gan si buay gan! DYBJ fatboy dio spink by mods till -645. High power and points so what. Go around clones and zap people. Si eh buay gan. Number WAN champion lol lol simi flower king. fooker upsidedown backside king more lik it. Song ah!!!!
Justice is done, peace return and I go away happily.
Today is a good day. 1st, small1 become dead1, blackbmw came back to life again but was sentenced to death within minutes and now, hjfmaster from -2 become +4, wow upped by a 6 pointer leh. So nice yet not clever. Now we all know all the same group of clones lol lol lol. In hokkien means KUM GONG
I just know tower is $88. Liquor about $300? Btw, I heard that the hf very fierce. The place not really big but posh. All are fine sofa sitting.
Pieh sieh. Up till now I still din go there but I managed to get reliable info. Lolz.
A courtesy reminder to those gg for the Taiwanese dancers there, do watch out your pockets. They are terribly good in helping u part with your $. But, they are super fun.
Good offers must be shared among bros! Wei Wei told me little secret that her bf incapable of satisfying her lust... And more important $ no enough!
$$$$$ no enough you got what, you hang her la, you so many stories from macau but never see you in action there only hear you talk of others in action. You know, empty vessels makes the most noise you know you know
$$$$$ no enough you got what, you hang her la, you so many stories from macau but never see you in action there only hear you talk of others in action. You know, empty vessels makes the most noise you know you know
You r so smart! I no $$$$ thats why only pay Wei Wei S$120 for FJ & BJ
Btw she only allow chinese and age limit of 45yo
Any bro can enlighten on some uncovered stories of Club Macau?
Bro BMW, well Club Macau do have some uncovered stories..
小第我 have been to quite a few HFJ in this couple of years but in super low profile. I have my fair share of sexisfactory gains too.
I play wisely and like what I had mentioned to other bros before.., "minimum expenses maximum returns".
Ooh to mention Club Macau again.., There's one singer by the name of Yi Xuan and during her last stint, I remembered that I only hang her twice only... maximum also not exceed $100, and guess what?.., While sending her back to her People Park Complex apartment after her work, she command me to go to her apartment and and and she UPPed me. Shiok shiok but also scared scared as I enter her raw! :
Now to think back, it's a wonderful memory.
She's back now, just saw her recently. U can go and try.
Good things bros must share. That's what this forum is for.
gan si buay gan! DYBJ fatboy dio spink by mods till -645. High power and points so what. Go around clones and zap people. Si eh buay gan. Number WAN champion lol lol simi flower king. fooker upsidedown backside king more lik it. Song ah!!!!
Justice is done, peace return and I go away happily.
Where got -645, more like +1290 leh... your eyes blur blur lah.
Need more cunt juice to open up your eyes... some more the master of HFJs hahaha.
__________________ 天下没有不散的宴席,在此退出花花世界的江湖。退休啦!
If bros want to exchange upz, please let me know. Min = +5
All upz will be returned. Priority given to +9 & above.
small1 become dead1, blackbmw become up lorry bmw, hfjmaster up to +4 but dare not post scare zap till -ve again. small1 10pointer wor, liao kan puah chor, of cause their gang all buay gum wan la, tio bo Mr Lai!
Eugene & gang opened another joint?
Hmmmm, so ill informed now that i'm retired.
Last remembered, Eugene was drinking wif Prince and me and inviting us to their duck joint at Tanglin which we of cos didnt go la.
So now it's a changed concept.
Retired bro... retired.
__________________ 天下没有不散的宴席,在此退出花花世界的江湖。退休啦!
If bros want to exchange upz, please let me know. Min = +5
All upz will be returned. Priority given to +9 & above.
Bro BMW, well Club Macau do have some uncovered stories..
小第我 have been to quite a few HFJ in this couple of years but in super low profile. I have my fair share of sexisfactory gains too.
I play wisely and like what I had mentioned to other bros before.., "minimum expenses maximum returns".
Ooh to mention Club Macau again.., There's one singer by the name of Yi Xuan and during her last stint, I remembered that I only hang her twice only... maximum also not exceed $100, and guess what?.., While sending her back to her People Park Complex apartment after her work, she command me to go to her apartment and and and she UPPed me. Shiok shiok but also scared scared as I enter her raw! :
Now to think back, it's a wonderful memory.
She's back now, just saw her recently. U can go and try.
Good things bros must share. That's what this forum is for.
oh tats wonderful story but unbelievable that there many singers stay inside unit, and u being invited up?