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Old 28-01-2012, 12:14 PM
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Re: Yangshuo

Originally Posted by eddy View Post
the guilin/yangshuo thread has lots of great scenery photos but about 3 FR posts out of 6 pages
can anyone add on ?
i dun think bros go to yangshuo/guilin to look for bonks ...
and i dun think these r the right places to cheong ...

guilin/yangshuo is abt great sceneries and places to bring ur KC for a romantic outing ...
Old 22-03-2012, 12:15 PM
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Re: Yangshuo

ok just returned from Yangshuo

u can fly there from Guanzhou (many flgihts a day) or Shenzhen (1 flight a day) or even from KL (Airasia on Tues, THurs and Saturdays)

Beautiful place with great scenery and affordable accomodations and food

West Street is their Orchard Road and at night so many bars and pubs open ... dancer can sit with you for about 300rmb but no guarantee that can tabao

No fear, alot of female and male pimps roaming West Street advertising their goods and services ..... seems like 260ST and 400 O/N .... can see selection first then pay direct to the girl after the deed once you decide on one .... or maybe half deposit to pimp first (all stock can bring back to your hotel)

Walked around town also after the sightseeing and found the following places

Attached next to Yangshuo New Century Hotel is a 'massage' joint ... place looks run-down and fish tank style .... ST is a scary 160RMB ... i did not try

The little street BEHIND Rainbow Hotel (0773-8811198) is full of BBS of older variety (mid 20s and up) .... stock quality is OK if you like them direct from village and never been to big city type .... just tell cab driver or ask direction to Bilian Lu (very near 10-13min walk from West Street towards bus terminal)

The other area (5min taxi ride from West Street) is Nan Hua Lu (Southern Flower Rd) and Nan Hua Yuan (Southern Flower Garden) .... these are a road with a street off the side ..... BBS and massage joints .... u have to hunt around but should not be difficult .... stock in this area are much younger around 19-23 yo

Pricing if you go bbs or outside of West Street seems a uniform standard 160rmb ST and 250-300LT for old stock and 200ST and 400LT for younger ones

Last one I found was next door to Yun Gui Nan Jiu Dian on the way south out of Yangshuo .... stock looked mature and cost 180-200rmb .... got onsite rooms too

Still blur? Spend 30rmb on a taxi and just ask taxi driver to bring u to tour the red light areas .... its the fastest and for 30rmb a good in-town tour.... then next time go on your own to save on commissions

Me? Wanted to try but did not because there are ALOT of female tourist ONS targets at the bars on West Street ..... and scored one from Gansu who was holidaying there with her GF .... foc but had to drink alot of beers and socialize like crazy to achieve

ok finally .... my apologies for not having posted in this forum for so long .... just contributing information on an area with little intel available

Love this town ...... day time so many great activities and night time so much activities to keep things interesting

please contribute your info if you have been there
Old 17-07-2012, 02:48 PM
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Re: Guilin Info Needed


Need to seek help from bros here, my ferns and I will be traveling to Guilin 2 weeks later.

Did a search here seems not much info. Any bros kind enough to share some intell?

Old 15-08-2012, 05:05 PM
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Re: Guilin/Yangshou action

Info for those who need. Now leaving Guilin, stayed the last 2 nights at LiJiang Waterfall Hotel 1, ShanHu bei lu. There is a sauna with dragon service in the hotel with two entrances, one at the main entrance of the hotel and another entrance by the side of the hotel direct into the sauna.
The rates here is based on the room and not the girls. Only one type of girls but 3 types of room.
598rmb: standard room
798rmb: mirror room, room is full of mirrors on all sides except ceiling
998rmb: red rope room; with red rope and mirrors
Girls are mid twenties and above. Looks are between 5 and 7. Tel: 2822881
Old 15-08-2012, 09:01 PM
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Re: Guilin/Yangshou action

Originally Posted by fastlizard View Post
Info for those who need. Now leaving Guilin, stayed the last 2 nights at LiJiang Waterfall Hotel 1, ShanHu bei lu. There is a sauna with dragon service in the hotel with two entrances, one at the main entrance of the hotel and another entrance by the side of the hotel direct into the sauna.
The rates here is based on the room and not the girls. Only one type of girls but 3 types of room.
598rmb: standard room
798rmb: mirror room, room is full of mirrors on all sides except ceiling
998rmb: red rope room; with red rope and mirrors
Girls are mid twenties and above. Looks are between 5 and 7. Tel: 2822881
Bro u didn't go to those bbs or ktv ? I will be going to GuangZhou and Guilin next week, been tryin to dig info from various forums, so far quite limited info.

From the info suppose there's tons of action going around whole guilin ? Or is it just a few streets and roads ?
Main streets got actions are 8 li Jie, and Ling Gui. (150-200) hj, bj, fj nego.
The higher class places like pubs, ktv and 夜总会 definitely got action but price is quite costly as well, from average 250 - 1000 per person and depends on own nego skill might not include st or lt at all just petting and digging. I believe that other places which have mm showin price like 369 or 248, or 51015 better at least u know what u will be getting end of d day.
Maybe they might carry this system at guilin soon ? Or perhaps already implemented ?
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Old 16-08-2012, 01:26 AM
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Re: Guilin/Yangshou action

Originally Posted by CuntMan View Post
Bro u didn't go to those bbs or ktv ? I will be going to GuangZhou and Guilin next week, been tryin to dig info from various forums, so far quite limited info.

From the info suppose there's tons of action going around whole guilin ? Or is it just a few streets and roads ?
Main streets got actions are 8 li Jie, and Ling Gui. (150-200) hj, bj, fj nego.
The higher class places like pubs, ktv and 夜总会 definitely got action but price is quite costly as well, from average 250 - 1000 per person and depends on own nego skill might not include st or lt at all just petting and digging. I believe that other places which have mm showin price like 369 or 248, or 51015 better at least u know what u will be getting end of d day.
Maybe they might carry this system at guilin soon ? Or perhaps already implemented ?
This is my first trip to Guilin and yes, action is everywhere. In the area around LiJiang Waterfall hotel, there are several saunas and KTVs and on the pedestrian street for shopping nearby, there are many OKT giving contact cards. However, I only manage to try the sauna as, firstly it was a very busy trip and secondly too much drinking with biz partners during dinner. I am not a heavy drinker and by the time dinner is over I was too drunk to do anything already..
Old 16-12-2024, 10:23 PM
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Seek Guilin recommendations

Will be in Guilin in late Dec. Any recommendations? Red light district, massages, ktv, walkers. All wlecomed.
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