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Old 10-03-2019, 01:20 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by coaching View Post
Well done to bro abugga.

Nice find and I am impressed.
Very impressed with bro abugga's contribution too.

Old 10-03-2019, 10:22 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Kudos to bro WB for guiding us on breast orgasm.

certainly an important topic.

Happy Sunday.

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Good morning!

Meeting and fucking a girl is only the very first step in a long journey. For me, the fun and challenge is to get her emotionally n sexually addicted to me, and only me.

For sexual addiction, the prerequisite is giving her regular and intense CVOs. Foreplay and clitoral orgasms n digital vaginal orgasms, etc., could prime the pump and make CVOs come more quickly n more intense.

I just received the following from a female sex guru yesterday. It will add variety and also prepare her for the most intense n prolonged CVOs.

How to Give a Breast Orgasm

There are some guys out there who are serious breast men. They could sit around and play with their partner’s breasts all day long and never get bored. But unless you really know what you’re doing, your partner might not be that interested in having her breasts fondled endlessly. Sure, she likes it for a bit, but then it’s “move it along, sir!” If you’re eager to keep playing and she’s getting bored already, there just might be a way to keep her interest in your breast play. You just have to make sure you’re doing it right!

Did you know that the breasts are one of the erogenous zones? Okay, you might have already know that one, but did you know that some women are able to orgasm from breast stimulation alone? Not all women can achieve this, but it sure is fun to try! Even if your partner isn’t one of the lucky ones who can orgasm from breast play, learning how to stimulate her just-so can result in even more powerful orgasms and much more pleasure! So, here’s how it’s done:

Really get to know HER breasts…

As you all know by now, not all women like the same things. This holds true for what kind of breast stimulation she will like. On top of that, you have to factor in hormonal changes in her body and her breast sensitivity. During certain times of the month her breasts might be more sensitive than others and this might mean she likes different things. All of it can affect what she’s in the mood for, so get to know her likes and dislikes really well in order to really master this technique. When in doubt, communicate!

Always start soft and slow…

Think about it, you wouldn’t like it if she grabbed your penis out of no where and started roughly jerking it around. Just like you, she needs to be warmed up first by light, soft and slow stimulation.

A combo power pack…

Don’t just do one thing over and over. It’s too repetitive and even if she loved it at first, after a while it will lose its effect. You’ll get the best results by using a combination of different stimulation techniques.

Stimulation techniques

* You’re starting off soft, so try tracing circles with the tip of your finger over her stomach and chest, gradually moving in to the breasts and nipples.
* Slide your hands over her breasts, cupping them with the palms of your hands. Kneed them, cup them, and massage them gently, then more firmly, varying your speed and pressure. You should consider using a massage oil or lotion to make your hands slide over her skin more easily.
* Use oil or lotion to begin stimulating her nipples. Run your fingers over them. Press them. Roll them between your thumb and first finger. Remember to keep her sensitivity in mind here. You don’t want to hurt her, but you want to give enough stimulation to make it really pleasurable. Pull on them with fast, repetitive strokes.
* Cup her breast with one hand and push it up. This has the effect of pushing her nipple out and making it taut. Use the above techniques to stimulate her nipple. Rotate it around in a circular motion with the pads of your fingers.
* Now move on to using your mouth. Use your tongue to lick her breast from the bottom all the way up and over her nipple. Give her open mouth, wet kisses all over her breasts and nipples. Run your softly over her nipples with a fat, flat tongue. Then flex your tongue and flick the nipple with it.
* Try giving her gentle love nibbles and bites on her breasts. Make your way to her nipples and begin very gently nibbling on them. Try covering your teeth with your wet lips first to test her sensitivity. If she has extremely sensitive nipples or is in a sensitive phase in her cycle you might need to skip nibbling and biting all together. You don’t want to risk hurting her. If you’re not sure, ask her if the pressure is okay.
* Suction your mouth around her nipple and suck in and out. Run your tongue over the nipple while you suck.

Remember, although some women can have an orgasm from breast play, not all women will be able to. Don’t put pressure on yourself or her to achieve this result. Just enjoy yourself! Breast play can also magnify a clitoral or G spot orgasm, so any of these techniques can also be used in combination with stimulating other parts of her body for a truly intense experience.
Old 10-03-2019, 10:24 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

MY Word is my bond.

