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Old 07-11-2008, 05:21 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by jackbl View Post
I m thinking v hard. Each pub got its PROs and CONs. IMHO, pls dun "flame" me.

1) 72 = old man pub
2) Mask = action starts late
3) V2 = many fights, music v loud
4) 678 = small place, not much beautiful gal
5) U turn = v smoky place, many smokers

Thou of goin Lips, HM, etc, but many "spies" around, the quatity may not be as much as GL42..... Em ơi buồn quá
Then I suggest K2, Tuberose or Shing...
FoR hOnOuR n GlOrY to SBF...StRiKe To SiLeNcE the SYTs...

Khong gi co the thay the con, tai vi con la tat ca cua doi ong ba

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Old 07-11-2008, 05:38 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by AdGuy View Post
5) If you are there just to look for her, dun bother.

Very simple. Ask her... 'Em co muon di khach san voi a khong?' followed by... 'Nhung anh ko co tien cho em'. If you guys still end up in bed, you have the answer.

The rational is that if she is willing to give you her only valuable commodity for free, then there's a chance she's serious about you. Just fyi, I encounter your situation with almost every viet girl I sit. I can share my stories with you if we ever have a chance to share a drink. It's more animated than yours. Perhaps you'll chance your impression of viet girls then.

My 2 cents worth. Not to be taken seriously
To add, vietnamese girls in general are very possessive and easily jealous. Like wat our experienced TS said, this is the best solution to test her out. But I have tried viet girls who would go to the extent to give you their only valuable commodity but with the prospect of having a better life in singapore. In short, its like fishing.. 'fang chang xian diao da yue'.

Just fyi, I encounter your situation with almost every viet girl I sit.From my personal view, there may be 1 in 1000 that is different from the ones you see generally in the pubbing scene.

Originally Posted by jackbl View Post
Do u know where she live? Do u know is she working? Knn, 1 of my fren go Hanoi to visit his so-call gf, she disappeared for 3 days then re-appeared again, CCB, left my fren alone in a unknown place

Please share your stories with us/me!!! I m interested. Tonite NO72for me! Treat us as lower grade customer
Wa thay ciao oi.. you so regular they also treat you like.. Ban them!!!

My friend also same story as your friend.. already told her the dates that he will be in HCMC.. asked her to meet up.. reply was ok.. but once reached there.. came up with lots of excuses.. mom sick.. dad accident.. sister not at home so have to do household chores.. left my friend stranded there luckily he got friends to bring him around.. otherwise jialat liao.. then on the last day called my friend to say she is free already.. BO TAY

Originally Posted by nbhd View Post
i think is quite true. but still mainly thinking on whether shld i go or not as u guys know now flood, and many safety issues. thanks in advance for sharing ur opinions.
I think likewise.. mayb just go to see her sister and house.. but stay in your own hotel.. then try to get some contingencies like searching thru the Hanoi thread for places to eat or play just in case you get 'aeroplaned'.. Treat it as a mini-holiday.. at least it wun be a wasted trip ..

Originally Posted by mikemike View Post AdGuy..well said. Hope to have some beers with you too.

Long time no see bro.. I also want to join in .. hihi.. so you into the 'NIGHTLY' events with Mafia and Carrot?
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Old 07-11-2008, 06:04 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by vlover View Post
Long time no see bro.. I also want to join in .. hihi.. so you into the 'NIGHTLY' events with Mafia and Carrot?
Seems like only last wednesday all were around to celebrate your birthday... you never notice our bro mikemike meh?
in terms of dayz is only 9 dayz.
in terms of months, oct to nov is 1 mth... than it is long tome no see.

never see you say long time no see me
Old 07-11-2008, 08:26 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

any helpful bro help me translate this sms. thanks in advance

toi kg muon gap ban, boi vi ban da lua doi toi. ban noi, ban se ve v.nam tham toi, nhung hom nay ban noi ban kg the ve. toi kg thich nhu vay. ban noi ma kg lam, toi kg thich.
Old 07-11-2008, 11:00 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by KangTuo View Post
Seems like only last wednesday all were around to celebrate your birthday... you never notice our bro mikemike meh?
in terms of dayz is only 9 dayz.
in terms of months, oct to nov is 1 mth... than it is long tome no see.

never see you say long time no see me
haha.. becos you are the susual suspect in BL and GL area.. so need to say long time no see.. cos every now and then will see you ma.. if cant see you in BL or GL area can also see you when you buy cigarettes ..

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Old 07-11-2008, 11:06 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by nbhd View Post
any helpful bro help me translate this sms. thanks in advance

toi kg muon gap ban, boi vi ban da lua doi toi. ban noi, ban se ve v.nam tham toi, nhung hom nay ban noi ban kg the ve. toi kg thich nhu vay. ban noi ma kg lam, toi kg thich.
I think la.. I try ah.. mayb wrong.. hope the thay ciaos will come and correct me if I am wrong.. Just trying to learn more..

I don't want to see friend, because friend *bluff me-unsure*. friend say, friend will go back vietnam with me, but today friend say maybe never go back. friend say but never do, I don't like.

P.S. I am just a beginner hoping to learn from mistakes.. Dun flame.. Teach me !!

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Old 07-11-2008, 11:58 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by vlover View Post
I think la.. I try ah.. mayb wrong.. hope the thay ciaos will come and correct me if I am wrong.. Just trying to learn more..

