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Old 12-04-2019, 12:00 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by besafe View Post
Hmm. Maybe beauty is in the eye of beholder.
So it is confirmed. You are an OKT, eager to push your wares.
Good job. But why squabble with your potential clients on line? Professional?
Good night everyone. It is miserably wet in Houston.
Originally Posted by abugga View Post
Seriously, nothing against you or your girls, but as a "relationship agent" which you self profess to be doing on a professional level, I find that there are multiple problems with you

1) when you have offered a girl up for a client's choice, shouldn't you be transparent in your dealings? I find that informing client the availability of the girl to be very important, for example, you have to notify a player if there are other players in the ring, deadline for answer, why etc, as an agent you have no right to be so "bossy", you owe an obligation both to the girl and your prospective clients.

2) doing CIA work on your clients is although frowned upon, but correct, but the only thing you should assess are probably 2 things, does the client have a history of abusing women (emotionally and physically), or less importantly, is the client "rich"? to be honest the 2nd question is not important, as long as he is able to pay the required fee which is 25k a month, who gives a flying fuck how rich is he, if he earns only 25k a month and wishes to spend 25k a month on your girl, that's his issue. Payments are prompt, there's no problem. for a start if you are so doubtful of the status of your clients, request for a down payment of X months. and then from there on pay your girl per month, that's your job. Why bother to do CIA work on a prospect, even if he does show you his declared income, seriously how many people on this level have hidden income, assets yet undeclared, and if the "IRAS" or relevant authorities cannot uncover the bottom of the ice berg, how can you? in your line when you are dealing with rich men and tycoons, to be very honest, I deal with a lot my self, most don't flaunt it out. So what if they have 100 million available to throw at a moment's notice, most would not spend more than 10-20% of it, reason is simple: cashflow and liquidity on a rainy day. your idea of a rich man is fundamentally flawed, no respect deserving self made man will throw money like confetti on you unless they are just rich bastards borned with a golden spoon, aka spoiled monkeys, or just washing away not so honest gains on an untraceable and unchecked avenue such as this.

my humble opinion, don't be offended, as I was (and still am) in the trade that you professed yourself to be, don't worry we ain't from the same territory in terms of geographical placement. So there is no competition. Oh, one more thing, don't you have a wide range of high net worth clientele to cater to? I see you have a lot of time available to spend online yea.

I also agreed that clients are important.

Why argue with clients who are paying you.
Old 12-04-2019, 12:02 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Beauty is in the eyes of eye of the beholder. I guess our taste for pussies quite similar.

Remember Helen? She was my mistress briefly in 2009, we separated n I let her go completely. I gave u the phone no. to call her in July 2010. You said she was very cautious n won't want to meet anyone.

Well, she was being kept by a rich bachelor around 30 at the time. They had a big argument in late 2010 n she left him. He regretted it n tried to get her back. He became needy n desperate, Even called her mom in china n offered to give her 100K sgd, a condo n marriage!! She avoided him as if he was a leper. She initiated ctc w/ me in Jan 2011 n asked me to BY her.

I kept her for the next 4 plus yrs n let her go home to get married as per her parents' demand in March last yr. I met her in SHA last July n she came to be w/ me in Oct last yr. Just spoke w/ her the other day n she is still not married. Her pussy is still mine haha.

Take home lesson: If you love or like a doll very much, let her go. If she comes back to you, she may be yours forever. if she doesn't, then it was never meant to be.

If you become jealous, needy, clingy and desperate, you
will lose her forever


Bro WB
Bro WB

I love your take home lesson.

Aspiring to be one of you.

Hope for the best.

Old 12-04-2019, 12:53 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by 4707030319 View Post
Bro WB

I agreed with you and think this gal is jsut ordinary and not worth even 10k per month.

I smell plenty of sour grapes too.

Anyway interesting enough to go thru all the exchanges last few pages.

I also think this gal is just ordinary, not worth at all.

Thank you bro WB for this great thread.

Old 12-04-2019, 02:44 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by 4707030319 View Post
I also agreed that clients are important.

Why argue with clients who are paying you.
My exact sentiments. Never argue with clients.
Old 12-04-2019, 07:38 PM
LastDeji LastDeji is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by 4707030319 View Post
Bro WB

I love your take home lesson.

Aspiring to be one of you.

Hope for the best.

Aspiring too.

Thanks for this nice thread and have a great weekend.
Old 13-04-2019, 10:16 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro WB

I also belive in peace and not war. No point argue for the sake of arguing and ended flaming each other.

Personally I think when you started this thread with teh intention to source or discuss how to pick up gals from ktv, you were not very sure how long this thread will lasts.

