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Old 29-04-2011, 08:56 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 12 March 2010

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
The nick that left those remarks is rammerstein. The nick is under moderation.
Thank you Sammyboyfor
Old 06-05-2011, 06:48 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 12 March 2010

Hi Bros,

Firstly i would like to thank Sammy for starting an awesome forum for all of us to share.

I have been around for a couple of months and have enjoyed the info shared in the past. As it is hard to gain access these days because of the wind blowing strong, i have in need of getting better rep/power to sextifsy my needs and wants.

My question is, if i cant FR openly now how do i increase my rep points? Also power comes after 35 points so i cant up someone if he has a good share. This would be the case of chicken and egg.

Your thoughts on this?

Sorry if i pissed anyone off - just another guy wanting to cheong
Old 06-05-2011, 08:36 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 12 March 2010

you could contribute to the other sections.
picture exchange and adult discussion are good places to gain rep points.
and if you are really so desperate for points, get it from me..
drop me a pm..

Originally Posted by kellylover View Post
Your thoughts on this?
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Old 10-05-2011, 06:05 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 12 March 2010


i have been here for like more than 3 years.
till now i still dont understand how the rep system works.
sorry for my stupidness.

rep power, is it reset everyday? eg. if got rep power of 2, every day can up/down 2 times?

from what i read from the 1st post in this thread, an account will have 1 rep power for every 1 year here. i am already 3 years here, do i have 3 rep power?

i really dont know how to get rep power after all these years.
Old 10-05-2011, 07:10 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 12 March 2010

once you have rep point of 35.. you will get your rep power.

rep power of 2 means you can give 2 points to another samster everyday.

Originally Posted by sggamer View Post

from what i read from the 1st post in this thread, an account will have 1 rep power for every 1 year here. i am already 3 years here, do i have 3 rep power?

ep power, is it reset everyday? eg. if got rep power of 2, every day can up/down 2 times?

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Old 10-05-2011, 07:34 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 12 March 2010

Originally Posted by Big Sexy View Post
once you have rep point of 35.. you will get your rep power.

rep power of 2 means you can give 2 points to another samster everyday.
thank you.
Old 12-05-2011, 07:26 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 12 March 2010

Hi erm been here since 2008 started a tread in fl dome 3 3days ago,but today got a senior bro pm say my tread on hold n ask the lady in need to do some sponsor erm does this mean I need to pay to have a tread?and after that pm my power 4points become 0.I'm really confuse now can boss or anyone enlighten me?
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Old 22-05-2011, 12:47 AM
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Re: Reputation system update - 12 March 2010

hi sammyboyfor

I have been a regular with SBF forum and almost visit the forum every day and also a regular supporter for quite a handful bros here.

Recently, I have made some feedbacks on 2 bros thread (on 21 May) and this unknown person who dare not reveal his nick have been going around zapping me for more than 15 times in 2 days!

In your reputation system update on para 8, you did mention that whoever abuse the system by making vicious attacks will have his nick exposed and placed under moderation!

Thus, I sincerely appeal to you to help me to find out who this "zapper" is and reveal his identity in the SBF forum and placed him under moderation.

Btw, please advise me how does this people go around zapping people?

Thank you so much!
Old 22-05-2011, 04:05 AM
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Re: Reputation system update - 12 March 2010

Originally Posted by sgplaymaster View Post

Thus, I sincerely appeal to you to help me to find out who this "zapper" is and reveal his identity in the SBF forum and placed him under moderation.

Btw, please advise me how does this people go around zapping people?

Thank you so much!

I did an investigation and found that you have been using clones to increase your points.

EG on the 15th of May within a space of less than 20 minutes, your points were added to 6 times by the nick "jamiezsb".

Your nick plus the nick jamiezsb will be placed under moderation for the offence.
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Old 22-05-2011, 05:38 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 12 March 2010

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
I did an investigation and found that you have been using clones to increase your points.

EG on the 15th of May within a space of less than 20 minutes, your points were added to 6 times by the nick "jamiezsb".

Your nick plus the nick jamiezsb will be placed under moderation for the offence.

my previous nick was "sggoodcitizen" and tat is the only 1 nick I have till now apart from this 1. It was initially being deleted when i post my comments abt my bad experience with 1 of the thai okt in this forum. Somebody is unhappy abt reading my posts n therefore all my posts n my nick "sggoodcitizen" was deleted.

After i enquire with the administrator, my a/c was "revived" but all my contacts, points n records are all gone! After the bad incident happen, i seldom log in with this user id n only use "sgplaymaster" as my only main a/c.

This time round, the user "jamiezsb" was NOT my clone and he happens to b one of the good n kind soul still hanging in SBF.

1st of all, i do not know how to increase my points!
2nd, apart from this user "jamiezsb", user "hcbj", "MLTR" and "Audacity" also up my points b4. Does that mean these r clones belong to me as well?
3rd, how do you judge me as the owner of these nicks? Can u trace the IP address? Feel free to do so as I am not afraid.

Most importantly, since im the victim of this zapper (who still continues to zap me on 22 May) - i wonder r u in cahoots with this zapper?

