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Old 10-06-2013, 09:25 AM
motodiary motodiary is offline
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Re: Japan - FL/Enjo Kosai/Compensated Dating

just came across this news items and sharing it

The manager said that Miss Ozawa’s rates start at 150,000 yen for 70 minutes. “But as soon as her shifts are disclosed, it only takes few minutes to sell out,” he says. “For girls of her caliber, there are fans across the country who will travel to see her.”
The outlet is probably not gaijin-friendly. Worth improving our Japanese enough to pass off as Japanese and spend the money ? A question for philosophers.
Old 10-06-2013, 04:06 PM
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Re: Japan - FL/Enjo Kosai/Compensated Dating

Yeah that's tora no ana. I've been wanting to try that. They've got AV actresses and lookers. Maria Ozawa also works at a kyabakura called red dragon at Roppongi.

Last edited by deedesilover; 10-06-2013 at 09:40 PM.
Old 11-06-2013, 11:21 PM
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Re: Japan - FL/Enjo Kosai/Compensated Dating

For those who use Waku Waku Mail

I'd recommend that you have a few targets on the site. Some points to identify businesses on the forum because I really hate them. Every time I get them I feel like I wasted 2+万 because they rush and they're very SOP.

1. They post with lewd description. E.g. "Wouldn't you like to kiss me while I grind my pussy against you.". Or "I now know the joy of going raw, let's do raw."
2. They post all day long. If you set the target on your notify list when they post you'll be able to tell the frequency they post in a day. Of course this may not be accurate if a real true blue FL happens to need money and is only free that 2 days and keeps posting that 2 days.
3. When their description is filled up with lots of details they may be a shop. Put yourself as a FL, would you spend so much time putting so much details into your profile?
4. Photo available but face is blurred. This can be used by shops to give you ANY girl since you can't see the face. Just a girl with long hair but no face, so they can give you any girl. So go with one where you can see her face. If the girl turns up and don't look like the photo, reject her. Unless she's stunning and more beautiful than the picture. But still, she'd be from a shop and the session will be very SOP.
5. They advertise to do it in a car, public (park?), or manga cafe. These want to finish the job quick.
6. They allow filming. I'd think real FL won't allow that since they just want to make their pocket money and be gone and not be identified by others that they're selling themselves. So if they allow filming, there's a high chances they're shops. Some shops have that option so it's nothing to them. But if you're into filming, go ahead even if they're shops it may be fun.

It's just really difficult to avoid shops and when you get girls from shops it's really quite sickening. They're very SOP and time is of the essence to them. If the description says that they're not 業者 then they're probably not. I don't think shops will say that. Then again who knows hehe

Try to make appointments instead of searching when you need one. Mail your targets and ask if they'd like to meet at X at time Y. I think that's the best. Market rate is 2 but some girls may ask for 3 when they think they're young and pretty or they provide some special service. I don't they go raw. Not recommended of course. During negotiation do ask them if they do X, Y, Z if that's important to you. Rare but some girls don't kiss. I came across one the other day. Other than not kissing she was great.

Let me know your experiences and any new tricks you have.
Old 06-07-2013, 12:15 AM
ZacZidane ZacZidane is offline
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Re: Japan - FL/Enjo Kosai/Compensated Dating

Lookin for japs in Bali
Old 10-07-2013, 10:24 PM
RTD1234 RTD1234 is offline
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Re: Japan - FL/Enjo Kosai/Compensated Dating

I recently went to Tokyo and tried this soap land. ( )

I called them and they arranged for a car to pick me up from the train station. Once at the place, the manager sat me down and talked to me in japanese which I didn't understand... so he showed me a chart with the prices for different package timing and I choose the 2 hours unlimited shots @ 45k yen package. I requested for one of the girl listed on the website.

Long story short, service is the best I have ever had in my life I swear. I have chiong in CP, Macau and Bangkok and nothing beats this japanese service. The girl went all out to service/please me. I can request for any position, action or whatever.... she also changed into school uniform half-way which made me damn high.

2 hours of non-stop action.... after I cummed the first time, she IMMEDIATELY proceeded to give me a BBBJ, AR for 15mins at least while I rest and took a smoke... then proceed to action... after action bath and she change to uniform... after that I lie on the bed and she started licking me all over again, plus alots of AR (I requested it)... proceed to action....

Total cummed 3 times... 4 time BBBJ but I really got no more bullets already... Really the best experience I ever had... there was no rest for her for the whole 2hours and I felt bad... tipped for 5000 before I left...
Old 11-07-2013, 04:55 PM
ahjohn888 ahjohn888 is offline
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Re: Japan - FL/Enjo Kosai/Compensated Dating

Just want to make recommendation to bros to cheong in Sapporo. I think more happening and open than Tokyo. I had a very good time there.
Old 21-07-2013, 09:20 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Japan - FL/Enjo Kosai/Compensated Dating is the recommended site to access most information.

I had my fair piece of fun during my stay in Tokyo. Thou I can't verify whether they are Japanese, Chinese or Taiwanese. Most important is the session.

In all my sessions, I had made reservation on Deriheru or delivery health. Price range are around 20,000-28,000 JPY on 90 minutes session. I have no idea if this is the high or average price to pay for, so please spare me on the price range if there's any questions.

Those service ladies are generally service-oriented and will not rush into completing the whole 90 mins (I can't speak for all) but those younger girls are the ones who wants to finish their job fast. They will likely to offer FJ or other services for additional cost of est 5,000 JPY.