I don't want to see friend, because friend *bluff me-unsure*. friend say, friend will go back vietnam with me, but today friend say maybe never go back. friend say but never do, I don't like.

P.S. I am just a beginner hoping to learn from mistakes.. Dun flame.. Teach me !!

thanks bro i reckon your are almost correct in the translation. thanks alot
Old 08-11-2008, 12:48 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by KangTuo View Post
Em co muon di khach san voi a khong?
Do you want to go hotel with me or not?

co moun = want to
di = go
khach san = hotel
voi = with
khong = or not (usually use at end of a yes/no question)

Nhung anh ko co tien cho em
But I do not have money give you

Nhung = but (some us 'nhung', some use 'ma'... I dun know why. I use 'ma')
ko co = khong co = no have (khong in this case is 'NO')
tien = money
cho = give
bro , i like the way you translate. very detail. learn alot after reading this thread.
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Old 08-11-2008, 01:33 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

sorry need bro here help translate sms again is there any website can translate. dun seem to totally understand the sms.

toi hieu bjo ban noi ji. toi cung kg tuc jan nhung toi kg thich boi vi ban da lua doi toi. toi kg thich ai lua toi, va ban cung vay.

many thanks again. sorry to trouble.
Old 08-11-2008, 01:47 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by nbhd View Post
sorry need bro here help translate sms again is there any website can translate. dun seem to totally understand the sms.

toi hieu bjo ban noi ji. toi cung kg tuc jan nhung toi kg thich boi vi ban da lua doi toi. toi kg thich ai lua toi, va ban cung vay.

many thanks again. sorry to trouble.
ok i try again.. tmr others will correct if i am wrong.. duo duo zi jiao..

I understand wat friend is saying.. I also don't ....... but I don't like because friend bluff me. I don't like whoever bluff me, with friend also the same..

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Old 08-11-2008, 02:08 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

I saw your post at "Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner" thread, and it also appeared here huh...

My interpretation is:

toi kg muon gap ban, boi vi ban da lua doi toi
I dont want see you, because u have trick me

ban noi, ban se ve v.nam tham toi, nhung hom nay ban noi ban kg the ve.
U say, u will go vietnam visit me, but today u say u cannot go.

toi kg thich nhu vay. ban noi ma kg lam, toi kg thich.
I dont like like this. U say but didnt do, I dont like.

Correct me if i m wrong, i also wanted to learn

Originally Posted by nbhd View Post
any helpful bro help me translate this sms. thanks in advance

toi kg muon gap ban, boi vi ban da lua doi toi. ban noi, ban se ve v.nam tham toi, nhung hom nay ban noi ban kg the ve. toi kg thich nhu vay. ban noi ma kg lam, toi kg thich.
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Old 08-11-2008, 02:16 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by vlover View Post
ok i try again.. tmr others will correct if i am wrong.. duo duo zi jiao..

I understand wat friend is saying.. I also don't ....... but I don't like because friend bluff me. I don't like whoever bluff me, with friend also the same..

thanks bro u r the real vdict. lol. wat u have translate on the 1st sms is totally correct i call to ask her. so i suppose kg is fren is it. do all viet sms in this way as in fren refers to me? eg. y she cannot sms 'i understand wat you are saying' puzzle me...

anyway thanks vlover
Old 08-11-2008, 02:17 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

I also used dict to help me to translate words that i no hieu....

toi hieu bjo ban noi ji
I understand now u say what.

toi cung kg tuc jan nhung toi kg thich boi vi ban da lua doi toi.
I also dont practice trickery but I dont like because you have trick me.

toi kg thich ai lua toi, va ban cung vay.
I dont like anyone who trick, and u also too.

Originally Posted by nbhd View Post
toi hieu bjo ban noi ji. toi cung kg tuc jan nhung toi kg thich boi vi ban da lua doi toi. toi kg thich ai lua toi, va ban cung vay.

many thanks again. sorry to trouble.
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Old 08-11-2008, 02:21 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by jackbl View Post
I saw your post at "Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner" thread, and it also appeared here huh...

My interpretation is:

toi kg muon gap ban, boi vi ban da lua doi toi
I dont want see you, because u have trick me

ban noi, ban se ve v.nam tham toi, nhung hom nay ban noi ban kg the ve.
U say, u will go vietnam visit me, but today u say u cannot go.

toi kg thich nhu vay. ban noi ma kg lam, toi kg thich.
I dont like like this. U say but didnt do, I dont like.

Correct me if i m wrong, i also wanted to learn
thanks bro yup is like changing the fren to me cos her way of sms i guess fren is refers to me. i'm the one that really need to learn. but dunno how to start....
Old 08-11-2008, 02:23 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

kg = ko = khong, a negative of the word after it.

e.g khong hieu, khong biet, khong thich, etc
dun understand, dun know, dun like

If she refer you as Friend, then i tink she jus treat u as normal fren, not towards intimacy yet....

If she felt that u could be her bf/honey/darling, she will sms "Em hieu anh noi gi"...

Use of toi and ban meaning very polite and not known well.

Originally Posted by nbhd View Post
so i suppose kg is fren is it. do all viet sms in this way as in fren refers to me? eg. y she cannot sms 'i understand wat you are saying' puzzle me...

anyway thanks vlover
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