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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 20-04-2022, 09:38 PM
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Need recommendation for macpherson mall

Hi all bros, I plan to go macpherson mall to give it a try on the pub. Any recommendations for any pub that with nice actions? Thanks 🙏

Last edited by justin_86; 21-04-2022 at 11:36 PM.
Old 23-04-2022, 06:43 PM
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Don't go there waste money la those pubs lousy and no syt. Watered down beer and only aunties and uncles looking for aunties.yucks

Originally Posted by justin_86 View Post
Hi all bros, I plan to go macpherson mall to give it a try on the pub. Any recommendations for any pub that with nice actions? Thanks 🙏
Old 25-04-2022, 11:39 PM
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Re: Need recommendation for macpherson mall

Originally Posted by justin_86 View Post
Hi all bros, I plan to go macpherson mall to give it a try on the pub. Any recommendations for any pub that with nice actions? Thanks 🙏
Not much action . Most only allow you to slightly hug around their waist . Those with big boob, most likely you become suoer regular to them , give good tips , and they like you. Then maybe can teh neh neh abjt discreetly.

Most ger don’t go hotel with you after that. Or maybe my pocket not big enough . Lol .
Old 25-04-2022, 11:52 PM
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Re: Macpherson Mall recommendation

I have gone a few pub there.
MX 2nd floor ( big area and I would say this pub have the most girls , mostly they goes by LD, allow singing from 5 -8 pm I think . After that disco music )
666 2nd floor ( went one time before but I think there got nice gers before , saw a few goes in and out )

1892 1st floor ( have good regular customer base , they don’t allow outside freelance girl to work . They have their own ger working therefore is always the same selection . Tips base . )

Sakura 1st floor ( tips and ld, the boss will bring LD and ask you wan to buy or not , don’t really like this approach . I always reject and give tips instead )

Runway B1 ( , waitress not that pretty , have some girls working but customer base abit rough. Sometime got fight . Tips and Ld)

Base B1 ( waitress got 1 or 2 not bad , have some girls working . Tips and LD same sometime got gangster type customer, chanting ….also got fight before )

By the way the girls between runway and base sometime butterfly each pub if own pub have less customers. They just oppsite each other .

These two pub also have girls customers Coming for drink or play . So don’t anyhow touch later tio hoot . Lol
Old 26-04-2022, 10:28 PM
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Re: Macpherson Mall recommendation

Got one a few stops after macpherson mall. Malaysian syt. Teasing on point. Price point slightly on the high side.
Old 26-04-2022, 11:39 PM
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Re: Macpherson Mall recommendation

Originally Posted by potterlee View Post
Got one a few stops after macpherson mall. Malaysian syt. Teasing on point. Price point slightly on the high side.
bro can share more details
Old 28-04-2022, 03:29 PM
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Originally Posted by shiroi View Post
I have gone a few pub there.
MX 2nd floor ( big area and I would say this pub have the most girls , mostly they goes by LD, allow singing from 5 -8 pm I think . After that disco music )
666 2nd floor ( went one time before but I think there got nice gers before , saw a few goes in and out )

1892 1st floor ( have good regular customer base , they don’t allow outside freelance girl to work . They have their own ger working therefore is always the same selection . Tips base . )

Sakura 1st floor ( tips and ld, the boss will bring LD and ask you wan to buy or not , don’t really like this approach . I always reject and give tips instead )

Runway B1 ( , waitress not that pretty , have some girls working but customer base abit rough. Sometime got fight . Tips and Ld)

Base B1 ( waitress got 1 or 2 not bad , have some girls working . Tips and LD same sometime got gangster type customer, chanting ….also got fight before )

By the way the girls between runway and base sometime butterfly each pub if own pub have less customers. They just oppsite each other .

These two pub also have girls customers Coming for drink or play . So don’t anyhow touch later tio hoot . Lol
Wah thanks for the comprehensive info, are level 2 pubs OK for solo drinker? Also what are the tip/ld rates nowadays? Long time never drink with vietbu already...
Old 28-04-2022, 03:35 PM
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Re: Macpherson Mall recommendation

Originally Posted by obeyyodude View Post
Wah thanks for the comprehensive info, are level 2 pubs OK for solo drinker? Also what are the tip/ld rates nowadays? Long time never drink with vietbu already...
Solo level 2 is ok. But beware one ger come follow by her group of sisters . Sometime you ps also will buy for her sister . But seldom la.

$tip goes from $50 which is more of standard price nowaday .
Ld is $25 per glass but normally will get 2 glass at least. The pub take 20% if I not wrong .

But if you are a new comer , mostly come to you maybe is those freelance on holiday . Those lao jiao , Spass/ pr/ student pass will go for their regular customer first as mostly they will not rejected or the cusotmer run away without paying tips
Old 29-04-2022, 10:58 AM
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Originally Posted by shiroi View Post
I have gone a few pub there.
MX 2nd floor ( big area and I would say this pub have the most girls , mostly they goes by LD, allow singing from 5 -8 pm I think . After that disco music )
666 2nd floor ( went one time before but I think there got nice gers before , saw a few goes in and out )

1892 1st floor ( have good regular customer base , they don’t allow outside freelance girl to work . They have their own ger working therefore is always the same selection . Tips base . )

Sakura 1st floor ( tips and ld, the boss will bring LD and ask you wan to buy or not , don’t really like this approach . I always reject and give tips instead )

Runway B1 ( , waitress not that pretty , have some girls working but customer base abit rough. Sometime got fight . Tips and Ld)

Base B1 ( waitress got 1 or 2 not bad , have some girls working . Tips and LD same sometime got gangster type customer, chanting ….also got fight before )

By the way the girls between runway and base sometime butterfly each pub if own pub have less customers. They just oppsite each other .