Over the years you had improved and polished up your skills set and doing well.

The same person who said you throwing money had already changed his mind. He saw the frugal side of you.

I had enjoyed your thread very much.

Please keep up the great effort.

Happy weekend.

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

I believe in peace, not war. There are always many sides to the same story.

Look up The Rashomon Effect, one of my favourite topics.

Some bros hv ridiculed me for being very stingy especially on KTV spending. Strangely, 2-3 years earlier, the same bros accused me of throwing money on KTV hoes. Yes, I'm extremely frugal. No one reading this thread should be surprised as the purpose of this thread is to reduce the friction cost of getting pussies to the minimum. I always pay my equal share of the expenses even though I don't drink one drop of alcohol n I often leave very early.

I love value investing, and I love to get $100 worth of pussies for spending $50. I'm learning the virtue of frugality from Benjamin Franklin.

The global pussy market is irrationally n notoriously inefficient. I hv posted some of the HK 141 gals I met a long time ago. I forgot abt them until just days ago. These gals were 18-19. I paid them 700-800HKD or 120-140 SGD. I often paid an extra 200HKD to get them to my hotel rm, a much safer option. Some of these dolls, after working 2-3 yrs as 141 gals n in some KTVs or brothels in China, would then come to SG to work in HFJs/KTVs n the value of their pussies would shoot up 300-1,000 %. Even more if they get BY-ed haha. Most of them would play hard to get in SG. Imagine a hoe turning into a nun right after landing at Changi haha!! And many bros got profoundly n painfully can imagine the consequences. The current quality of 141 has declined a bit, but there are still many 18-19 SYTs, for 900-1000HKD.

I must thank u-know-who for prompting me to rediscover these pics from a very long time ago. It has bolstered my abundance mindset.

From now on, whenever I see any doll, I'll compare her to my 141 SYTs. Then It's easier for me to estimate the intrinsic value of her pussy. Really not very much, yeah? I know I'm in SG n hv to make compromises n settle for much lower quality dolls at higher prices. What an Intolerable combination!

Over the years many bros hv spoken abt doing this or that as not being challenging enough. That is their problem, not mine. Many of them may find falling asleep or waking up in the morning or commuting to work challenging. Why would I give a fxxk abt what they think! Like David X says, who cares what she thinks. That is his rule no. 1 in dealing w/ gals. I go a lot further to include everyone. BTW, a badass gentleman (BG) is completely detached from the opinions n judgements of every other human on earth. He doesn't need the approval n validation of anyone, not even from his parents. This is one of the secrets, and a vital character trait, of a BG.

Over a year ago, an esteemed bro urged me to go after singers at big joints because bedding singers are somehow more "challenging." To him maybe. I gave my reply. Pls read #4017 hahaha.

There are some bros who assert that bedding a gal FOC is much more challenging. Especially a non WL FOC. Really? But getting "FOC" by false pretenses n false promises n pretending to be a man of high status n high social value, when one is not, is downright immoral n will bring very bad karma. Don't do it. Don't be so desperate for a pussy. Besides, It may take more time to get so-called FOC. An elderly Ang Moh colleague in Gotham City kept telling me that there were many women in their 30s-40s who were begging to be fucked. I told him they were just too old for me. I might take a look at their daughters haha. BTW, a married woman is the easiest to fuck. A no-no for me.

A woman n a man meeting for sex is THE most natural n splendid thing on earth. We are hard-wired by a million years of evolution to do just that. We become our worst enemies by thinking that it's a difficult process. There is nothing to brag about even if it's FOC n she is a beautiful non WL.

Inside every human is an insecure, needy n fearful little child. There are no exceptions. The First Emperor of China was very insecure. He was hiding n running for his life during his early childhood. But all of of us can become much more secure, self-assured n non needy after years of conscious efforts.

Here is a challenge. Finding pretty SYTs you really like when they are as rare as unicorns. The ONLY real challenge for me at this time is achieving ABSOLUTE emotional mastery (and self mastery) or AEM. I believe it's the most difficult thing for a human to achieve. Unless a man knows his true self n true nature, he will never achieve AEM. How do I know if a man has AEM? When he is completely detached n non reactive n he remains cool, calm n relaxed, even when facing the most horrific adversities or imminent n painful death.

Achieving AEM may be impossible for most of us, but greatly improving one's emotional mastery is not difficult. Why is it so important n why is it relevant to male-female RS? I shall present some interesting materials written by a guru next time.

BTW, David X's rule no. 2 is that YOU are the most important person in the relationship. He has only these two rules.