Bro WB

Such a powerful sentence.

Wonder why anybody dare to doubt you after all yo been such a senior in this thread.


Also a powerful mandarin sentence.

Happy Sunday.

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Good morning!

A bro contacted me and wanted to exchange points. I said OK. Nothing happened for days. It turned out that he expected me to up him first!! I guess he doesn't trust me.

Let me make it crystal clear. My word is my bond, period. Let me repeat.


BTW, a man's trustworthiness and reliability is one of the most attractive masculine traits to girls/women. I would rank it right up the very top w/ awesome emotional and self mastery.

All my LT mistresses know that I'm 一诺千金.

If your word is your bond and if you hv awesome emotional and self mastery, you're irresistible to the most attractive girls/women. And if you give them very intense CVOs, they will hv a hard time leaving you. Hard time only, but they may still leave you.

Although intense n frequent CVOs is very addictive to girls/women, but when it comes to choosing a LT partner, many may still opt for a man who is a much better provider n protector. They need to ensure they hv a secure n comfortable future n that their offspring will be well provided for. This survival instinct is the most powerful. Of course they will not forget the man who has given them CVOs n may cheat on their LT partners, eventually, if they can't perform as well. Recent surveys n research hv confirmed the above.

Previously, I hv slightly overestimated the addictive power of intense CVOs hahaha.

BTW, if you're married, it's difficult for them to choose you as a LT partner. It can be done, however, if you can take care of her LT. If she believes that your word is your bond. Being the first man ever to give her intense CVOS would help too haha.


Bro WB
Old 10-03-2019, 10:26 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Good morning.

Br WB good thread guidance.

Now teaching us how to stimulate love using our eyes.

Well done and true our eyes can talk or send messages.

Happy Sunday.

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Good afternoon!

I just read about a technique on how to stimulate love w/ your eyes.

How To Stimulate Love With Your Eyes

You can stimulate the senses of being in love in a girl by simply increasing the eye contact as you talk to her. Simply “linger on” with your eye contact for just a bit too long when you talk to her.

In order to fool a girl into thinking she is already in love with you, you will need to increase the eye contact with a girl to about eighty percent of the time when you talk to her. Try to look deeply into her eyes and even through it. Of course, you don’t have to count how many seconds you have to look at her. Simply let your eyes be glued to hers a little longer, even during the silences; and when you finally must look away, drag your eyes away slowly as if you’re feeling quite reluctantly, and look back at her again as soon as you can. This will shoot the energy level way up to the outer space!

Please do it and tell us how successful you're.


Bro WB
Old 10-03-2019, 11:17 AM
charlienigel charlienigel is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

ye eye contact is important
Old 10-03-2019, 11:54 AM
FeelJones FeelJones is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Didn't know there is breast orgasm, thanks bro WB for this info.


Originally Posted by uplist View Post
Kudos to bro WB for guiding us on breast orgasm.

certainly an important topic.

Happy Sunday.
Old 10-03-2019, 01:36 PM
DickLeNeo DickLeNeo is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

So many powerful sentences.

Thanks bro WB for this amazing thread.

Have a good weekend.

Originally Posted by uplist View Post
MY Word is my bond.

Bro WB

Such a powerful sentence.

Wonder why anybody dare to doubt you after all yo been such a senior in this thread.


Also a powerful mandarin sentence.

Happy Sunday.
Old 10-03-2019, 04:34 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by dahai View Post
Making eye contact confirmed very important to get noticed.

Thanks bro WB for a very good thread.

Bro, yes!

Look at her w/ "bedroom eyes."

Originally Posted by Kotonos View Post
Excellent thread!

Hope to learn more from bro WB
Tks, bro.

Originally Posted by kirkby View Post
Good morning bro WB

Another excellent post in the past.

So many and I am losing count of the excellent posts in this thread.

Nice guys are rejected by women and dun ask me why because Bro WB said so.

Be a badass gentleman and will succeed. The power of the relationship lies with the person who don't give a damn.

Nice quotes and thanks.
Bro, tks.

Reaction monitoring is for nice, needy n wussy men who are too reactive. It means the gal has more power.

Originally Posted by kirkby View Post
Good morning again to bro WB

Making babies is making good karma. I really have so much to learn here.

Thanks again.
Bro, tks.

LH is HH.

Originally Posted by BVBDortmund View Post
Good morning too

Fully agreed this is a super excellent post from the past.

