A few gems were here but being Saturday they were busy and I was left with the elephants. So my bad luck

Pub 3- For old times, sake

This was one of the first few pinay pubs I visited when I first started sometime in 2001. Decided to say hi to the owner whom I hadn’t seen in a few years. Went in but there were only 2 girls. Was told that most girls had gone home due to poor crowd. The owner too wasnt around. Had a quick beer just to support the owner (even though he was not around) No girls with me

Pub 4 – The Big and the Bad and the Ugly

This pub was pretty big with pool table. Used to have a damn good live band. 7 pinays attacked me and usual I said I need to smoke. One chick followed me and I told her I will give her 2 points if she chases out the hideous creatures on my table.

She agreed. In the end, chatted with this chick who has been on and off in Singapore since 2006. She shared with me some info which is put in the trivia segment below
She shared that this was a normally a malibog pub but from what I saw there was no action at all.


The ex owner of all our fav pubs in Duxton such as Fields Ave, Balibago, Wild Hogs, Fernwick has bought 3 joints in PSC and all are malibog joints. All start with S. When this joint closes, everyone will move to OT. The owner will open more pubs but unable to get license (gosh I didn’t know pinay knew all these)

Final Verdict
The quality in PSC has plummeted drastically and for every 10 girls you get 1 girl who is above average. However, if you need a quick drink (4-5 dollars per glass of beer VS 7-10 dollars in town), this place is good. Will I visit PSC again? It all depends on my need at that point in time. Oh and I still have the happy ending waiting for me. So I just might pop in one of these days.

Pub 1 – Pls PM Bro Nokia directly and the good bro will share based on his discretion.

Pubs2-4 – Pls PM me directly and if you don’t know what malibog means pls don’t bother (joking ba!). Points don’t matter but quality of FR does.

Thanks for reading this lengthy FR

Keep enjoying bros!

Old 02-02-2012, 01:48 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by coffee_addict View Post
Anyway, she asked if we could go jalan jalan in 2 weeks time. Left the place with her phone number in my wallet. Dont know if that is SOP. Perhaps season cheongster could comment.
In order to advise, will need to know which place ur refering to. Smoky 5th flr?

Originally Posted by Mike2009 View Post
Went to check out PSC last weekend and here are my short FRs

Pub1: Dedicated to Bro Nokia88 –The Powder of Happy Ending?

As it was a Saturday, the place was super packed. Bro Nokia88 recommended me this place and I dedicate this FR to him.

A mataba (fat in pinoy) girl came and sat with me. Told her, I didn’t want any girls. Shortly a syt minahish girl came. About 21 years old pleasant looking. Asked if it was my first time. Told her I been here a million times (Thanks bro Nokia88 for the tip)
She got a 20 dollar drink (canned beer). Played with her tits, she teased me by showing her lacy g string…could see all the girls here wear g string and may bros having fun. Action lasted about 20 mins and she asked me for another drink. I said another day and was about to leave. Another girl (taller but older probably late 20s) came to me and pushed me back to my stool and told me if I got her a drink she would give me happy ending. She smiled teasingly at me with my member already in her palm semi hard. I wasn’t in the mood but promised her I will look for her another day.
This girl is tall and slim and not busty

This place was packed and a diverse range of pinays from PPP to BBBB though more of the former. The bouncer outside is a very nice guy and he got many ang kong.

Total cost – 1 LD – $20
1 Beer - $5
Rejecting happy ending when your d**k is in a pinay palm –Priceless
This place is quite good if you need fast release Do note they close at midnite.

Pub 2 – How do you run away from Elephants? You smoke.

Crossed over to Pub 2 and 2 elephants served me. Finished half my beer and told them I wanted to smoke. Left by the smoking door and walked back through the door of another pub. A few gems were here but being Saturday they were busy and I was left with the elephants. So my bad luck

Pub 3- For old times, sake

This was one of the first few pinay pubs I visited when I first started sometime in 2001. Decided to say hi to the owner whom I hadn’t seen in a few years. Went in but there were only 2 girls. Was told that most girls had gone home due to poor crowd. The owner too wasnt around. Had a quick beer just to support the owner (even though he was not around) No girls with me

Pub 4 – The Big and the Bad and the Ugly

This pub was pretty big with pool table. Used to have a damn good live band. 7 pinays attacked me and usual I said I need to smoke. One chick followed me and I told her I will give her 2 points if she chases out the hideous creatures on my table.

She agreed. In the end, chatted with this chick who has been on and off in Singapore since 2006. She shared with me some info which is put in the trivia segment below
She shared that this was a normally a malibog pub but from what I saw there was no action at all.


The ex owner of all our fav pubs in Duxton such as Fields Ave, Balibago, Wild Hogs, Fernwick has bought 3 joints in PSC and all are malibog joints. All start with S. When this joint closes, everyone will move to OT. The owner will open more pubs but unable to get license (gosh I didn’t know pinay knew all these)

Final Verdict
The quality in PSC has plummeted drastically and for every 10 girls you get 1 girl who is above average. However, if you need a quick drink (4-5 dollars per glass of beer VS 7-10 dollars in town), this place is good. Will I visit PSC again? It all depends on my need at that point in time. Oh and I still have the happy ending waiting for me. So I just might pop in one of these days.