Bro WB
Old 13-04-2019, 10:18 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

There is no such thing as FOC.

Think before saying FOC. Time and money spend dating. Money spend on food and shopping.

May cost more than paying for a FL.


Originally Posted by warbird View Post
BTW, some bros hv kept mentioning FOC as if its the holy grail in woman-man RS. What is the big fxxking deal?

Two days ago I casually asked a pretty local staff nurse to go dinner. She was flattered n said anytime. She owns a home nursing agency n has provided service to my mom.

She is single, in her late 20s. Abt 162 n very very fair for a local gal. Body quite proportionate too. Worth a FOC fuck, yeah? She is among the best looking local gals I hv seen in a long time. If I see a better n younger one, I'll ask immediately. I hv not asked a local gal to go out since I got married decades ago.

A good friend says since she knows my mom n my wife from Gotham City, don't touch her. He is thinking too much. Who cares?


Bro WB
Old 13-04-2019, 10:20 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro justime hit the nail in the coffin.

If you BY a gal all the terms and conditions set up negotiated. No exciuse there will be no sex.

When you go for FOC there will be plenty of chances you dont get sex.


Originally Posted by justime View Post
Hi Bro Warbird,

It's lovely to catch up with you yesterday even if its less than 15 minutes. I hope to join you in future outings soon.

My perspective (ex Patron of several BY):

1) I agree with you on getting FOC as not being the "Holy Grail". To have such a mindset is, in essence, an ego trip and validation of the self esteem. I have no need for this.

The real issue is the efficiency and effectiveness of landing a BY that delivers on what you deemed as aesthetically beautiful. A BY that delivers the right strokes and pushes your right buttons when it comes to GFE.

A KTV setting offers the most efficient way to "sort" and shortlist. On average, the girls at a KTV is aesthetically more pleasing than the sort where you hope to meet on chance encounters.

2) Let's be realistic here, a working girl that seeks your patronage will mostly present her best side. Her odious behaviour is obscured and less than flattering looks are minimised. At least before the "take you for granted stage", whereby its the signal for you to dump her and move on.

If you want the warts and all, authentic girl who gives "real" GFE, then BY is not for you.

* Cynics like myself recognise that GFE is always contextualised and oftentimes used as a leverage to forward their vested interest.

3) To me, to be able to land a mistress that delivers great sex and nice GFE is analogous to find a great employee. You treasure her services for as long as she delivers. It is like contractual obligation. One that is more "honest" in that hidden agendas and womanly wiles are reduced because of the explicitness of the defined roles and concomitant rewards.

4) Some brothers like to compete against another. To land a hong pai in the face of challenges from other men who may be richer and perhaps handsomer than you seems like a victory and a psychic trophy. Others simply relish the self mastery aspect the game. I am of the latter.

For me, in this game, ego management, emotional control, value propositions and great sex are overriding considerations. I also enjoy the psychological dynamics that are involved in this game.

5) To be sure, in the world of BY, an ineluctable factor is money. It takes money to structure the type of relationship and interaction you want from a BY. Brothers who think otherwise are only deceiving themselves.

The challenge is how to deliver maximum gains for your money! Literally the best bang for your buck!

6) The BY game is more honest. The fall out from the relationship is less damaging to both patron and BY. Brothers who have been through a messy, acrimonious, expensive divorce know exactly what I am talking about!

In summary, the BY game also affords:
i) variety,
ii) the thrill of chase,
ii) efficiency in locating and selecting your aesthetic type,
iv) clearer definition and demarkation of gender dynamics,
v) demanding and getting the type of sex you want,
vi) emotional mastery of self (especially the control of ego urges ... hanging flower "battles" are classic examples of poor ego mastery!)
vii) .... it can even serve as motivation to earn more money!!!!

Cheers to one and all!
Old 13-04-2019, 10:22 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Have a good weekend to all bros here!

Postinor 1

Postinor 2 is my avatar.
Old 13-04-2019, 01:12 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

I also believe in peace.

Very good thread by bro WB here, thanks very much.


Originally Posted by robusta View Post
Bro WB

I also belive in peace and not war. No point argue for the sake of arguing and ended flaming each other.

Personally I think when you started this thread with teh intention to source or discuss how to pick up gals from ktv, you were not very sure how long this thread will lasts.

Over the years you had improved and polished up your skills set and doing well.

The same person who said you throwing money had already changed his mind. He saw the frugal side of you.

I had enjoyed your thread very much.

Please keep up the great effort.

Happy weekend.
Old 13-04-2019, 03:07 PM
TriVenus TriVenus is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Agree with you to the point.