These two pub also have girls customers Coming for drink or play . So don’t anyhow touch later tio hoot . Lol
Thanks for the information.
Old 10-05-2022, 02:53 AM
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Re: Macpherson Mall recommendation

Just explored the mall after eating lok lok in the area. saw some pretty vietbu at 666 but they close at 12am. might return for further investigations
Old 22-05-2022, 09:08 PM
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Re: Macpherson Mall recommendation

Went to the club 1892 a few days ago, on a Thursday night. As usual I was alone and ordered a tower, my focus was more on singing songs, the karaoke system is standard one solid la.

I had close to no expectations and I am so relieved that I did not, no girl approached me at all, but at the same time there is only about 8 or even less regular girls working in there, all so obviously going for their regular customers and get that LD drinks commission.

I finished my tower literally all alone and i was enjoying myself at singing songs instead, I was so drunk that when the uncle towkay came over, we had a quick chat, I told him I was so bored and I am not coming back to club 1892 because girls here are obviously gunning for regulars and LD drinks and I get that system but not for my tasting I suppose. The towkay actually tried to do real last min damage control but asking a girl to sit with me when I am leaving in 5 mins, I said no of cos.

I actually like to drink more often at MacPherson mall because it's nearer to where I live but I actually will give this place a major pass. I am not a fan of LD concept with a minimum of 100 bucks to get hugs from older girls who are not that hot, I am milf lover but I seen better stock on Joo Chiat Pebbles right now and unless you want to be regular customer at the pubs like 1892, runway and base in Macpherson mall, chances are you will get the cold bochup treatment like me and u drink alone gao gao, just sharing my experience, good for those bros who are regulars
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Old 22-05-2022, 10:21 PM
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Re: Macpherson Mall recommendation

Originally Posted by mackewell View Post
Went to the club 1892 a few days ago, on a Thursday night. As usual I was alone and ordered a tower, my focus was more on singing songs, the karaoke system is standard one solid la.

I had close to no expectations and I am so relieved that I did not, no girl approached me at all, but at the same time there is only about 8 or even less regular girls working in there, all so obviously going for their regular customers and get that LD drinks commission.

I finished my tower literally all alone and i was enjoying myself at singing songs instead, I was so drunk that when the uncle towkay came over, we had a quick chat, I told him I was so bored and I am not coming back to club 1892 because girls here are obviously gunning for regulars and LD drinks and I get that system but not for my tasting I suppose. The towkay actually tried to do real last min damage control but asking a girl to sit with me when I am leaving in 5 mins, I said no of cos.

I actually like to drink more often at MacPherson mall because it's nearer to where I live but I actually will give this place a major pass. I am not a fan of LD concept with a minimum of 100 bucks to get hugs from older girls who are not that hot, I am milf lover but I seen better stock on Joo Chiat Pebbles right now and unless you want to be regular customer at the pubs like 1892, runway and base in Macpherson mall, chances are you will get the cold bochup treatment like me and u drink alone gao gao, just sharing my experience, good for those bros who are regulars
I verify this experience. I am also one who will hang out alone at M2 because it's near my place. But none of the places are worth sticking to. Surprised you mentioned Pebbles - it used to be a very run-down place with not much ladies during covid season. It was mostly not even open anyway. I think there was a change of ownership.

What beer do they serve there?
Old 22-05-2022, 10:31 PM
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Re: Macpherson Mall recommendation

Originally Posted by telegram View Post
I verify this experience. I am also one who will hang out alone at M2 because it's near my place. But none of the places are worth sticking to. Surprised you mentioned Pebbles - it used to be a very run-down place with not much ladies during covid season. It was mostly not even open anyway. I think there was a change of ownership.

What beer do they serve there?
Their beer koyak one, seems like it's Bavaria, I am actually surprised that I am saying pebbles is the place to check out because I did see girls come to ask me if want to sit with me, even though most are milfs and maybe 1 out of 10 is really pretty, but at least got stock, bunker imo damn sian, cannot sing song liao, pebbles can sing song, then s box wise I just share my experience on the joo chiat thread, can check it out
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Old 22-05-2022, 10:55 PM
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Re: Macpherson Mall recommendation

Originally Posted by mackewell View Post
Their beer koyak one, seems like it's Bavaria, I am actually surprised that I am saying pebbles is the place to check out because I did see girls come to ask me if want to sit with me, even though most are milfs and maybe 1 out of 10 is really pretty, but at least got stock, bunker imo damn sian, cannot sing song liao, pebbles can sing song, then s box wise I just share my experience on the joo chiat thread, can check it out
Bavaria is one of the most disgusting beer I've had. It can really spoil my appetite for anything.

Recently I think better blood at AGun bro, do check it out.
Old 22-05-2022, 11:00 PM
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Re: Macpherson Mall recommendation

Originally Posted by telegram View Post
Bavaria is one of the most disgusting beer I've had. It can really spoil my appetite for anything.

Recently I think better blood at AGun bro, do check it out.
Cool man, good to know even though A Gun can't sing song
Pattaya, Pattaya,
Pattaya, Pattaya, Phuuying love you mak mak,

Go Tony, Hollywood, Marine Bar Disco,
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