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Old 05-05-2021, 03:25 PM
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Smile Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Originally Posted by OverControl View Post
Excellent thread! Have to learn from bro warbird
Tks, bro

Originally Posted by Ella View Post
1) buy her gifts for every occasion: Birthday, Valentine day, Christmas
2) give her allowance every month
3) spend lots of time with her
4) bring her for holiday
Tks for the post.

Too nice and too needy.

Originally Posted by SBMEDSUP View Post
Not cool and too easy gal will not appreciate.
I agree, bro.

Originally Posted by Pita123 View Post
U recommend pay DW levy as well ah?

Originally Posted by Alloring View Post
You like to play hard to get?
Not exactly, but be dominant and assertive.

Originally Posted by SBMEDSUP View Post
Prefer mode one.
Yes, always be Mode One.

Originally Posted by treff View Post
It's been a while, Warbird

I will just add some penny thoughts:

Actually the love which is viewed as love, makes us lose our objectivity, and makes us less manly till we lose the one we think we truly love. Perhaps we need to think deeply what does love consists of, not the love which is taught by culture or society or the media.

1) If we feel we cannot afford to lose the one we love, usually we will end up losing them even faster.

2) Love blinds us to a fault till we lose the direction of the relationship.

3) Love makes us make the wrong decision, because we lose our objectivity and thus become ruled by our emotions only.

So in the end we need to think deeply on what really love is, it will probably take a while to get the answer, but once the answer comes, relationship with the ladies only grow stronger over time.
Bro, tks for the great post. I couldn't agree with you more.

Yes, as I have alluded to numerous times before, when a man loves a girl, he loses his objectivity, and his prior dominant behavior changes.

He cares too much, becomes too needy, too insecure, and is very afraid of losing HER. Ironically, she will now find him repulsive, even if she used to like/love him very much before.

The same needy and overcautious behavior occurs when a real-life Don Juan meets his 'dream girl.' He could get hundreds of beautiful girls without any effort, but he will definitely fail w/ this one most important girl in his life. Why? Because he thinks he is NOT good enough for HER!!

Originally Posted by jaccy View Post
I will always scroll in If I see someone match my expectation, I will send out a greeting and ask if there is any chance to proceed.
Ths, bro

Originally Posted by jaccy View Post
you need to act fast if you meet someone that you like, because opportunity will not wait for you, you need to grab it
Originally Posted by jaccy View Post
not everyone can do it.....haiz
Good advice. Be Mode One.

Originally Posted by jaccy View Post
ya virus is too contagious, vaccine also cannot be a solution of it at the moment
Bro, get COVID vaccine asap! It gives excellent protection against severe illness and death.

Originally Posted by aumion View Post
Great thread. You stay safe too bro!
Bro, tks. You keep safe too.


Good afternoon,

I would encourage every eligible person to get COVID vaccine asap.

The two currently available vaccines in SG are equally good.

I had my first jab only recently.

I waited a bit because I thought I had anaphylaxis 5-6 minutes after taking a muscle relaxant and analgesic for severe neck pain many yrs ago. I was in a clinic and I treated myself with i/m epinephrine. In retrospect, I had a vasovagal reaction with hypotension and bradycardia due to the pain. Whereas, a rapid pulse is usual in anaphylaxis. I also had no other symptoms of anaphylaxis.

Other vaccines may be available here soon. But don't wait, get it asap. To protect yourself and your loved ones.

Here is an informative article. The vaccine will greatly reduce the risks of getting severe disease and death.


Bro WB
Old 07-05-2021, 12:11 PM
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Smile Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Good morning,

I just posted the following in another thread.

Originally Posted by addict999 View Post
Hi bro warbird..nice to see your posting again. How are u and your bao yang coping post covid

Hi bro,

The pleasure is all mine.

Since Mar 2020 I hv been to KTV only twice, both at Dynasty. Once for a look-see and once when I was invited to celebrate two friends' business success.

The standard of women/girls working in the nite scene in SG is now even worst than in the pre-COVID period. And, according to an experienced China lady, many of these women are raking in $30-50K a month! The weaker performers are making $20-30K a month.

I believe the FLs here are having a field day too.

All at the expense of our fellow cheongsters!!

I'm fortunate in that I still have my two long-term LPs in SG, LS n TY. I see one of them every day.

I have seen some of the photos of girls/women working at Lido. Mostly plastic. Many are old aunties.


Bro WB
Old 08-05-2021, 09:23 PM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

WTF $20 to 30k for this type of fark service

Nice share bro warbird!
Old 15-05-2021, 11:25 PM
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Unhappy Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Originally Posted by Felixsk View Post
WTF $20 to 30k for this type of fark service

Nice share bro warbird!
Bro, tks.