Thanks bro WB for a great thread.

Have a good week ahead.
Originally Posted by fellhenni View Post
Good afternoon everyone

Making babies is not only making good karma, is also good exercise.

Really nice thread by bro WB, many things to learn too.

Bros, tks.

Originally Posted by glemish View Post
Happened to come across this wonderful thread.

Thanks bro WB!!
Originally Posted by oleole View Post
Bro WB

I thought death means end the SUFFERINGS. Living means you have to accept both happiness and sufferings. As mortal we have no choice because of inevitable accidents, illnesses, broken-hearted loves, etc.

If we can accept all these then just be happy.

Live life the fullest and try most of the things.

Happy endings.
Bro, yes. Our happiness should not depend on external factors.

Originally Posted by oleole View Post
Bro WB

Michael Bolton classic songs " When A man loves a woman"

If you can go 10 rounds with any woman then you are not the claimed lao chee kor pek.

"The true test of a man's self mastery is when he meets his Special One." - really lovely quote.

Thanks and be happy.
Bro, tks.

It's bro Abbuga who could go 10 rounds, not me.

If I had a Special one, I would say this to her: I love you, but I don't need you. Because I behave as if there are 100 chio SYTs of my type calling me...

Originally Posted by ftun View Post
I also thought death means end of SUFFERINGS.

Very good thread by bro WB.

Have a nice day.
Originally Posted by waterpump View Post
Awesome thread by bro WB, thanks a lot.

Bros, thanks.

Originally Posted by celebration View Post
Bro WB

Very good forum above.

"You build a winning attitude over time.
Women can tell when someone is like that, because
the attitude triggers her subconscious survival mechanism.
Then, she can’t help but be open to you.
That’s also how you keep her forever."

This sentences are priceless.

Thanks alot.
Bro, tks.

If you hv a winning attitude, you hv very few competitors.

Originally Posted by celebration View Post
Bro WB

I shall tried to ejaculate as often as possible to prevent prostrate cancer.

Thanks for a great forum above.

Cheers to you.
Bro, great idea.

Originally Posted by xiongdijiemei View Post
Fully agreed the sentences are priceless.

Thanks bro WB for a very interesting thread.

Originally Posted by purplemole View Post
I think I better do that too haha.

Thanks for the info and what an awesome thread by bro WB.

Have a good weekend!
Originally Posted by PaulMerson View Post
nice song ole!
Bros, tks.

Originally Posted by coaching View Post
Good afternoon to Bro WB and all.

Happy weekend in advance.

I was reading the forum below and felt I should comment.

Sexual Urgency VS Sexual Pressure.

Really eye opening.

Hope to learn more from experienced brothers here.

Bro, tks.

We men often feel "sexual urgency," whereas most women hv to be aroused to feel this urgency. They are also passive unless they get to know you well. That is why many men mistakenly feel that women hv higher value because men's sexual advances are often rejected.

Understanding this and other gender differences will be liberating. A man is always the PRIZE...

Originally Posted by coaching View Post
Well done to bro abugga.

Nice find and I am impressed.
Yes, he is awesome.

Originally Posted by coaching View Post
Classic reply bro WB.

PVOs is the keyword.

I shall practised this coming weeks.
Bro, tks.

Originally Posted by DaisyTrump View Post
Very eye opening indeed.

Thanks bro WB and hope to learn more here.

God bless.
Originally Posted by konnectz View Post
Chance upon this beautiful thread, thanks bro WB!
Enjoy your weekend
Bro, tks.

Originally Posted by kaki2018 View Post
My encounter with KTV gal wasn't a pleasant one. I thought I had found someone who was not bother about my family status. When she went back after her WP, I flew over to meet her as and when schedule permited. Lots of emotions and $$ involved over the past years. Things went terribly wrong when she returned to SG as a mummy. Real colour shows. A gold digger and two timer. I was native enough to give in to the excuses she gave for not meeting me outside her club. A painful lesson learnt.
Bro, tks so much for your FR.

Must choose your women wisely. Your KTV gal was a psychopathic gold digger. In addition to looks n figure, a woman's character is very important in any LT relationship.

Read the article by Roosh which I posted recently.

Originally Posted by gring0t View Post
I am going to practise as well.

Thanks bro WB for a classic thread.

