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Old 27-04-2007, 01:47 AM
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Re: Apartment in Bangkok...???

Originally Posted by 84gunner View Post
oh, of course, if u r rich enuf, by all means go buy the private property!

Pls enlighten me, if Thailand has such "subsidised" public housing schemes, if yes, do they have regulations, ie. lock-in schemes & restrictions, similar 2 HDB, HUDC, EC, ENBLOC, etc?

Nowadays, buy HDB direct oso no gurantee got buyer when u wanna re-sell (in re-sale market). Buy re-sale, oso got 2.5 years lock-in period!
I do not need to say much.

My thai friend told me there is this so called "baan thaksin" scheme in Thailand and the so called "baan" is only the size of a toilet in a singapore hdb flat. I think my thai friend exaggerated a bit; she could have meant the so called "baan" is slightly bigger than the size of a toilet in a HDB flat

BTW, please take a look at HDB rules and regulations before you speak again.
There is CPF grant subsidy, that is why there is lock in period.

Every country is different, small country and big countries are managed in different ways. So why compare Thailand and Singapore? Does that mean to say we have to go back to the backward style of living in Thailand?

Buying a condo in Thailand can guarantee can get a buyer when wanna resale? If yes, then no one will lose money when purchasing property.

Lastly, in 2 weeks time you can go check HDB URA website, many ppl have sold their HDB flats way above valuation prices. There are records of $40K above valuation for a EA flat in Tampines.

My points here are not to chak you but as a form of information for you so that you can don't give wrong info here.

***HDB, HUDC, EC are houses but ENBLOC is not house.


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Old 27-04-2007, 01:58 AM
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Re: Apartment in Bangkok...???

Originally Posted by naemlo View Post
There are stupid rules in buying properties in Thailand. Landed property is not allow to be purchased by foreigners. Buying condo also headache. In a project, assume there are 100 units of apartments, 51 units need to be purchased by Thai and the rest to foreigners.
Can anyone residing in Thailand please go get the latest interest rates from banks regarding home loans?

Let's do some comparisons since I see many here like to compare Singapore housing with Thai housing.

*For info to everyone, Landed Property in Singapore can be purchased by PRs. provided the PR apply for LDAU.
Can a PR apply to buy Landed Property in Thailand? Please enlighten....


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Old 27-04-2007, 02:48 AM
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Re: Apartment in Bangkok...???

Originally Posted by siamcutey View Post
My thai friend told me there is this so called "baan thaksin" scheme in Thailand and the so called "baan" is only the size of a toilet in a singapore hdb flat. I think my thai friend exaggerated a bit; she could have meant the so called "baan" is slightly bigger than the size of a toilet in a HDB flat

BTW, please take a look at HDB rules and regulations before you speak again.
There is CPF grant subsidy, that is why there is lock in period.
Thanks 4 the info & enlightenment. Probably I really left SG tat long, quite outta touch wif things there oredi. So tat means 2 say, if u din take CPF grant subsidy, u can sell it anytime, no lock-in period? Situation seems different from my fren who bought re-sale.

In any case I wont be interested in properties in SG, 1st, from reading MM LKY's recent speech, my interpretation of his speech in between the lines dun bode well, I oso dun not wish 2 stay in SG. 2nd, SG Govt oredi punch a hole on my pink IC, rendering it legally invalid, 1 of the reasons I'm not eligible 4 HDB.

Originally Posted by siamcutey View Post
Every country is different, small country and big countries are managed in different ways. So why compare Thailand and Singapore? Does that mean to say we have to go back to the backward style of living in Thailand?
I dun think Singapore is that forward, neither do I think Thailand is that backward.

If u understand Teochew, there's this saying, "tee kor liang, tee kor jor...". It has been made even more well-known when GCT was addressing the quitters' controversy several years back.

Again, it's up 2 individuals 2 interprete it at face value, or the meaning(s) behind it, or in between the lines.

Originally Posted by siamcutey View Post
Buying a condo in Thailand can guarantee can get a buyer when wanna resale? If yes, then no one will lose money when purchasing property.
That depends on wat is yr purpose of buying a property. Of course, if 4 speculation, then u'll wanna sell 4 profit. If it's 4 a place 2 stay, a roof over yr head, then u might not wanna sell even if the profit is a good one!!! Again, when u sell yr roof over yr head at a good profit, u'll have 2 buy another roof over yr head. Then if u r buying another property in the same city, it's likely 2 be a high price 2, compared 2 it's previous value!