Pub 1 – Pls PM Bro Nokia directly and the good bro will share based on his discretion.

Pubs2-4 – Pls PM me directly and if you don’t know what malibog means pls don’t bother (joking ba!). Points don’t matter but quality of FR does.

Thanks for reading this lengthy FR

Keep enjoying bros!

Excellent FR Mr Mike2009!

WRT trivia, yes all gerls will move to OT meantime. Thats what I understand from some source anyway.

Same owner has 2 other mega bars at OT, so I guess these gerls will be evenly spread out among these 2.

Btw, if some bros who cheong late and cant make it in time to cheong PSC, can always catch these gerls at OT on weekends and public holiday eves.
Life is short, live it long..
Old 02-02-2012, 02:11 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Excellent FR Mike! We should do a last call on PSC before it closes its doors for good. One last time to celebrate all the great times, happy memories & insane nights
Old 02-02-2012, 02:22 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by inluv07 View Post
Excellent FR Mike! We should do a last call on PSC before it closes its doors for good. One last time to celebrate all the great times, happy memories & insane nights
Yes! Support that!
Life is short, live it long..
Old 02-02-2012, 06:46 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by coffee_addict View Post
After seeing all the FR I decided to make my first foray in the pinay pub scene. Just came back and this FR is fresh from the oven.

Purposedly work late today before dropping down to the row of pinay bars. Since this is my first time decide to "tikam tikam" and choose the bar at random.

Walk inside and was immediately approached by a petite sweet looking pinay. Just my cup of tea.

I was one of the early birds. Make small talk to break the ice. To cut the story short she was bumping and grinding before asking for an LD. Decided to play along. More bumping and grinding followed before I adjourn to the darker part of the bar.

By then, the place was smoky. Another set of LD plus more bumping and grinding plus raba raba and frenching. Finally decide to plunge further and buy her another round of LD for happy ending.

Decide to leave thereafter. One thing though, the pinay knows how to sweet talk you and pout to try to make you stay further. Couldn't blame them, as we are their source of income.

Total damage around S$250. It could be consider on the high side for the season cheongster. But I guess, you have to pay tuition fee. Anyway, she asked if we could go jalan jalan in 2 weeks time. Left the place with her phone number in my wallet. Dont know if that is SOP. Perhaps season cheongster could comment.
Advice from the old hunter : do not go back to the same pub again during this 2 weeks (u can still cheong other pubs la). Continue to maintain ctc with her through SMS. Date her out next week and time will tell u whether it is her trick
to lure u back to the pub. I was cheated once. Hope u will not be another victim. Let us know if u manage to bed her.

$250 is too much to swallow for the old hunter. The old hunter can only afford hotel money nowadays.

Last edited by ilovejuagen; 02-02-2012 at 06:48 AM. Reason: Typo
Old 02-02-2012, 07:36 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

[QUOTE=limborock;6838766]In order to advise, will need to know which place ur refering to. Smoky 5th flr?

Nope its not at 5th floor. One of those at BQ
Old 02-02-2012, 08:58 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by limborock View Post
Yes! Support that!

Yes bro....I am fully for the idea as well...:-)
this will be called the last pinay supper heheheh
Old 02-02-2012, 09:03 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by limborock View Post
In order to advise, will need to know which place ur refering to. Smoky 5th flr?

Excellent FR Mr Mike2009!

WRT trivia, yes all gerls will move to OT meantime. Thats what I understand from some source anyway.

Same owner has 2 other mega bars at OT, so I guess these gerls will be evenly spread out among these 2.

Btw, if some bros who cheong late and cant make it in time to cheong PSC, can always catch these gerls at OT on weekends and public holiday eves.
Thks for the encouragement Bro are one of my inspiration for FR writing. Looks like you know the pubs i visited without me even giving any clues. heheheh

Keep enjoying bro!

Old 02-02-2012, 09:06 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by limborock View Post
Btw, if some bros who cheong late and cant make it in time to cheong PSC, can always catch these gerls at OT on weekends and public holiday eves.
Actually, I wouldn't say "MEGA BARS" if not for the MEGA PRICE .. cheap charlies like me dont fancy the hyper priced drinks in the two joints in OT .. (in case you are referring to MS and PP ..

But, the good thing is, since weekend the other places are closed the OT places have more girls, which turn out to advantage (more choices) or pain (more than a dozen girl surround and forcefully start grinding until you feel you are being raped .. some like it .. I don't
-> -> -> -> -> -> -> ->
Ups maybe delayed as my smart phone don't allow ups.
Old 02-02-2012, 09:09 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by inluv07 View Post
Excellent FR Mike! We should do a last call on PSC before it closes its doors for good. One last time to celebrate all the great times, happy memories & insane nights
Thks for your support and affirmation Bro InLuv. What can I say? You started the thread and got all of us writing...So we should thank you as well And I know you know all the pubs I mentioned in the FR
Old 02-02-2012, 12:58 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by limborock View Post
In order to advise, will need to know which place ur refering to. Smoky 5th flr?

Nope its not at 5th floor. One of those at BQ
Some of the girls in PSC going to transfer over in BQ......
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