Originally Posted by Brazil1950 View Post
Very impressed with bro abugga's contribution too.

Brs, tks.

Originally Posted by uplist View Post
Kudos to bro WB for guiding us on breast orgasm.

certainly an important topic.

Happy Sunday.
Bro, tks.

Let us know how well u do w/ breast orgasm.

Originally Posted by uplist View Post
MY Word is my bond.

Bro WB

Such a powerful sentence.

Wonder why anybody dare to doubt you after all yo been such a senior in this thread.


Also a powerful mandarin sentence.

Happy Sunday.
Yes, bro.

My word is my bond.

I'm NOT a man if I hv to eat my words.

Originally Posted by uplist View Post
Good morning.

Br WB good thread guidance.

Now teaching us how to stimulate love using our eyes.

Well done and true our eyes can talk or send messages.

Happy Sunday.
Bro, tks.

Eye contact is very powerful!

Originally Posted by charlienigel View Post
ye eye contact is important
Originally Posted by FeelJones View Post
Didn't know there is breast orgasm, thanks bro WB for this info.

Originally Posted by DickLeNeo View Post
So many powerful sentences.

Thanks bro WB for this amazing thread.

Have a good weekend.
Bros, tks,

Have a great weekend to all samsters,

Bro WB
Old 10-03-2019, 05:24 PM
manimani manimani is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Good afternoon.

Learning how to stimulate love using my eyes too!

Thanks bro WB his sharing and guidance too.


Originally Posted by uplist View Post
Good morning.

Br WB good thread guidance.

Now teaching us how to stimulate love using our eyes.

Well done and true our eyes can talk or send messages.

Happy Sunday.
Old 11-03-2019, 11:41 AM
locum locum is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro WB,

Telling good jokes in a nice thread.

The gal must be so impressed that she going to wear a 50k diamond not knowing was scam.

If have more than one gf best neevr let them meet. This prevent unnecessary problem.

Thank you for well organised thread.

Best is you bother to read and reply to them.

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Bro korean,

Of course, they will be zealous if they meet. But they never met...I sometimes make love to two mistresses on the same day, one in the afternoon and the other at night. I always know their whereabouts so that I'll not bump into one when I'm w/ the other. Even though the newer one usually knows that I hv another one, she will still be jealous if she sees us together.

In 2012 at TAM, a mummy intro a pretty Jiangshu gal but said she won't do ST. I booked her n told her about my two LT mistresses in SG and she intimated that she would to be lucky to be my 3rd haha. She had refused ST but agreed to a "trial" just before expiration of her visitor pass. Unfortunately, her subsequent application for a student visa was rejected n she got married within 6 months.

Yes, I hv many long distance RS. I don't pay anything while they r in China and I meet them less than once a year. Many do return to SG but I usually find them unattractive after a lapse of more than 6 months.

Here is a joke for every bro.

Planning Ahead

An older, white haired man walked into a jewelry store one Friday evening with a beautiful young girl at his side. He told the jeweler he wanted a special ring for his girlfriend.

The jeweler looked through his stock and found a $5,000 ring. The old man said, "No, I'd like to see something much more special."

The jeweler went to his special stock in the safe and brought another ring back. "This one's $50,000." The young lady's eyes sparkled and her whole body trembled with excitement

"I'll take it!" Declared the old man.

The jeweler asked how payment would be made, and the old man said, "By check, but I know you need to make sure my check is good, so I'll write it now, and you can call the bank on Monday to verify funds. I'll pick up the ring on Monday afternoon."

Monday morning, the jeweler called the old man saying, "Sir, there's NO money in that account!"

The old man said, "I know I know, but let me tell you about the weekend I just had!"


Bro WB
Old 11-03-2019, 11:43 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Another beautiful forum below.

Bro WB - thank you so much and I didn't realised exercise possible to have orgasm.


Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Good morning!

Women are sexual creatures and their orgasmic potential is vast.

I just searched the forum for coregasms or orgasms during exercise and got nothing!! About 10% of women hv experienced it. Actually some men hv also experienced it w/o touching their genitalia.

Here is an article on the subject.

Study Shows Women Experience Orgasm While Working Out

DELIGHTFUL KNOWLEDGE on November 2, 2014

I understand that from a biological stand point, women have a lot more “stuff” to deal with than men. Child birth, periods, the whole female internal goodie bag tilts the scale in favor of guys, we got it easy.