Lots of money for mostly plastic aunties.

Very sad.

Bro WB

Good evening,

The pussy market in SG is deplorable. It's getting from bad to worse.

If you pay peanuts, you get plastic aunties. If you pay millions, you still get plastic aunties.

I have friends and bros who had paid millions to keep singers n they all got cheated and dumped in the end. Their singers were no Xi Shi. In fact, they were mostly plastic aunties. Isn't that depressing?

IMHO, 99.9999% of men are completely clueless about girls/women. They think because they are too fat, too thin, too tall, too short, too young or too old, or for whatever reason, they are NOT good enough for their dream girls. Their negative mental frame guarantees that their 'girls' (actually plastic aunties in most cases) will find them repulsive. They could get their pussies by paying and paying, but they would never capture their hearts.

OMG, who wants to capture the heart of a plastic auntie?

I now like to share a secret. I knew a long time ago that beautiful girls are NOT attracted to a man's looks, despite popular belief. But this one is quite different.

One of life's great secrets, according to Tucker Max.

I can confirm that Tucker Max is absolutely correct, although I never thought much about it, after analyzing my personal experiences over many decades.

Many girls, some of them quite pretty, had offered themselves to me for BY. I was pleasantly surprised because they were friends or guimi of my LPs. Some were very persistent. My LPs must have said great things about me.

Once I met a pretty 20 yo girl from Jiangsu at Las Vegas, 5th fl TAM in 2013. I asked for ST, she said no way. Then I asked if she would consider BY, and she said no. After 30-40 minutes, I casually mentioned that I had two mistresses, one in SG and one in Fujian waiting for a visa to come. She suddenly changed her attitude. She asked about their monthly allowances. Actually quite modest, but I told her. She then asked if I would consider taking her as my 3rd mistress. Well, I ended up doing ST on her. She returned to China before the expiration of her tourist visa. I didn't keep her because having 3 LPs in SG would be a bit too taxing.

Women definitely like men who are desired by other women. It's a form of social proof.


Bro WB
Old 02-06-2021, 04:33 PM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Good afternoon,

I have learned and improved a lot since I started this thread on 14 June 2009. I was a newbie then, and it was quite an achievement for me if I could pick up KTV girls outside KTV. Wasn't that pathetic?

I changed the name of the thread a few years ago to reflect more accurately my primary mission.

Actually, merely getting and keeping the most attractive girls or dream girls of your type is not enough. You want to own their hearts and keep them addicted to you emotionally and sexually.

Derek Drake of Shogun Method fame wants to 'enslave' women of his type. No, not for me, because as a badass gentleman, I don't want to 'enslave' anyone. I merely want my dream girls to become addicted to me.

I have carefully analyzed many case studies of the man-woman relationship. And research papers on mating and evolutionary psychology. I have tried to connect the dots.

The story of King Fuchai, Xi Shi, and Fan Li is a classic tale, which is most insightful and illuminating.

Fuchai was the king of Wu and Xi Shi the extremely beautiful SYT. Fan Li? A slave to former king Go Jian of Yue, who was taken to Wu to serve as a slave to Fuchai. So Fan Li was a slave of a slave.

BTW, Fan Li was already an ah pek, being 28 years older than Xi Shi.

How did Fan Li win the heart of Xi Shi? Ponder on that...

Several reasons. Fan Li did rescue Xi Shi once.

But, most importantly, Xi Shi greatly admired Fan Li's emotional n self-mastery, intelligence, knowledge, trustworthiness, reliability, loyalty, courage, fearlessness, and unflappability.

Fan Li liked (loved?) Xi Shi very much, but he didn't need her. He offered her and another pretty SYT to King Fuchai. The rest, as they say, is history.

What is the moral of this famous story?

What is extremely attractive to very beautiful young women is a man's masculine character traits and behavior. His emotional strength and self-mastery are pivotal. And he behaves like the Prize and he believes he is the Prize

If you truly understand what beautiful women want in a man, and if you have awesome emotional strength and masculine character traits, you could get the most beautiful girl of your type. You will have no competitors.

Of course, gold diggers are the exception as they are only attracted to MONEY. They are psychopaths. We should avoid them as if they are lepers.

Any comments?


Bro WB

Last edited by warbird; 02-06-2021 at 06:04 PM.
Old 03-07-2021, 05:00 PM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Good afternoon!

I'm disappointed that most of my friends and kakis are still having difficulties in getting and keeping girls of their type.

They have not improved very much since I met them a long time ago.

Their negative subconscious beliefs, which were acquired during childhood and early teens, have been very resistant to reprogramming.