Please advise as I believe all SBF bros would like to know the way you operate this forum!

Thank you.
Old 22-05-2011, 06:22 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 12 March 2010

Originally Posted by sgplaymaster View Post
Most importantly, since im the victim of this zapper (who still continues to zap me on 22 May) - i wonder r u in cahoots with this zapper?

Please advise as I believe all SBF bros would like to know the way you operate this forum!

Thank you.
The way I operate is simple. I concentrate on the technical aspects of running the forum. Server performance, database integrity and maintenance are far more important than the rep system which was introduced just for the fun of it.

The reputation system is very low on my list of priorities. I have better things to do with my time. I check what is going on only when I receive complaints.

However, whenever someone (such as yourself) complains about unfair point deductions and I happen to have some spare time on my hands, I review ALL reputation point transactions (both additions and deductions) to find out what is going on.

In your case, I found that clones have been ADDING to your points which is an abuse of the system just as clone deductions are.

The bottom line... before you complain about anything, make sure you nose is clean or you may end up worse off.

This sort of scenario happens in real life too. A colleague of mine went after the tax man for a refund. The tax department did an investigation and found that he had, in fact, under declared his income over the last 5 years. Instead of a $3000 refund, he ended up having to pay $15,000 in back taxes.

Your accusation that I am in "cahoots" with a zapper is the most ridiculous statement I have ever come across. I don't need to be in "cahoots" with anyone. I can add or subtract hundreds of thousands of points simply by accessing the database directly.
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Old 22-05-2011, 09:43 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 12 March 2010

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
The way I operate is simple. I concentrate on the technical aspects of running the forum. Server performance, database integrity and maintenance are far more important than the rep system which was introduced just for the fun of it.

The reputation system is very low on my list of priorities. I have better things to do with my time. I check what is going on only when I receive complaints.

However, whenever someone (such as yourself) complains about unfair point deductions and I happen to have some spare time on my hands, I review ALL reputation point transactions (both additions and deductions) to find out what is going on.

In your case, I found that clones have been ADDING to your points which is an abuse of the system just as clone deductions are.

The bottom line... before you complain about anything, make sure you nose is clean or you may end up worse off.

This sort of scenario happens in real life too. A colleague of mine went after the tax man for a refund. The tax department did an investigation and found that he had, in fact, under declared his income over the last 5 years. Instead of a $3000 refund, he ended up having to pay $15,000 in back taxes.

Your accusation that I am in "cahoots" with a zapper is the most ridiculous statement I have ever come across. I don't need to be in "cahoots" with anyone. I can add or subtract hundreds of thousands of points simply by accessing the database directly.

1st of all - i dun control your working time n im not interested in your business & operation model in this forum.

2nd - make sure my nose is clean or i may end up worse off? Is that a threaten that you have just made to me? u do not have the means to b a fair judge on this matter n u definitely not IT certified to even find out who are the real owners of clone users in your forum!

3rd - regarding the tax, you have highlighted a good point for me about your forum. How clean n how legal of you operating your forum over here? Well, im definitely not an OKT n have no time n not interested in your so-called clones in your forum unless yr forum is listed in the stock exchange... well tat mayb a different story!

4th - i use the words "i wonder r u in cahoots with this zapper?" This is a question n not an accusation. Unless u have not something not right or in any case whatsoever, if not there should be no reason for u to worry at all, right?

5th - dun 4get your forum is infiltrated with government ppl not only from AV dept whom are also your forum users. Im sure aft the GE, the new team will b more settled down for some new projects!

One word of advise - when u want to make a judgement on your users - do your homework thoroughtly n with evidence before u make your verdict!

Good luck to you!
Old 23-05-2011, 04:31 AM
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Re: Reputation system update - 12 March 2010

Originally Posted by sgplaymaster View Post

One word of advise - when u want to make a judgement on your users - do your homework thoroughtly n with evidence before u make your verdict!

Good luck to you!
Should be "One word of ADVICE..." "Advise" is a noun.

As for passing "judgements" may I remind you that I was minding my own business and was not even aware of your existence till you invited me [via PM AND email] to arbitrate in your childish battle with some other equally lame forum members over some absolutely worthless reputation points.

Being obliged to investigate to avoid being accused of not doing my job as Admin, I duly did a bit of homework and found that you are just as guilty of benefiting from clones as you are from being zapped by clones. If you live by the sword, be prepared to die by the sword.

With regards to "legality", the forum meets all the legal and tax requirements of the country which it is hosted in. For obvious reasons, I don't host the site in Singapore.
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Old 23-05-2011, 02:06 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 12 March 2010

Hi Sam,
How about those registering multiple nicks.Are u going to placed them under moderation.

Click here for my latest post to return Up.Thanks!

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Old 23-05-2011, 03:24 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 12 March 2010

Originally Posted by ah rat View Post
Hi Sam,
How about those registering multiple nicks.Are u going to placed them under moderation.
I can't tell who has registered multiple nicks so there is no way I can place them under moderation.
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