However a new study may be tilting that scale back in favor of the girls team., the coregasm. The “coregasm” is an exercised educed orgasm that researchers have been studying and links certain exercises to women having orgasms at the gym or while working out! The closest a guy ever gets to that is the creepy Eastern European guys who face the jets in the hot tub.

The coregasm got it’s name because of the link of working out the core or abdominal muscles and women having orgasms. It’s not as new as you would think, scientist Alfred Kinsey and his colleagues first reported the phenomenon in 1953, saying that about 5 percent of women they had interviewed mentioned orgasm linked to physical exercise. I didn’t even know women were allowed to have orgasms in the 1950’s.

Debby Herbenick, co-director of the Center for Sexual Health Promotion at Indiana University says,”the findings add qualitative and quantitative data to a field that has been largely unstudied.”

The topic of the coregasm has been exploding all over the media, again, and again and again. Despite the hoopla, there is little scientific research about the exercise-induced orgasms,” Herbenick writes in a special issue of the journal Sexual and Relationship Therapy released this months in an article titled the 5 Myths About Women’s Body.

Herbenick used surveys online to collect her information, which included answers from 124 women who had experienced exercise-induced orgasms and 246 women who reported exercise-induced sexual pleasure. Most of the women, ages 18 to 63 and an average age of 30, were in a relationship or married and 69 percent said they were heterosexual.

Herbenick found that about 40 percent of both groups of women had experienced exercise-induced pleasure or orgasm on more than 11 occasions in their lives. Most of the women in the “orgasm” group said they felt some level of embarrassment when exercising in public places. The “orgasm” group mostly said during the experiences they weren’t having a sexual fantasy or thinking about someone they were attracted to.

45% of the women studied said their first coregasmic experience was linked to abdominal exercises, 19% linked to biking/spinning(which explains the popularity in spin class), 9.3% linked to climbing poles or ropes; 7% reported a connection with weight lifting, 7% from running. Yoga, swimming, elliptical machines, aerobics all triggered coregasms to women exercising.

Practice makes perfect, multiple sets of crunches seemed to trigger a coregasm more than a couple repetitions. If this in fact is true, we should be a nation of flat tummied, satisfied women within 6 months. Stomach crunches and orgasms are the equivalent of a man being able to get oral sex, while watching football, drinking a beer and eating an Italian beef, the perfect sexual storm, that satisfies all of the senses.

“We had at least one woman in the study who was a virgin, and she really loved that she could have these experiences at the gym,” Herbenick said.

Like most men, the researchers aren’t sure why certain exercises lead to orgasm or sexual pleasure, “It may be that exercise, which is already known to have significant benefits to health and well-being, has the potential to enhance women’s sexual lives as well,” says Herbenick.

Herbenick admits, like the orgasm, it takes a lot of time and attention from the scientific community to have her theories reach a climax “I think that’s going to be interesting,” seeing the reaction. Is this a tooth fairy type of thing or does it really happen?’ I have no doubt that it happens.”

It’s bad enough us guys have to go toe to toe with the “rabbit,”but now we have to worry about spin class stealing away our ladies affections? What’s next, when will the orgasm madness end? Will the coregasm make us a nation of uber fit, sexually satisfied super women? One can only hope.

The next time you are at the gym or running on the path and see a woman who seems to really be enjoying her workout, it might be best to look the other way, let her have her moment and rest in the fact that she is helping advance science for all man kind.

Relax bros. These coregasms are NOT as addictive as CVOs. Not even close.


Bro WB
Old 11-03-2019, 11:44 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Ok ok and from now on no more mr Nice Guy.

Haha, very interesting facts.


Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Good afternoon!

Its ok to be a good guy n still get laid like crazy.

Just received the following:

How To Be The Guy Every Woman Wants

Hey Bro Warbird,

Notice I said “good” guy... not “nice” guy.

There is a BIG difference between a good guy and a nice guy, women know this and are always on the lookout for a good guy.

They think they want a nice guy, but when they find one, immediately toss him into the friend zone or bulldoze straight over him to get to the bad boy.

Then after being treated like a piece of meat with the bad boy, they then realise that they need a good guy, which sits firmly in between the nice guy and bad boy.

Confused? Let me explain a little further...

What's The Difference Between A Good Guy And A Nice Guy?