I just received a piece of new advice from a 'guru.'

His MO is a bit too crude for me.

It may work well with most girls, but you will be in big trouble if just one girl reports u to the police for sexual molestation. Or a gold digger may demand a big compensation.

So don't do it his way. Think and behave like the PRIZE.

Make the girl so wet in her panties n she will want you to do it. No, she may beg you to do it. It has happened to me.

Your comments?


Bro WB
Old 04-07-2021, 05:03 PM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Very nice share bro WB, thanks!
Old 04-07-2021, 05:43 PM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Good afternoon!

I'm disappointed that most of my friends and kakis are still having difficulties in getting and keeping girls of their type.

They have not improved very much since I met them a long time ago.

Their negative subconscious beliefs, which were acquired during childhood and early teens, have been very resistant to reprogramming.

I just received a piece of new advice from a 'guru.'

His MO is a bit too crude for me.

It may work well with most girls, but you will be in big trouble if just one girl reports u to the police for sexual molestation. Or a gold digger may demand a big compensation.

So don't do it his way. Think and behave like the PRIZE.

Make the girl so wet in her panties n she will want you to do it. No, she may beg you to do it. It has happened to me.

Your comments?


Bro WB
Bro WB, if a, girl allows a guy to make her wet, chances are, she wouldn't mind to let him go further with her.
Rarely would that be one that can get very wet yet ask the guy to stop from having sex. Unless she's a ultimate cock teaser.
Side track a little, I used to have a friend who had a cctv installed outside his house. Whenever he brought a ONS or fling home, he made it A SOP to french each other outside the door so that to prove its willing party for the romp.
If you like what I comment or post, feel free to comment or give me your oranges.
If it's merely for the exchange of oranges, I don't. Sorry about that.
Old 04-07-2021, 11:05 PM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Originally Posted by hoekee View Post
Very nice share bro WB, thanks!
Tks, bro

Originally Posted by junior_cannibal View Post
Bro WB, if a, girl allows a guy to make her wet, chances are, she wouldn't mind to let him go further with her.
Rarely would that be one that can get very wet yet ask the guy to stop from having sex. Unless she's a ultimate cock teaser.
Side track a little, I used to have a friend who had a cctv installed outside his house. Whenever he brought a ONS or fling home, he made it A SOP to french each other outside the door so that to prove its willing party for the romp.

You're right. If you could make a girl's panties soaking wet just by holding and kissing her hand, she won't be able to tahan n would want you to fxxk her asap.

I used to have a FB, a 19 yo tall Msian Chinese girl from Sarawak, who complained that I didn't have a heart. Why? Because I would fxxk her only once a week. She got so wet that she always brought an extra pair of clean panties. Our RS lasted until she got married at 22 in Sarawak.

A CCTV is a great idea, tks.


Bro WB
Old 05-07-2021, 08:49 PM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

you need to determine the type you want before you start to hunt. Like me, I know I love babe, then I will hunt in search for their profile and details which suits me. Then, start attack her, sending message and ask for date. As long as face thick enough, can secure the girl in short time
Old 05-07-2021, 08:51 PM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

look for someone who makes you erect when chit chatting, that definitely is a girl you would like to proceed with
Old 05-07-2021, 08:52 PM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Originally Posted by Felixsk View Post
WTF $20 to 30k for this type of fark service

Nice share bro warbird!
definitely sometime need to have enough money in order to get date
Old 05-07-2021, 08:53 PM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Originally Posted by Koloncleanse View Post
Great tips from Master Warbird and all here! As a man, every lady deserves to be treated with respect, no matter her background or circumstance. Yes, some do not reciprocate, but i feel it's better to rise above and take to positives with the negatives. Sometimes, you only see true colours after a few tests.
usually true colours will appear after 6 months
Old 05-07-2021, 09:59 PM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Originally Posted by deematter View Post
usually true colours will appear after 6 months
No need 6 months, usually less than that
Old 07-07-2021, 04:52 PM
warbird warbird is offline
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Originally Posted by deematter View Post
you need to determine the type you want before you start to hunt. Like me, I know I love babe, then I will hunt in search for their profile and details which suits me. Then, start attack her, sending message and ask for date. As long as face thick enough, can secure the girl in short time
Originally Posted by deematter View Post
look for someone who makes you erect when chit chatting, that definitely is a girl you would like to proceed with
Originally Posted by deematter View Post
definitely sometime need to have enough money in order to get date
Originally Posted by deematter View Post
usually true colours will appear after 6 months
Thank you for your pointers. Are some of the girls in sugarbook FLs?

Originally Posted by Kraptic View Post
No need 6 months, usually less than that
Yup, Usually less than 6 months.
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