Originally Posted by siamcutey View Post
Lastly, in 2 weeks time you can go check HDB URA website, many ppl have sold their HDB flats way above valuation prices. There are records of $40K above valuation for a EA flat in Tampines.
Sometimes, I juz wonder if can fully believe these marketing media that much.

As far as I remember, Tampines is a popular residential estate. If u wanna compare like tat, how about showing how many unsold HDB flats r there in other estates / districts, especially the unpopular ones? Then those who buy flats in these unpopular estates, wat is their chances of selling off the flat, w/o making losses? Would u be able 2 confirm 100% of all HDB flats r fully sold, no empty ones?

Originally Posted by siamcutey View Post
***HDB, HUDC, EC are houses but ENBLOC is not house.
As far as I remember, ENBLOC is a common term used 2 call those flats of pple whose former flats were ENBLOC-ed. So, r we talking about housing schemes here, or talking about the official administrative terms?

In that case, HDB, HUDC, EC, etc, are oso not houses. A house is supposed 2 be a landed property. They are apartments, properties / public housing schemes, HDB, HUDC, EC, etc, are names of the respective schemes.
An idle mind is the devil's workshop


Wanna get married, but afraid of losing yr property, yr assets in the event of divorce? Quit SG, dun marry SG gal, yr ass is oso covered!!!

Talking Equality wif SG gals is like talking Communism wif Capitalists

Last edited by 84gunner; 27-04-2007 at 02:54 AM. Reason: spelling error
Old 27-04-2007, 02:58 AM
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Re: Apartment in Bangkok...???

Originally Posted by siamcutey View Post
Can anyone residing in Thailand please go get the latest interest rates from banks regarding home loans?

Let's do some comparisons since I see many here like to compare Singapore housing with Thai housing.

*For info to everyone, Landed Property in Singapore can be purchased by PRs. provided the PR apply for LDAU.
Can a PR apply to buy Landed Property in Thailand? Please enlighten....

hee hee, buy property in Thai must take loan meh? Cannot pay full value (in cash), w/o loan meh?

As far as SG Govt is concerned, PR is oso considered locals, or regarded as SGPeans. 1 of main difference is PR cannot vote during Elections, while Citizen must vote during Election.
An idle mind is the devil's workshop


Wanna get married, but afraid of losing yr property, yr assets in the event of divorce? Quit SG, dun marry SG gal, yr ass is oso covered!!!

Talking Equality wif SG gals is like talking Communism wif Capitalists
Old 27-04-2007, 11:51 AM
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Re: Apartment in Bangkok...???

Originally Posted by 84gunner View Post
hee hee, buy property in Thai must take loan meh? Cannot pay full value (in cash), w/o loan meh?
Can anyone residing in Thailand please go get the latest interest rates from banks regarding home loans?

Originally Posted by 84gunner
As far as SG Govt is concerned, PR is oso considered locals, or regarded as SGPeans. 1 of main difference is PR cannot vote during Elections, while Citizen must vote during Election.
Can a PR apply to buy Landed Property in Thailand? Please enlighten....

Please read the questions properly.
Old 27-04-2007, 12:47 PM
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Re: Apartment in Bangkok...???

Local bank lending rate is first year 4%, follow by floated rate which is hovering @7.5% currently.

All Thai PR can register their name in their wife's ta baen baan but NOT allow to own any landed property .

If you're a thai PR, you can take out a loans to buy car or condo.

With thai PR, you NO LONGER need a visa to stay in thailand. Your stay here is FOREVER until you die.
Old 27-04-2007, 02:19 PM
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Re: Apartment in Bangkok...???

Originally Posted by bkkguy View Post
All Thai PR can register their name in their wife's ta baen baan but NOT allow to own any landed property .

If you're a thai PR, you can take out a loans to buy car or condo.

With thai PR, you NO LONGER need a visa to stay in thailand. Your stay here is FOREVER until you die.


Old 27-04-2007, 02:38 PM
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Re: Apartment in Bangkok...???

