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Old 15-04-2010, 10:49 PM
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Re: phuket

bro hunter come back got anything nice to update bo ?

Originally Posted by hunterhi View Post
Wa, Bro, nw then u shared... i m BACK already...
Old 15-04-2010, 11:43 PM
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Re: phuket

Wa, Bro, very HIGH flow there la... for Vit M... as the Songkran only 2day only as i was there last Friday so 6 night is quite long lioa as when HAPPY TIMES past so fast... ... as for other part of Thailand i not sure when they ended...

Originally Posted by rapier1978 View Post
bro Hunter,

so fast come back liao... songkarn ended liao.. i tot till this sunday
same lor, but got know afew more place to EAT good n cheap Thai food...

Originally Posted by sentsggirls View Post
bro hunter come back got anything nice to update bo ?

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Old 16-04-2010, 01:25 AM
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Re: phuket

when bro hunter free , post some reviews of the place lor
roughly a meal how much?
Old 16-04-2010, 05:22 AM
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Re: phuket

izzt depend what u order, n what u EAT... sure cheaper than Sillyspore..

Originally Posted by sentsggirls View Post
when bro hunter free , post some reviews of the place lor
roughly a meal how much?

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Old 16-04-2010, 02:56 PM
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Re: phuket

hi guys, my 'virgin' post ^^

any bros here residing in Phuket don't mind chilling out together?

I'll will be travelling with 2 other hot-blooded guys on our chiongign trip 22th - 26th April (change to Phuket due to Bangkok riots -.-) rooms not booked yet, still deciding between patong beach or phuket town.
Old 16-04-2010, 06:52 PM
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Re: phuket

Originally Posted by hunterhi View Post
izzt depend what u order, n what u EAT... sure cheaper than Sillyspore..
I still remember when I was at patong, i ate at one of backlane stalls near jucelynn shopping centre. I ordered on pak thai and a drink which cost 50 bhat in total. BRo hunter usually eat at resturant ?
Old 16-04-2010, 07:37 PM
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Re: phuket

Originally Posted by BiG_FisH2 View Post
hi guys, my 'virgin' post ^^

any bros here residing in Phuket don't mind chilling out together?

I'll will be travelling with 2 other hot-blooded guys on our chiongign trip 22th - 26th April (change to Phuket due to Bangkok riots -.-) rooms not booked yet, still deciding between patong beach or phuket town.
decided to go for C&N Hotel due to near happening road, anybody wanna meet up for drinks? ^_^
Old 16-04-2010, 11:29 PM
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Re:Phuket Jet-Ski Victim Dies: Charge May Follow

Phuket Jet-Ski Victim Dies: Charge May Follow
By Alan Morison and Chutima Sidasathian

Tuesday, April 13, 2010
A YOUNG TOURIST, seriously injured in a jet-ski crash on Phuket, died this morning in a Singapore hospital. His death 11 days after a collision off Patong beach that left him in a coma may lead to a manslaughter charge against the friend who was riding the other jet-ski in the incident.

A charge could come as soon as the courts return after the Songkran New Year holiday break next week. The young man who may face the count was one of five friends from college and national service who came from Singapore to Phuket to enjoy a five-day holiday.

Patong chief of police Colonel Arayapan Pukbuakao said today that whether a charge was laid against the young man probably depended on the parents of the young man's dead friend, Loh Ying Jie, 20. It is believed the parents, who flew to Phuket with a daughter as soon as they heard of the collision, have asked for compensation from the other boy's family.

An offer has been made but it is not considered to be sufficient. The boys were not covered by travel insurance.

Joh Ying was flown home in a special medical evacuation flight on Sunday April 4, and the four friends were due to fly home the following day. When Phuketwan spoke to the young men in the intensive care unit at Bangkok Hospital Phuket that Sunday evening, the four were anticipating they would all fly home as planned the following day.

It is believed that one of the boys subsequently had his passport retained by police.

Colonel Arayapan said he had had a telephone call from the Singaporean Ambassador today, informing him that Joh Ying had died. Police hope to have a clearer picture of likely developments on Wednesday morning. The wake for Joh Ying is also believed to be taking place in Singapore on Wednesday.

When Phuketwan spoke to the four friends, conversing in the IC unit within meters of their injured pal, all four agreed to tell their story on condition that they remained anonymous.