There are quite a few major differences between a good guy and a nice guy, so let me break them down for you.

• Good guy - He’s emotionally strong, financially stable (career driven), doesn’t take any nonsense from women, isn’t afraid to speak his mind, but also has manners, is very polite and is a grounded well rounded person. He takes care of himself, is friendly, sociable and is the kind of guy you want around on a night out.

• Nice guy - He’s predictable, needy, has zero self worth, even less self confidence and takes whatever he can get with women. Always seems to send up in the friend zone and doesn’t understand why. He has a good job, doesn't’ drink a lot, never disagrees with women and always sits on the fence. He basically wants to be liked by everyone.

So now you know the distinction, let’s get into the nitty gritty and discuss how you can start putting certain attractive “good guy” qualities into practice.

Drop The Nice Guy Act

Women like a “real” man, they say that all the friggin time in their silly glossy magazines. What this means though is they want a guy who tells it like it is and isn’t scared of offending women. Now I’m not saying you should be a dick, that’s where guys go wrong when they learn this stuff.

I’m saying, if you’re having a conversation and she says something that you don’t agree with, tell her dude! Say “I couldn’t disagree more and here’s why I think you’re wrong”. On the surface, she may looked pissed off, but deep down she loves it!

Adopt The "Good" Characteristics Of A Badboy

We all know that bad boys are complete dicks, but they get laid. Now you seriously don’t have to be a bad boy to get the girls, you just need to adopt the good characteristics that he has (granted, there aren’t many).

1. Don’t show that you’re offended

If you’re having a conversation which gets a little heated and she says something that offends you. Never ever show that you’re offended, it makes you look weak.

2. Think about yourself

A gentleman thinks about women in ways that average guys don’t, by opening the door for her or pulling out her chair. However a “good” guy will also think of himself, so he’ll take time to do what he wants, when he wants and he’ll make damn sure the girl knows it.

For example, if you’re on a date and you’re bored. Tell her you’re bored and tell her what you want to do next, lead her and she will follow. This just says that you’re not a pushover who panders to women’s needs.

3. Remove any emotions

Now it’s fine to be emotional, but you have to show your emotions in the right place. For god sake, please don’t cry in front of her or get overly angry and snap in the heat of the moment, this will kill any attraction she had for you on the spot.

4. Add some drama to the conversation

Women LOVE drama, that’s why they read trashy novels, crap magazines and gossip with their friends about pointless things. They need it to make their lives interesting.

So you need to add level of drama, so it keeps her on her toes. Tell her you like her and don’t call her until she gets back in touch with you, always leave her second guessing and wondering if you’re the type of guy she can settle down with. You have to think like a player almost here.

Challenge Her Mentally (Playful And Intellectually)

Aside from drama, women need a playful guy who can tease them both physically and intellectually. So stop being so serious and wind her up once in awhile. Also challenge her intelligence by calling her out on certain points.

Always Sexually Escalate From The Beginning

Men of the world... always show a woman that you want sex and you’re not afraid to show it by sexually escalating. Women love a guy who isn’t sexually mild, you need to show her that you’re getting turned on by her, this is gratifying for a woman and turns her on also.

Nice guys, never escalate that’s why they never get laid.

So there you have it. Be the good guy... not the nice guy or douchebag. The middle is where you’ll get plenty of action, without the hassle.

Old 11-03-2019, 01:35 PM
ChapChoi ChapChoi is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Fully agreed that bro WB takes his precious time to reply to everyone.

Thanks for giving us a fantastic thread.


Originally Posted by locum View Post
Bro WB,

Telling good jokes in a nice thread.

The gal must be so impressed that she going to wear a 50k diamond not knowing was scam.

If have more than one gf best neevr let them meet. This prevent unnecessary problem.

Thank you for well organised thread.

Best is you bother to read and reply to them.
Old 11-03-2019, 04:22 PM
bornear bornear is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Yes a beautiful forum indeed.

Didn't know that possible to have orgasm by exercising.

Thanks bro WB for an amazing thread.

Have a nice day

Originally Posted by locum View Post
Another beautiful forum below.

Bro WB - thank you so much and I didn't realised exercise possible to have orgasm.

Old 12-03-2019, 01:01 AM
kiranrao kiranrao is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Very nice and informative thread by bro WB, thanks many many!
Have a good week ahead.
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