Originally Posted by bkkguy View Post
If you're a thai PR, you can take out a loans to buy car or condo.
Think UOB Bank came out with international property loan that allows S'poreans to take a loan when purchase a property in Thailand. But the criteria is quite stringant. Need to have a monthly salary of S$7-8k. Minimum Loan size should be around 1.5 million thai baht...
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Old 27-04-2007, 03:20 PM
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Re: Apartment in Bangkok...???

Originally Posted by siamcutey View Post
Can anyone residing in Thailand please go get the latest interest rates from banks regarding home loans?

Let's do some comparisons since I see many here like to compare Singapore housing with Thai housing.

*For info to everyone, Landed Property in Singapore can be purchased by PRs. provided the PR apply for LDAU.
Can a PR apply to buy Landed Property in Thailand? Please enlighten....

U k loan up2 70% of the purchased amount but min is ~SGD$100k & max is ~SGD$1 million (banks may allw more if they k prove yr ability 2 repay the loan). Max loan period is ~10 yrs.
U may chose 2 make yr loan in a few flavours (currencies). Major interest rate as follows,
-Baht: BKK Bank prime rate (Currently, ~6%)
-SGD: BKK Bank prime rate (Currently, ~6%)
-USD: USD prime rate + >=0.5% (Currently, 6.75%)
-other flavours: (pls chk w/ bank)
Note, U still make additional payments, such as processing fees & etc.

-Actually, U dun even need 2 be a PR 2 purchase landhold in Sg. Any foreingers w/ substantial investements or is a "highly prized" (aka highly paid) "bull" (aka professtional) in Sg. Max area is 15,000 sq ft subj. 2 prior approval. Same amount 4 PR. Howevr, the landed properties k oni be used as their homes (no other uses R allw). Foreigners & PRs R allw 2 owned any amount of condos (freehold or leasehold) in Sg.
-As pt of initatives 4 Sentosa Cove, foreigners dun even need 2 seek prior approval 4 buying landed properties (partly bcos all properties on Sentosa R leasehold (99 yrs)). E.g. both the Genting CEO & his eldest son each owned a villa here.
-No wonder, these foreigners R nt enticed 2 apply 4 our citzernships, nt even PRs. No additional benefits & those who R knt afford, dun tk our govt wan 2 entice them anyway.

-Thai PRs R treated as foreigners & nt allw 2 owned freehold or landhold properties, except condos (w/ 51% flr area owned by Thais).
-However, foreigners who has invested $40B million (~SGD$2 million) or more 4 >5 yrs R allw 2 purchase 1 rai (1,600 sqm) of land in Thailand. Prior approval mus be sought fm the related ministry.
Old 27-04-2007, 03:35 PM
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Re: Apartment in Bangkok...???

Originally Posted by Mr.romantic View Post

Agreed, knt find any attractiveness of being a Thai PR.

Dun tk U need 2 throw away yr Singapore passport 2 be a Thai PR. Oni if U apply 4 their citzernship (then U mus give up yr Singaporean status).
Old 27-04-2007, 04:16 PM
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Re: Apartment in Bangkok...???

Originally Posted by 84gunner View Post
...I dun think Singapore is that forward, neither do I think Thailand is that backward.

Sometimes, I juz wonder if can fully believe these marketing media that much. about showing how many unsold HDB flats r there in other estates / districts, especially the unpopular ones? Then those who buy flats in these unpopular estates, wat is their chances of selling off the flat, w/o making losses? Would u be able 2 confirm 100% of all HDB flats r fully sold, no empty ones?

As far as I remember, ENBLOC is a common term used 2 call those flats of pple whose former flats were ENBLOC-ed. So, r we talking about housing schemes here, or talking about the official administrative terms?

In that case, HDB, HUDC, EC, etc, are oso not houses. A house is supposed 2 be a landed property. They are apartments, properties / public housing schemes, HDB, HUDC, EC, etc, are names of the respective schemes.
Agreed w/ U on the abve pts but tk SC is jus offering his geninue opinions. We shld be more encouraging of him, @ least, he is contributing instead of "shooting" others tis time rd.

-Ovrall, Thai is def. bkwrds than Sg but if we compare city 2 city, (IMHO,) BKK is moving fwd @ a much higher acceleration than Sg (though SG still leads by a wide margin).

