An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
AS A taxi driver, I am frustrated by frequent fare evasions. Despite warning notices displayed, the number of people evading fares continues to increase ("More leaving cabs without paying up"; last Wednesday).
We work hard and honestly to deliver a service to every passenger. It is grossly unfair when we are denied our fare upon the completion of this service. It is even more disappointing that when we take the passenger to the police, we are told to file a claim with our company and wait for action by the Land Transport Authority.
I am puzzled as to why the police are unable to take further action against such passengers. When someone assaults taxi drivers or shoplifts, the police can make an arrest and charge this person in court.
However, the police are unable to do so in a fare evasion case because the law comes under the Public Transport Council.
To send a strong message of deterrence, I strongly urge the authorities to review the existing procedures and allow the police to take some form of immediate action when taxi drivers report a case of fare evasion.
I hope the law can protect cabbies from both assault and fare evasion.
Henry Tay Choon Chua
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