IMHO, i prefer ladies around late 20s to early 30s or maybe even housewives. They will tend to make your dollars well spent throughout the whole session. While those young yuppies; once the deal is done, they will casually sit around the room and chit-chat. Some even offered me to book their personal time during the day in exchange for other branded items. That's the end of my experiences while in Tokyo. Hope i'm not hijacking the thread starter.
Old 24-07-2013, 04:36 AM
densha densha is offline
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Re: Japan - FL/Enjo Kosai/Compensated Dating

Originally Posted by karn View Post is the recommended site to access most information.

I had my fair piece of fun during my stay in Tokyo. Thou I can't verify whether they are Japanese, Chinese or Taiwanese. Most important is the session.

In all my sessions, I had made reservation on Deriheru or delivery health. Price range are around 20,000-28,000 JPY on 90 minutes session. I have no idea if this is the high or average price to pay for, so please spare me on the price range if there's any questions.

Those service ladies are generally service-oriented and will not rush into completing the whole 90 mins (I can't speak for all) but those younger girls are the ones who wants to finish their job fast. They will likely to offer FJ or other services for additional cost of est 5,000 JPY.

IMHO, i prefer ladies around late 20s to early 30s or maybe even housewives. They will tend to make your dollars well spent throughout the whole session. While those young yuppies; once the deal is done, they will casually sit around the room and chit-chat. Some even offered me to book their personal time during the day in exchange for other branded items. That's the end of my experiences while in Tokyo. Hope i'm not hijacking the thread starter.
Based on my personal experience using delivery service via Erolin.

The girl I got was definitely above average looker. My friend told me his wasn't good at all.

Got the key word in for FL.

She spoke almost flawless Japanese that I with my poor Japanese cannot detect any anomaly.

However, what gave her away as either Chinese or Taiwanese is this...I asked her for her instant messenger address.

We exchanged Skype. Then on Skype, I noticed that her description was in Chinese...not Japanese. So I asked her via Skype if she has Wechat...which she did.

Most Japanese do not use Wechat...period.

Long story short, my girl was either Chinese or Taiwanese. Obviously worked and lived long enough in Japan to gain nearly flawless accent.

It makes sense why these services are so foreigner friendly.

Kinda sucks because I can obviously get Chinese elsewhere.
Old 24-07-2013, 04:42 AM
densha densha is offline
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Re: Japan - FL/Enjo Kosai/Compensated Dating

Originally Posted by RTD1234 View Post
I recently went to Tokyo and tried this soap land. ( )

I called them and they arranged for a car to pick me up from the train station. Once at the place, the manager sat me down and talked to me in japanese which I didn't understand... so he showed me a chart with the prices for different package timing and I choose the 2 hours unlimited shots @ 45k yen package. I requested for one of the girl listed on the website.

Long story short, service is the best I have ever had in my life I swear. I have chiong in CP, Macau and Bangkok and nothing beats this japanese service. The girl went all out to service/please me. I can request for any position, action or whatever.... she also changed into school uniform half-way which made me damn high.

2 hours of non-stop action.... after I cummed the first time, she IMMEDIATELY proceeded to give me a BBBJ, AR for 15mins at least while I rest and took a smoke... then proceed to action... after action bath and she change to uniform... after that I lie on the bed and she started licking me all over again, plus alots of AR (I requested it)... proceed to action....

Total cummed 3 times... 4 time BBBJ but I really got no more bullets already... Really the best experience I ever had... there was no rest for her for the whole 2hours and I felt bad... tipped for 5000 before I left...
Thanks for sharing bro.

Having punted in China, Korea, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia, Taiwan, Hong Kong/Macau...I completely agree that Japanese is top when it comes to soapland type action.

Service minded.

The only one that comes close in all my years of punting is Vietnamese. In their case, they tend to be more GFE and non-commercial.

But when it comes to professionalism/service, Japanese WG ranks #1 in my book as well.

Of course this assumes that we can even get service.

The only good thing about Japan being in their decade plus of economic stagnation is that they're more open to having foreigner patron.

I'll bet you anything the moment the economy starts to pick up, it's back to "no gaijin" policy for most places...even ones that accepted you before. I got this first hand!
Old 24-07-2013, 10:18 PM
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Re: Japan - FL/Enjo Kosai/Compensated Dating


sorry for my noobness, but what does 130/90/2 ,means?

i was about to ask what AR is also, but im guessing its anal rimming?

apologies as im not familiar with the terms...

struggling when members writes in short forms...
Old 25-07-2013, 12:22 AM
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Re: Japan - FL/Enjo Kosai/Compensated Dating

Originally Posted by jerkface View Post

sorry for my noobness, but what does 130/90/2 ,means?

i was about to ask what AR is also, but im guessing its anal rimming?

apologies as im not familiar with the terms...

struggling when members writes in short forms...
prob means 130 dollar or whatever currency / 90min session and u gte 2 shots
Old 29-11-2013, 06:27 PM
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Re: Japan - FL/Enjo Kosai/Compensated Dating

thanks for sharing
Old 30-11-2013, 04:03 PM
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Re: Japan - FL/Enjo Kosai/Compensated Dating

Hi. Thank for this topic
Old 16-12-2013, 10:53 PM
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Re: Japan - FL/Enjo Kosai/Compensated Dating

Great thread bro. Need some help here though. What's the best option for me if I'm just visiting for a short while and want to try a jap girl? Will be staying in narita and can't speak jap at all.
Old 21-12-2013, 09:30 AM
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Re: Japan - FL/Enjo Kosai/Compensated Dating

Originally Posted by Flyboyboy View Post
Great thread bro. Need some help here though. What's the best option for me if I'm just visiting for a short while and want to try a jap girl? Will be staying in narita and can't speak jap at all.
That is difficult bro. The deli-girls in Tokyo are mostly PRC or Taiwanese. Unless you go Yoshiwara then got Japanese girls.
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