They wanted to speak out because they believed that safety standards surrounded the hire of jet-skis in Patong were not good enough, that the beach operators had no knowledge of emergency numbers, that help was slow to arrive, and that precious time was wasted taking the young man to a hospital that did not have the necessary equipment to treat his head injury appropriately.

They were upset that all four were questioned by police, believing that two of them could have answered questions while the other two helped to expedite their friend's treatment.

There is one major discrepancy between the young mens' account of what took place, and the account by the jet-ski operator that subsequently formed the basis of the police report. The jet-ski operator said that three jet-skis were involved in the collision, in the water opposite the Graceland Resort. However, all four young men were adamant that only two jet-skis crashed.

One young man admitted he had been blinded by spray as he came over a wave and struck his friend, but that the jet-ski operators had failed to adeqately warn them of the dangers of the vehicles beyond saying: ''Don't crash.''

The four were also surprised to find that Patong beach has no lifeguards, a situation true of all popular tourist beaches on Phuket since mid-November. Although registered jet-skis have been compulsorily insured since the clamor surrounding jet-ski damage extortion scams last year, riders are not insured.

A long-running debate about whether the jet-skis should be allowed to continue free-range operations at key Phuket beaches is likely to be reignited by the death of the young man and the evidence that due care and responsibility seem to be missing at Patong and probably other beaches, just as lifeguards are absent.

Phuketwan has learned the name of the young man who may face a charge this week but is withholding it because of our undertaking for he and his friends to remain anonymous.
Old 17-04-2010, 12:36 AM
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Re: phuket

Originally Posted by BiG_FisH2 View Post
hi guys, my 'virgin' post ^^

any bros here residing in Phuket don't mind chilling out together?

I'll will be travelling with 2 other hot-blooded guys on our chiongign trip 22th - 26th April (change to Phuket due to Bangkok riots -.-) rooms not booked yet, still deciding between patong beach or phuket town.
I would prefer Phuket town..... not so many Ang Mo. more peaceful
Old 17-04-2010, 11:08 PM
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Re: phuket


I be going Phuket 26-29th alone.

Its my 1st time there. Any recos or bros interested to join?
Old 18-04-2010, 12:17 AM
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Re: phuket

Hi, Samster

I would be in phuket from 27 Apr to 1st May. I had read thru almost all the pages but still cant find any info that i;m looking for. This could most likely be due the primary focus of the forum.

Would really appreciate anyone who can provide some info to my quries.

1: Recommendation of an agent or company that provide car rental.

Had concern because i had read from some online aticles that some comapnies does not had proper insurance to cover and over charging the tourist.

2: How much does it cost on average to rent the Jet Ski?

Hope you guys dont mind me asking this here and thanks to all samster who had share so much info for the night life. Really informative and appreciated.

Old 18-04-2010, 12:29 AM
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Re: phuket

Originally Posted by dohc_tx3 View Post
Hi, Samster

I would be in phuket from 27 Apr to 1st May. I had read thru almost all the pages but still cant find any info that i;m looking for. This could most likely be due the primary focus of the forum.

Would really appreciate anyone who can provide some info to my quries.

1: Recommendation of an agent or company that provide car rental.

Had concern because i had read from some online aticles that some comapnies does not had proper insurance to cover and over charging the tourist.

2: How much does it cost on average to rent the Jet Ski?

Hope you guys dont mind me asking this here and thanks to all samster who had share so much info for the night life. Really informative and appreciated.

Bro Rental of Jet Ski... did you read my post.....
Old 18-04-2010, 05:17 PM
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Re: phuket

Originally Posted by rapier1978 View Post
Bro Rental of Jet Ski... did you read my post.....
Thanks, Bro

I read your post. Do you mean the accident? Did i miss out come parts of you about the cost? If i did, can point me again? Might had really miss it. As for the accident, really appreciate the info, will be extra careful.
Old 18-04-2010, 06:25 PM
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Re: phuket

hey bros,

will be travelling to patong soon. staying at holiday inn patong, i guess?

any good places for massage? cheap and good?

can also intro any good makan places? cannot chiong leh got GF around HAHAHA.

Hope to hear from the young old bird here.
Old 18-04-2010, 08:40 PM
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Re: phuket


for the price u pay for holiday inn, u might wanna try Courtyard by Marriott at Patong Beach, a new hotel opps holiday inn. I stayed there last year and it was worth it.

as for food, go opposite C&N hotel..there are 2 outlets side by side and both are very cheap..
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