-Wha's been quoted R all those sold & perhaps, the highest records. It dun tell abt the general btw "intended" sellers & successful sellers (E.g. 40 successful out of 100 intended sellers). Fm wha I knw, even HDB has scores of 3~6 yrs flats unsold yet, despite repeated marketing glimicks 2 try & sell them off!! Ovrall, properties in Sg R experiencing a boom & there R new cases of those who mak >50% returns in less than 10 mins after they jus purchased their condos. Those HDB special projects R oso selling well as a result, e.g. Pinnacles, Treetop @ Punggol, ...

-Sori, I dun knw abt last time but nwadays, EN BLOC thesedays, refer 2 the collective selling/ buying of units in an estate. Usually, it refers 2 the condos. Hasn't lived lng enough 2 rem. last time. He, he. Jus joking.

-House usually refers 2 a landed property. If U used house 2 describe flats, it wld refers 2 the entire building of flats (in English term)! HDB, HDUC, EC is a localized term 2 describe our govt "subsidies" flats. Tk used 2 be subsidies is a more appropiate wrd. He, he. SG govt. def. of wha constitutes "subsidies" really mak 1 VOMITS & blood BOILS BIG TIME!!!
Old 27-04-2007, 04:17 PM
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Re: Apartment in Bangkok...???

BTW, Thai properties is slowly heading 2 a cooldwn or perhaps, even a fall. Why nt wait 4 another few mths b4 deciding?
Old 27-04-2007, 07:48 PM
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Re: Apartment in Bangkok...???

Originally Posted by juswan2knwu View Post
Agreed, knt find any attractiveness of being a Thai PR.

Dun tk U need 2 throw away yr Singapore passport 2 be a Thai PR. Oni if U apply 4 their citzernship (then U mus give up yr Singaporean status).

You need to go through thai PR stage FIRST then their thai citizenship. There is no short cut around it.

Once you've acquired thai citizenship, you can throw back your sg passport to sg govt. Withdraw all your cpf money and migrate to Thailand. Buy all the farm lands you want under your own name.

It ALWAYS good to have thai PR than none. I've NEVER hear of any foreigners complaint about it. In facts , we've more to gains and nothing to lose!!!

Frequent borders visa run or standby a lump sum of $$ for your annual visa renewal are some of the problems you will face while living in Thailand.

Tourist /work permit visa only allow you a temporary stay in Thailand. Even with spouse visa, you still need to show lump sum of money in your bank book before they renew your annual visa.Thai immigration rules are changing frequently ,nothing is fixed and so are the hike in visa fees. So take note.

Those thinking of long term retirement stay with your loving tirak/thai wife in LOS. My advice is to go for their thai PR now before more changes in the future. Don't wait until when you're old,jobless and penniless then cry heaven & gods.

Always buy or give to your loved ones what you can afford to lose. My thai wife & I had been married for the past 14yrs. She had born me 3 beautiful children. If she really wanted to kick me out of the house, she would had done it long time ago. Whatever thai assets I bought under her name was intended for her and our children to keep. I'm not thinking of taking them back. I even bought a $100k insurance policy willed under her name. When we die, we cannot take all the money along with us, so why worry too much? It is those little ones that I'm worry.
Old 27-04-2007, 07:53 PM
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Re: Apartment in Bangkok...???

hi all brother here with the current situation in LOS what are are view in buying property in BKK?
Old 27-04-2007, 08:03 PM
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Re: Apartment in Bangkok...???

Hi bkkguy, fully understand yr pts but I'm nt talking abt citzernship, jus PR status. Yr case & mine is a diff, so diff. view.

Though PR k oni me 2 stay permanently in Thai but I still need 2 pay SG tax & go bk 2 serves my NS liability. Nt 2 mentioned, w/o a perm job in Thai, I oso knt stay more than 6 mths in Thai (or any o/s countries) even if Thai govt allw.

I do nt hav prefered treatment ovr tax or properties or anything, in fact.

Congrat 2 yr successful marriage but yr successful stories is a rare case or @ best 50-50 probability. 4 every success stories I've hrd, I probably come across another 3-6 very jialat 1s. Dun tk I able 2 tak the same risk lah.
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