Really awesome thread by Bro WB.

Have a good weekend!

Originally Posted by robusta View Post
Bro justime hit the nail in the coffin.

If you BY a gal all the terms and conditions set up negotiated. No exciuse there will be no sex.

When you go for FOC there will be plenty of chances you dont get sex.

Old 13-04-2019, 04:22 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Indeed no such thing as FOC, nothing in this world is free.

Very informative thread by bro WB, thanks!!

Enjoy your weekend.

Originally Posted by robusta View Post
There is no such thing as FOC.

Think before saying FOC. Time and money spend dating. Money spend on food and shopping.

May cost more than paying for a FL.

Old 13-04-2019, 04:45 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Everytime if I feel I'm going to kena KC or do stupid stuff, I will come to Bro WB thread and get a fistful of sense knock into me
Old 14-04-2019, 02:11 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by 4707030319 View Post
Bro WB

I agreed with you and think this gal is jsut ordinary and not worth even 10k per month.

I smell plenty of sour grapes too.

Anyway interesting enough to go thru all the exchanges last few pages.

Bro, tks.

She is very ordinary. Maybe OK for ST, but not good enough for BY.

Originally Posted by 4707030319 View Post
I also agreed that clients are important.

Why argue with clients who are paying you.
You're right.

Thes two bros are very experienced.

Originally Posted by 4707030319 View Post
Bro WB

I love your take home lesson.

Aspiring to be one of you.

Hope for the best.

Bro, thanks for quoting my old post.

If you love or like a doll very much, let her go. If she comes back to you, she may be yours forever. if she doesn't, then it was never meant to be.

If you become jealous, needy, clingy and desperate, you will lose her forever

Originally Posted by hounian128 View Post
I also think this gal is just ordinary, not worth at all.

Thank you bro WB for this great thread.

Originally Posted by sgstaff View Post
My exact sentiments. Never argue with clients.
Originally Posted by LastDeji View Post
Aspiring too.

Thanks for this nice thread and have a great weekend.
Bros, tks.

Originally Posted by robusta View Post
Bro WB

I also belive in peace and not war. No point argue for the sake of arguing and ended flaming each other.

Personally I think when you started this thread with teh intention to source or discuss how to pick up gals from ktv, you were not very sure how long this thread will lasts.

Over the years you had improved and polished up your skills set and doing well.

The same person who said you throwing money had already changed his mind. He saw the frugal side of you.

I had enjoyed your thread very much.

Please keep up the great effort.

Happy weekend.
Bro, tks.

Yes, I hv learned a lot in the last 10 yrs. But I urgently need to continue to improve...

It's foolish to waste money.

Less is more w/ women.

TY is one of the highest quality girls I hv ever seen. I'm keeping her full time by spending only a fraction of what a much older plastic woman at Lido/P8 would demand.

I sent her some extra money for CNY over two months ago n she returned it immediately. I don't remember anyone else has refused money from me, not even my kids or legal wife. She was a 嫩模/actress before coming to SG to study.

Even though it would be very difficult for me to meet another girl as good as TY, I don't care if I lose her. I keep my power in the RS. I behave as if 100 beautiful n high-quality girls...she is actually very scared of losing me.

Originally Posted by robusta View Post
There is no such thing as FOC.

Think before saying FOC. Time and money spend dating. Money spend on food and shopping.

May cost more than paying for a FL.

Bro, I couldn't agree w/ you more.

Originally Posted by robusta View Post
Bro justime hit the nail in the coffin.

If you BY a gal all the terms and conditions set up negotiated. No exciuse there will be no sex.

When you go for FOC there will be plenty of chances you dont get sex.

Bro Justime is a master of BY. I learned a lot from him during my formative yrs.

Originally Posted by SBMEDSUP View Post
Have a good weekend to all bros here!

Originally Posted by alexcaro View Post
I also believe in peace.

Very good thread by bro WB here, thanks very much.

Originally Posted by TriVenus View Post
Agree with you to the point.

Really awesome thread by Bro WB.

Have a good weekend!
Originally Posted by 3da3da3da View Post
Indeed no such thing as FOC, nothing in this world is free.

Very informative thread by bro WB, thanks!!

Enjoy your weekend.
Bros, tks so much.

Originally Posted by LiuBei View Post
Everytime if I feel I'm going to kena KC or do stupid stuff, I will come to Bro WB thread and get a fistful of sense knock into me
Bro, you hv made my day! I'm so pleased that my posts hv been helpful to you.

Cheers to all!

Bro WB
Old 14-04-2019, 05:36 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Excellent thread by bro WB, thanks!!!
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